if the u s of a wants loans made

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
how about a national bank

to hell with the other banks surviving or not

let them rise or fall on their own merits

pluses are:

no dividends or profits required

no bonuses to be paid to over zealous brokers or managers

if the feds want home loans to be made, then let them set the rules and obey them

scrap freddie mae and fannie mac or incorporate them into a national bank

keep fha and incorporate it into a national bank

hell, this cannot be worse than the government underwriting of businesses

which, by the way, are taking advantage of low federal loans to pay off their federal bailout loans
government screws up everything, badly, by its very nature and you want them to run a national bank? with their fiscal record? dear god, are you insane?
government screws up everything, badly, by its very nature and you want them to run a national bank? with their fiscal record? dear god, are you insane?

yes, but not stupid

private banks could still exist

however, since we have had to bailout banks due to bad lending practices, if a person could not get a loan from the national bank, they could try a private bank

or maybe a national bank could be limited as to the type(s) of loans they could make

while i have no doubt that a national bank would have its problems, look at how well today's banks have screwed up
Yeah, the recent bailout shows how badly the private banks have been mismanaged.

But the federal government taking over banks?

As bad as the banking industry has gotten, so anyone actually think the government would do even that well?

Look at what they have done with budgets. We are trillions in debt. Are those really the people we want handling all themoney?
The market screws it up worse.

But in this intance, the knowledge of ultimate bailout is what motivated private banks and others to keep growing this impossible and irrational bubble.

What we have here is fascism, boys and girls. Stop fearing the word.
Yeah, the recent bailout shows how badly the private banks have been mismanaged.

But the federal government taking over banks?

As bad as the banking industry has gotten, so anyone actually think the government would do even that well?

Look at what they have done with budgets. We are trillions in debt. Are those really the people we want handling all themoney?

not all the money, it would be restricted to loans that would have to be paid back unless they are defaulted, but that is what we have now

the government pressured banks to make more loans to low income people that could not normally buy homes