I'm Asking Every One of You.


New member
I'm sure, in the cross-section of people that we have here, that we have people that are religious, go to church every Sunday, and some that are athiests, and every level in between. That doesn't matter, to this conversation.

What I am asking is, whether you have a Church group, a neighborhood barbecue a couple times a month, a Wednesday-nite Poker game , PTA meeting, WHATEVER. If you have a group that you have been ATTENDING for TWENTY YEARS, and you call the Leader "your freind", and "your spiritual advisor", would you KEEP attanding the group if you didn't AGREE wholeheartedly with them, would you have them MARRY you to your wife? And would you MAKE as "your wife", a woman who was in TOTAL AGREEMENT with this spiritual advisor, a wife who even made SPEECHES with the SAME ideals of the advisor?

I don't think ANYONE WITH A BRAIN believes that a person would be involved in this group, with these STATED ideas, for 20 years, MARRY a person with the SAME ideas, BY a Spiritual Leader with the SAME ideas, if YOU didnt have the SAME IDEAS YOURSELF! To say otherwise is idiotic. So WHY then, is it "wrong", or "unfair", to question the Anti-American, White-Hatred, rantings of Barack Obama's "Spiritual Leader" , the Rev. Jeramiah Wright.
At the end of a Good Morning America segment today about Barack Obama's pastor, the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., an Obama campaign representative complained that John McCain's pastor had not been similarly "vetted." If that's true, then ABC or some other media outlet surely should and will do so.

Let's imagine that upon vetting, McCain's pastor is found to have made statements that were the mirror-image of those that Rev. Wright has made. How long would McCain remain a viable candidate? Judge for yourself, based on Rev. Wright's statements as exposed in the GMA segment that was the result of work by ABC's chief investigative correspondent Brian Ross. GMA aired a number of clips from sermons Rev. Wright gave at his Trinity United Church of Christ.

"The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing God Bless America. No, no, no, God damn America, that's in the Bible for killing innocent people," he said in a 2003 sermon which was aired by ABC television.

"God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme."

The pastor's sermons are AVAILABLE FOR SALE AT THE CHURCH, and both ABC and Fox News broadcast the addresses.

In January, Wright spoke from the pulpit in praise of Obama's leadership, comparing his campaign to Jesus's struggles under the Romans, "Barack knows what it means living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people," Wright said. "Hillary would never know that." He went on: "Hillary ain't never been called a nigger. Hillary has never had a people defined as a non-person."
(So I guess the Rev., and Obama, who WROTE HIS BOOK WITH REV. WRIGHT, feels that we are STILL fighting slavery, huh?)

Wright also took issue with the idea that Bill Clinton was a friend to African-Americans. "Hillary is married to Bill, and Bill has been good to us. No he ain't. Bill did us, just like he did Monica Lewinsky. He was riding dirty."

On the Sunday following 9/11, Wright described the attacks as retribution for the bombing of Hiroshima, America's policy in the Middle East, and apartheid in South Africa.

The accusations of racism could prove embarrassing to Obama who has based his candidacy around a message of unity. In his sermons Wright reportedly refers to the US as being under the influence of the Ku Klux Klan, and describes black Republicans as sellouts.

