Illegal alien commits crimes, San Fran refuses to deport, now he murders three


New member
Same old story. Some hood walks over the border and starts committing crimes. Do-gooders in San Francisco decide it's not right to turn him over to Immigration, so they just let him go after a few wrist slaps. Now, instead of being back in his home country and out of our hair, he has murdered three people.

Our immigration laws say that when someone wants to come into this country, they must go through a background check. This is to weed out bad actors who have a habit of committing crimes, and refusing them entry.

I don't know if this guy had a habit of committing crimes back in his home country. Because nobody checked. Because he decided to evade such a check (among other things) by breaking the law and entering the country illegally. If he didn't have that habit there, he sure developed it in a hurry here.

And San Francisco didn't care. And so they let him stay, even after he started committing crimes there. And San Francisco used him to tell the Feds to take a running jump into a lake. And now three San Franciscans are dead.

It would be easy to say that San Francisco is getting the government they deserve. Maybe decent people - such as those who don't want to be murdered - should start moving out of San Francisco, so those remaining truly WILL get the government they deserve.

Too late for three people to move out, though.

Too bad. And no sign of San Francisco changing its policy toward lawbreaking aliens. Apparently they STILL think it's more important to tell the anti-illegla-immiration people to take a hike, than to help keep their population alive. Can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, you see.


Widow Wants San Francisco Sanctuary Law Changed After Illegal Charged With Murder

Monday, July 21, 2008

A San Francisco woman whose husband and two sons were gunned down last month — allegedly by an illegal immigrant who remained in the city despite previous crimes — is demanding the city do something about its sanctuary law.

Danielle Bologna was widowed on June 22 when Edwin Ramos, 21, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, allegedly gunned down her husband, Anthony, and two sons, Matthew and Michael, in a road rage incident when her family was returning from a picnic.

Ramos has been charged with three counts of murder in the case, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

"It was a senseless crime, and had they done something this animal would not have taken my family," Bologna told FOX News on Monday. "I feel that the government should have stepped in. I feel that they allow these immigrants to come in and how dare they strip our families like this."

The Chronicle reported that Ramos was convicted of two gang-related felonies while a juvenile and remained in San Francisco because the Juvenile Probation Department did not alert federal authorities. San Francisco's 1989 "City of Refuge" ordinance prohibits city agencies from contacting the feds on immigration matters.

Drug Dealers Going Free Under San Francisco Sanctuary Law Video
I Want Justice

The newspaper also found that federal officials knew about Ramos' immigration status in March when he was arrested on a gun charge, though they couldn't tell the Chronicle why they didn't put an immigration hold on Ramos.

Bologna blames the city.

"It should have been resolved at the beginning, when this guy had done more than one crime in the city," she told FOX News. "I want justice. I want the people to see: If my family wasn’t safe, what makes you think yours will be?"
Looks like nobody can find anything to say about San Francisco's policy of ignoring Federal law, even when it results directly in the death of its own citizens. Just the usual snarling and namecalling at the messenger.

Back to the subject:
Perhaps the sensible people of San Francisco (the ones who don't think letting its citizens be murdered just to defy legal Federal statutes is a good idea) should just start moving out of the city, and taking their decency (and their tax dollars) with them.

Then the citizens of San Fran WOULD get the government they deserve.
I think that if any illegal alien commits a crime, he should be deported...does san fran's sanctuary law really state that they are not to notify immigration on FELON illegals? I find this hard to believe.....they are idiots if this is truely the case....