Illegal-Alien Free Zones Balances Sanctuary Cities


Verified User
I am shocked, shocked, that illegal aliens is going on here:

Illegal-alien free zones is a consummation devoutly to be wished. The wish can never be fulfilled with people like this:

That was quick. It took less than a week for rookie New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand to jettison her support for immigration law enforcement under pressure from Hispanic politicians. Apparently the rule of law means one thing in upstate New York, which Gillibrand represented in Congress, and another thing in New York City, where she has been hearing from the illegal alien lobby. Last week, that lobby mounted a public relations war declaring that the new Senate appointee would face a very short Senate sojourn if she continued to oppose amnesty for illegal aliens and to back a raft of measures acknowledging the difference between legal and illegal immigration.

Gillibrand has emerged from that ordeal a new woman. According to the New York Times, she is now OK with so-called sanctuary cities, jurisdictions that declare themselves immigration-law free zones and prohibit their employees from reporting immigration violations or cooperating with federal law enforcement authorities. As a Congresswoman, she had voted to penalize such cities, New York being one of them. Perhaps before casting her previous vote, she had heard about the grilling New York City officials got in Congress in 2002 after a gang of five Mexicans—four of them illegal—abducted and brutally raped a 42-year-old mother of two near some railroad tracks in Queens. The NYPD had already arrested three of the illegal aliens numerous times for such crimes as assault, attempted robbery, criminal trespass, illegal gun possession, and drug offenses, but had never notified the INS about their presence in the U.S.

The new Gillibrand is also pledging to help repeal a federal bill that discourages states from allowing illegal aliens to pay low in-state tuition fees.

This is just the start of her transformation. The Latino officials who met with her last week in the offices of El Diario are far from happy; they have a list of other measures from the pre-Enlightenment Gillibrand— such as allowing employers to require English in the workplace and allowing properly trained police officers to enforce immigration laws—that will have to go if she wants to avoid a bruising battle to hold on to her Senate seat in 2010. [She won in 2010 and now wants to be president.]

The Gillibrand rebranding speaks to how well Hispanic politicians and advocates have learned the political ropes. If the public at large, which continues to believe that illegal immigration is against the law, fails to exert comparable pressure on its representatives, it can hardly complain if those representatives listen to the best organized lobbies. But the Gillibrand story provides a window into the future of immigration policy in this country, and possibly of the rule of law. [The rule of law goes out the window whenever Democrat scum need votes.]

Monday, February 02, 2009
The Gillibrand Rebranding
Heather Mac Donald

Kirsten Gillibrand did a flip-flop on immigration. She was tough on illegals before she was selected to fill out Clinton’s term. She played kissy-kissy with illegals in order to get a full term in 2010. Illegals even had a lobby as the article details. It is rolling over for the Latino community that I am trying to understand.

The exact number of illegal aliens in this country is elusive. Twelve million seems to be the popular consensus. Trying to determine how they are spread around in fifty states is a puzzle that would intrigue Sherlock Holmes.

It is pretty much assumed that the majority of Latinos, legal and illegal, live in California, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, and Texas. For the sake of convenience lets say that one million illegals live in each of those states, and the remaining six million are spread across the other 44 states. Working with twelve million as a base, putting more than one million illegals in any state naturally reduces the number elsewhere.

Illegals cannot, or are not supposed to, vote; so they can be dismissed. Conventional wisdom says that Latinos eligible to vote will vote against any candidate who is tough on illegals. I do not believe that is true. Legal residents surely know that illegals are placing a strain on the entire system; everything from healthcare to education to housing. I cannot understand why anyone would put illegals ahead of themselves and their children. And remember that Americans who want to stop illegal immigrants from coming, and then getting citizenship, does not mean discriminating against all Latinos.

Another assumption is that every eligible Latino votes. I do not believe that either. More to the point, the entire state votes in US Senate elections. That surely dilutes the clout of a single voting bloc. I know of no state where Latinos outnumber everyone else.

I can easily see a minority voting bloc in specific districts determining elections for the House of Representatives, but not for the US Senate. Kirsten Gillibrand has probably been told that the Beltway establishment is for open-borders. The message is: Get onboard or get out of town. Her cover story for flip-flopping is the old Latino vote come election time.

Even if there is some truth in the power of the Latino vote over every other voting bloc in the six states I listed, that is only 12 senators. That still leaves 88 senators from the other 44 states where Latinos do not influence senate elections. The MSM, and politicians, want Americans to believe that Latinos influence elections in every state. That is just not true.

So why are the borders still open? Why were they opened in the first place?

Americans will never get illegal-alien free zones so long as the Democrat Party has so much legislative power in its hands.

United Nations free zones is another matter. More importantly, U.N.-free zones is the only justification needed to protect, defend, and enforce the Second Amendment’s intent:

Bud Trowbridge, whose grandfather settled in John Day in 1862, said he's ready to use force to protect his property from the United Nations. "We're trying to avoid a fight. But we still got our guns," he said.

Frustrations with government bubble up in rural Oregon
Jun 3, 2002

This aspect of the fight for sovereignty in Oregon had the residents posting:


There is one thing in John Enders piece that drew my attention:

“William Luers, a former U.S. ambassador and now president of the United Nations Association of the USA, said the anti-U.N. sentiment is absurd.

‘The United Nations absolutely has no capacity, resources or forces to take over anything in the world,’ Luers said.”

I listed a few of the reasons that I believe will show the above statement by Mr. Luers to be misleading:

1. Elected international Socialists who never campaign for office based on their support of the U.N. have given the U.N. ever-increasing political authority beyond belief.

2. The U.N. is well-funded which means it has extraordinary resources. Former President Clinton wanted to insure that those resources would continue to flow to the U.N. when he threatened to propose legislation that would require the American taxpayer to pay its annual U.N. dues. U.N. dues is not a fixed dollar amount. America’s annual dues is 23 percent of whatever the U.N. decides to spend.

3. The U.N. has an exceptionally well-funded judicial system which is even now trying defendants in The Hague. Many foreign governments are conspiring in the U.N. to legitimize the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the sole purpose of diminishing American sovereignty.

4. The U.N. controls an armed force of military personnel that is called a “peacekeeping force.” The U.N. defines the word “peace.” For instance: If the U.N. decides the residents of Grant County, Oregon are not peaceful in defense of their property, or even their country, the U.N. could send its peacekeeping troops into Oregon. Any troops deployed in the U.S. would consist of troops from countries that hate the U.S. to begin with.

5. U.N. advocates would not dream of sending peacekeepers into Communist China, but should a president holding the same international beliefs that are held by the Clintons and other leading Democrats be commander in chief at the time, he or she would order the U.S. military to stand down and allow U.N. troops to complete their mission.

6. The U.N., through the Ministry of Propaganda (FCC), would instruct the electronic media to tell the rest of the country that the residents of Grant County are armed extremists trying to overthrow the government. Using U.N. peacekeepers on American soil would be justified by explaining they are best suited to handle the “rebellion” because U.N.-controlled land is involved in the conflict.

7. Environmental groups, advancing U.N. policy, are funded in large part by tax dollars. Those tax dollars are used to further a political agenda as well as control private property and public lands. It is not too far of a stretch to say that the U.N. is taking control of those lands. Any concerned group, or individual, opposing U.N. land-grab efforts must fund their political cause with their own resources.

8. Even when the President and the U.S. Senate renounce a U.N. treaty, Kyoto for example, Socialists in Congress manage to implement provisions of that treaty. I would say that is taking over something. Namely: the mechanics of the federal government.

If the U.N. could make so many inroads in the Unites States, just think of what it is doing in countries where most people have no private property to defend. A substantial portion of the world’s population do not even understand how private property Rights are intertwined with individual liberties. U.N. educational efforts teach uneducated people all about their responsibilities to the environment, but it cannot seem to teach those same people the practical applications and benefits of individual liberty. One of the things U.N. advocates have always done is to use those politically naive people as a threat by turning the Third World against the United States.

Prior to 1945, the American people were respected and much-admired around the world. As the U.N.’s influence grew in world affairs; so did the image of the “ugly American.” Hatred directed toward the United States flourished because many Americans would not be frightened into giving their sovereignty over to Third World controls.

U.N. propaganda in foreign lands depicted Americans as those shallow, greedy, people who were standing in the way of a utopian world simply because they were trying to hang onto private property Rights, individual liberties, and a sovereign nation’s Right to maintain secure borders. American public trough intellectuals further exploited the ugly American characterization for self-serving purposes, knowing full well that that widely-held perception of their fellow countrymen is false. U.S. membership in an organization that is destined to become a supreme world government was the beginning of anti-American sentiments throughout the world.

American Socialists have been very successful in avoiding the just label of “Communists.” The media never identifies Left-Wing Democrats as Socialists, let alone label them as Communists. In the same vain, the U.N. is seldom connected to Socialism in any public discussions; even by those who oppose the U.N. or openly oppose Socialism/Communism. Those two masterpieces of political misdirection are a testament to how effective U.N. advocates have been in every area of propaganda.

Finally, a one government world administered by the United Nations is the sole reason the media defended the United Nations since the early 1950s:

David Rockefeller's 1991 Bilderberg
Quote...Ten Years Later

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."

He went on to explain:

"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."

-- David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle

p.s. Oregon had company:

Utah town goes 'U.N. free'
Lin Alder Aug. 27, 2001

Stop The United Nations from OWNING your Hometown Outright
By Judi McLeod
June 22, 2019

p.s. Oregon had company:

Utah town goes 'U.N. free'
Lin Alder Aug. 27, 2001

I was hoping it was the start of a sovereignty movement:

LaVerkin Council declares town a U.N.-Free Zone
By Nancy Perkins
Deseret News correspondent
Published: July 5, 2001 12:00 am
Updated: July 5, 2001 11:12 a.m.

