If you reject Religion you don't have to be an Atheist

Wilhelm Zenz

Verified User
Religion is toxic, it causes wars, hatred bigotry, and holds back progress. But does that mean there is no god? The Deists were rationalists who felt dogmatically accepting religion was dangerous, but they also felt from observation of nature there just had to be a god, and man in order to be a moral being needed the guidance of a moral creed, but that the specific nature of god was unknowable.. does the destructive nature of organized religion prove there is no god, or only that mans nature is flawed ?
Fuck atheism, fuck theism, and I would love to have fucked Betty Page.

If people want to make a blind guess that there is a GOD...fine. Let 'em make that blind guess.

If people want to make a blind guess that no gods exist...fine. Let 'em make that blind guess.

If people want to acknowledge that there is no rational, logical reason to guess in either direction...let 'em.
The entire universe,
this including all that occurs within it,
is merely the random confluence of sub-atomic particles.
That's pretty obvious by now.

The source of the particles appears unknowable at this time,
but we can plainly see that the source is exerting no influence on the particles,
either now nor at anytime in recorded history.

Knowing this only gives one a reason to stop thinking about it,
but only if the particles within one interact in a way to let one forget about it.

As soon as that fucking sperm with your name on it
won the swimming race to the egg,
you were royally fucked.

Deal with it or don't.
You probably don't have a choice anyway.

You now know the meaning of life,
or more accurately,
the lack of same.

Your welcome.

<I have no idea what these people would do without me.>
Religion is toxic, it causes wars, hatred bigotry, and holds back progress. But does that mean there is no god? The Deists were rationalists who felt dogmatically accepting religion was dangerous, but they also felt from observation of nature there just had to be a god, and man in order to be a moral being needed the guidance of a moral creed, but that the specific nature of god was unknowable.. does the destructive nature of organized religion prove there is no god, or only that mans nature is flawed ?

I have no way of knowing whether there is a god(s), or not. As for flaws in mankind's nature, that's a value judgment often based on religious beliefs. For example most of us teach our children that being selfish is a negative trait even though we all possess it because it's an evolutionary advantage. Many religions promote generosity, at least to those in the believer's own community.

You're right -- religion in general has caused a great deal of harm to human kind. It has also done a great deal of good... like promoting generosity.
if you look at all the studies and i dont know why this is probably some other variable like education or income levels the less relgious a nation is the less crime it genrally has
I always found the 'God' concept pretty baffling, but it never occurred to me to define myself in terms of it, one way or the other. Both Jesus and the Buddha had things to say that I find extremely useful in living, as. in very different ways did Darwin and Marx. I think the trick is to use your head and never bother posturing.