I'll keep it SHORT, for Blackascoal.


New member

Before war price equals X

Iraq is attacked, price no longer equals X and continues on a fast meteroic rise.

It doesn't take high school genius to interpret this ...

Blackascoal makes the mistake of a 9th-grade student, studying Causality, which is the study of Cause and Effect, or studying Logic and Reason, a subject taught too infrequently, one of the CAUSES of Ultra-Left Liberalism. He says:
"Before war price equals X"
"Iraq is attacked, price no longer equals X and continues on a fast meteroic rise."

"It doesn't take high school genius to interpret this ..."
No, BAC, it takes a High School DROPOUT. Following YOUR Logic, Cause X = Effect Y,
I can state:
#1.) Every person, who has ever died of Cancer, has eaten Bread, and has drank Water. Therefore, Bread and Water causes CANCER. #2) Every person, who has ever been in a car accident, has handled paper money. Therefore, Handling Paper Money Causes CAR ACCIDENTS.

See how Great your Logic works, now, blackascoal?
Blackascoal must've got REAL MAD at me, because after I showed him how Brilliantly Stupid his Logic/Causality theories were, he called me a "little boy, and not a man".
I'm STILL trying to find a Big Enough Hankie to dry my eyes, from THAT one, Blackie!
C'mon, Black, baby, don't Hate the Playa, Hate the Game, Haaha!
Don't get upset, I was only funnin' ya! Like how I mix Theoretical Reasoning Skills with slang? Why do you think I'm called Jollie? Do you have ANY IDEA of the attacks I've had to endure, on this site, and from other Liberals?
The only thing that SAVES me is my Sense of Humor. And I will take your comment of calling me a "boy" as a Compliment. May we ALL retain at least a PIECE of our Childhood,our Sense of Wonder, and Awe, at Ridiculous People!

:BKick: :duel: :cry: :mun: :bleh: :hug: :fart: