Illegal Immigrant Accused Of Killing Florida Deputy In Line Of Duty


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When will Biden be held responsible for the murderers he is allowing into the country. A police officer killed by another murderer Biden allowed to enter this country

A Florida deputy was killed in the line of duty allegedly by an illegal immigrant, Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) said Friday.
Sergeant Michael Kunovich, a 25-year veteran of the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office, died following an altercation with Vergilio Aguilar Mendez on the evening of May 19, according to the sheriff’s office. Kunovich reportedly attempted to pat down the suspect for weapons when Mendez attempted to flee and a six-minute struggle ensued. After the suspect was finally disarmed and detained, Kunovich collapsed and was later pronounced dead at the hospital, authorities said. Sergeant Michael Kunovich was killed in the line of duty by an illegal immigrant who took advantage of our open border. Our prayers go out to the Kunovich family and the entire [St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office] community during this time,” DeSantis said. “Joe Biden’s reckless immigration policies are deadly – it is no way to run a country.”While resisting arrest and fighting on the ground for six minutes and 19 seconds, the suspect allegedly attempted to grab the sergeant’s taser. After being handcuffed, authorities said that Mendez “armed himself with a pocket knife,” but deputies forcefully removed the weapon.
Kunovich collapsed after the struggle, and St. Johns County Fire and Rescue and Flagler Health+ personnel performed life-saving measures on the deputy, but he died at the hospital. It remains unclear how exactly Kunovich died.
Mendez has been charged with resisting with violence and felony murder. The St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office said that Homeland Security Investigations was assisting in verifying the suspect’s identity and immigration status.
In fact, people who cross borders commit fewer crimes than Americans already here. They also start more businesses. You are as usual pretending an incident represents the whole. You are showing your hate for the people, the immigrants,whot made America the success it is.
In fact, people who cross borders commit fewer crimes than Americans already here. They also start more businesses. You are as usual pretending an incident represents the whole. You are showing your hate for the people, the immigrants,whot made America the success it is.

More democrat lies
In fact, people who cross borders commit fewer crimes than Americans already here. They also start more businesses. You are as usual pretending an incident represents the whole. You are showing your hate for the people, the immigrants,whot made America the success it is.

That's not true, at least for ones that cross illegally. They are far more likely to commit crimes, starting with illegal entry. Legal immigrants made America a success, not illegal ones. That you conflate the two shows you lack either an understanding of the difference between legal and illegal immigration or you are willfully ignorant of the difference.
That's not true, at least for ones that cross illegally. They are far more likely to commit crimes, starting with illegal entry. Legal immigrants made America a success, not illegal ones. That you conflate the two shows you lack either an understanding of the difference between legal and illegal immigration or you are willfully ignorant of the difference.

Judging by his posts, I'd say he's willfully ignorant of the difference.

The author cited by your worthless link Alex Nowrasteh, in his article here:|ba17362a-c667-46dd-9170-b112363474e3

Does the exact same thing I just cited about you. He conflates legal and illegal immigration as one-in-the-same thing. He also outright lies at points like this example:

The most contentious debate
regarding this issue concerns
whether illegal immigrants are
more likely to be criminals than
are native-born Americans or
legal immigrants. It’s important
to clarify that merely being
an illegal immigrant in the
United States is not a crime,
but rather a civil infraction.
Crimes are punished with jail
time, while civil infractions
are remedied by correcting
the infraction.

(see pg 17 of his diatribe)

Illegal entry is a CRIME.

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien

The first offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $250 and up to 6 months in jail. If convicted of a first offense, and charged with a second, it becomes a felony.

8 U.S. Code § 1326 - Reentry of removed aliens

The fine becomes up to $10,000 and 10 years in prison, 20 if found to be an aggravated case.

So, your source is discredited by failing to differentiate between legal and illegal immigration.
Yes he did because he refuses to secure the border

False. Biden and Democrats passed legislation to add more border agents. Republicans killed it. Do you have proof this guy entered the country during the Biden administration? Post it or stop lying.
In fact, people who cross borders commit fewer crimes than Americans already here. They also start more businesses. You are as usual pretending an incident represents the whole. You are showing your hate for the people, the immigrants,whot made America the success it is.

THIS ONE DIDN'T. Was he one you forgot to feed?
False. Biden and Democrats passed legislation to add more border agents. Republicans killed it. Do you have proof this guy entered the country during the Biden administration? Post it or stop lying.

The Democrats have the Majority how could the GOP stop it?
In fact, people who cross borders commit fewer crimes than Americans already here.
Too funny. Illegals commit fewer crimes than those already here because there are seventeen times as many already here. Illegals, however, commit crimes at eight times the rate of legal residents.

For everybody reading this, Nordberg is exploiting the standard disinformation used by the DNC. They know that when illegals are arrested, they are not identified as "illegal" but are instead automatically presumed to be ... wait for it ... legal residents! The status of apprehended illegals remains as "legal resident" until the DHS positively identifies them as illegals, which DHS can only do if they have had run-ins with them before. All "new" criminals, which is always the vast majority, end up remaining as "legal residents" ... and dishonest people, such as Nordberg, present a completely false narrative as though it were true ... just to support a dishonest political agenda.

Don't fall for it.

They also start more businesses.
Their businesses fail at an alarming rate after an alarmingly short period of time.

You are as usual pretending an incident represents the whole.
Nope. This is going to be you when you try to rebut what I have just posted. Bring it on.

You are showing your hate for the people,
You surprised me. I was certain that you would lead with "You're so RACIST!" ... because that's all leftists have. But, to your credit, you saved it until last, presumably so you could "finish strong."


... the immigrants,whot made America the success it is.
Did everybody catch this? Did everybody notice how Nordberg deliberately pivoted here at the end, from illegals to all immigrants? Did everybody catch Nordberg's insult fallacy that anybody who critiques the problems of illegal aliens committing crimes is somehow therefore a RACIST! who HATES all immigrants?

Nordberg, Nordberg, Nordberg ...

Just a reminder, it took 10 months for them to finally admit they lied about this innocent teenager.