It has been 18 years since U.N.-Free Zones first appeared. A lot has happened since 2001. Maybe there is now enough to make the entire U.S. a U.N.-free zone by passing H.R. 204:

Withdrawing is in sight now that the American people’s innate hatred of the United Nations has grown in leaps and bounds since 2001.

Americans who kneel at the “International” community’s alter are learning to drop the word:

Over 1,600 towns and counties in the U.S. are members of ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). They have now changed their name to Local Governments for Sustainability; it takes the “international” out of the equation and thus the illegality of meddling in our sovereign local zoning affairs.

That is a helluva concession considering the word International is the most sacred word in the Socialist bible. Socialists dropping the word is akin to Christians blackballing the word love.

NOTE: I use the upper case ‘I’ because International is a noun 99 times out of 100 you read it, or hear it on TV. It is always a noun when used in conjunction with the United Nations and its agencies. Also, labor unions are usually titled the International Brotherhood of this, that, and whatever. The remaining one percent of the time international is an adjective. A few folks know the difference case when they read it, but no one makes the conversion to the uppercase when they hear it spoken.

international (adjective)
Abbr. int., intl.

1. Of, relating to, or involving two or more nations: an international commission; international affairs.

2. Extending across or transcending national boundaries: international fame.

International (noun)

Any of several socialist organizations of international scope formed during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

United Nations conspiracy

All federal agencies deny any connection to UN Agenda 21 and label people who bring it up as “agenders,” which is a polite way of saying “tin foil/mad hatters.” J. Gary Lawrence, advisor to President Clinton’s President Council on Sustainable Development, said in 1998:

“Participating in a United Nations advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy-fixated groups and individuals in our society…This segment of our society who fear ‘one-world government’ and a United Nations invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away, would actively work to defeat elected official who joined the ‘conspiracy’ by undertaking local UN Agenda 21. So we call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management, or smart growth.”

The Global Warming/Globalist Crowd is on the March Again
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
Sunday, May 6, 2012

The U.N.’s environmental fraud has been exposed so many times in so many ways the scam should have been assigned to the list of great pyramid schemes by now. No such luck. U.N. environmental conspirators still talk as though they are telling the truth with nothing to hide.

U.N.-free zones

There is one bright spot on the local level. Back in 2001 the residents of Grant County, Oregon declared their county a U.N.-free zone. They must have made a dent in the U.N.’s conspiracy because in February of 2011 Susan Rice pooh-poohed Grant County:

When Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, spoke to The Oregonian's editorial board Friday, she was asked what she thought of the Eastern Oregon County that has declared itself to be a "UN-free zone."

Rice laughed, asked more about it and then said, "The UN has no jurisdiction anywhere."

The fear about the United Nations infringing on the sovereignty of Grant County - or anywhere else in the U.S. - is "not grounded in reality," she said. "The UN can't tax us, the UN can't change our laws, the UN has no black helicopter fleet - it's a fantasy."

United Nations ambassador says Grant County's 'U.N.-free zone' is 'not grounded in reality'
Published: Friday, February 11, 2011, 2:45 PM Updated: Saturday, February 12, 2011, 2:23 PM

Suzy Five Shows lied through her teeth before she lied about Banghazi. She knew very well that for all intents and purposes the EPA is imposing a U.N. tax on Americans, confiscating private property, and enforcing regulations as though they are law. The U.N. is also attempting to change our laws with U.N. treaties, and take control of the US military under the guise of a peacekeeping force. That force will supply the black helicopters Suzy says do not exist should Americans ever turn to revolution to get the U.N. out of the U.S.

NOTE: The United Nations has been dictating this country’s immigration policies for decades.

U.N. environmentalists went so far as to insist that the American people put American territory and natural resources into some sort of a Terra Firma Trust Fund (TFTF) for the Third World’s future use. I think it is called a Green Belt or Green Zone or something like that. It is supposed to run from Alaska down to the southern tip of South America. I have not heard much about the U.N.’s land grab lately, but to no one’s surprise, many well-known Hollywood luminaries were all for it — mainly to protect their own privacy in those sparsely populated areas in the Western United States they call home.

Finally, where would the U.N. be without Al Gore? He reminds me of that Twilight Zone TV show where the visiting aliens say they only want to serve man. As humans willingly load onto a space ship at the end of the show an alien book is finally deciphered only to find it is a cook book. Al Gore just got back from visiting the mother ship with the same message: He wants to serve man by saving the planet. Anybody that buys his message is headed for the stew pot.

Meteorologist: Gore going insane with 'bullsh–'
'Tipper certainly deserves better than this buffoon'
Published: 14 hours ago