ILA public service announcement


This is for all of the JPP marxist traitors. You know who you are. And if you don't, well if you are on this thread ban list then that is who you are.

Going forward until I decide otherwise. You are hereby on ignore. You can feel free to respond to my posts if you desire, but I will not be reading them. I have decided I have no room in my life for traitorous marxists.

I am not going anywhere. I am not leaving JPP, but arguing with traitors with the IQ of 10 isn't worth the time
Why do leftists continue to respond to me knowing they are on ignore.

Save yourself the trouble. It isn't worth your time.

You are all dead to me for supporting cheating in our elections
This is for all of the JPP marxist traitors. You know who you are. And if you don't, well if you are on this thread ban list then that is who you are.

Going forward until I decide otherwise. You are hereby on ignore. You can feel free to respond to my posts if you desire, but I will not be reading them. I have decided I have no room in my life for traitorous marxists.

I am not going anywhere. I am not leaving JPP, but arguing with traitors with the IQ of 10 isn't worth the time

Awwwwwww...the delicate little Trumpkin snowflake had decided listening to a different opinion is just too much for his delicate disposition to handle.

My day has just been made!!


Could someone please get the poor baby some soothing salve for his chapped buttocks?