Obama has been a member of the congregation of Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ in the south side of Chicago for nearly 20 years.
Alright. Let me explain something. I grew up different from many white ethnic kids in the 60's and 70's. Even though our town was 95% white, like most Connecticut suburbs back in those days, when working people could afford a house, my childhood, and viewpoint, was forever altered by Curtis Johnson, and his family.
I was one of the few teenage guitar players, and he was the ONLY drummer around. We started a band, and became best freinds for many years. His Mom wasn't a rich Black woman, FAR from it. She had a pretty good State job, she was twice divorced, so she moved her family to our town, the only Black family in our neighborhood of mostly Italian and Irish-Americans. I WISH I had a dollar, for every fight and bruise I had, for sticking up for my freind, outnumbered as we were. But as we got older, not only did I force the kids to ACCEPT Curtis, they grew to like him. I miss the band, the girls, and the fun.
So you see, I KNOW "racism" when I SEE or HEAR it. And I am SICK AND TIRED of African-Americans, especially YOUNG ones, who have lived BETTER than many Whites in this country, pulling out the "Race Card", and trying to play it every other day. EVERY FAILURE that THEY CAUSE in their life, is because of "Racism", "Slavery", and "White Supemacy". Its SICKENING, DISGUSTING, and an INSULT, to the REAL victims of racism and the warriors of the Civil Rights Movement, both Black AND White. I'm TIRED of it, and so is MOST of America. There's a few moronic jackasses on THIS site, who have called me a "racist", talked about "dues in the K.K.K., btu when I tell them how THEIR DEMOCRAT PARTY has as its "Elder Statesman" a man who has BEEN at LYNCHINGS, was a "Kleagle" (Big Shot) in the Ku Klux Klan, they are AFRAID TO RESPOND TO ME, they go run and hide, like the cowards they ARE.

Michelle Obama has Racist, and Anti-American Ideas. Rev. Jeremiah Wright has racist and Anti-American ideas. They hate Whites, and they seem to Hate America, and what it stands for. And Barack Obama is the Husband and
co-writer, the Spiritual Disciple of these two people. WHY is it wrong to see the DANGER in that? Do we NOT want to know EXACTLY what kind of man he IS, BEFORE he becomes The Most Powerful Man in the World?
Or should we do what Liberal/Socialist Democrats WANT us to do, IGNORE EVERYTHING ABOUT THE MAN, just vote for him, he will fix everything that's wrong with the country.

Ok, so let's IGNORE all the signs, all the influences that Obama, at LEAST PARTLY, harbors Anti-American resentment, Anti-White hatred because of slavery, thinks we DESERVED 9-11, because of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and because we are so mean, to the beautiful, peaceful MiddleEast Islamist Terrorists who thinks ALL Jews and Americans should be DEAD. Let's ALSO IGNORE the $875 BILLION he wants, in NEW spending, which economists say CAN'T be acquired without High Tax Increses, even if he Immediately Surrenders in Iraq, and brings all troops home,(which will signal to the psycho Terrorists, "It's time to bomb New York again, we got a SOFT one in Washington!) and kills job creation by cranking up Corporate and "Rich people" taxes. So we should IGNORE his influences, IGNORE his choice in freinds and associates(Tony"Crook" Rezco, and William "Weather Underground Bomber" Ayers"), IGNORE his Spending and Taxing Plans. Maybe we should just listen to his SPEECHES, and "Hope", for a lot of "Change".
Oh, BTW, for the whiners who can't handle the truth, as I've said many times, I'm NOT here to do your homework for you. If I put up a whole piece from another website, I'll put the URL. But I access MANY news sources, that's how I stay INFORMED. I don't RELY on Disney-ABC, ManySorelosers-NBC, or CrookedBroadcastersSysem as Gospel. I don't worship at FOX or Limbaugh, either. I use MANY sources, and I'm not going to waste my time putting up fifteen URL's, one for each sentence. The majority of the above piece is from ABC, guardian.co.uk, a British site(I find that many times foreign reports are better, because THEY aren't shilling for an American Politician, so they don't pull punches. Unless it's the French, or MiddleEast/Islamic, that is. Al-Jazeera is almost as BAD as MS-NBC!!
Jeremiah Wright is telling the truth, that's why I support Obama. And the more they play those clips, the more supporters obama will have.
i go to catholic church, went to catholic high school. and got married in church.. and i don't believe in everything they are selling.

Neither do 90% of the church goers who consistently break the rules of the church.

dont be a hypocrite.
Anyone who has seen Obama throughout this campaign can tell that this is not what he's about, and that this guy does not speak for him.

The flap about this is childish; while I think Obama should make a statement & distance himself, I also am not stupid enough to hear this guy speak and conclude "well, this is what we're electing."

Are you?
The only objectionable thing Wright has said, in my view, relates to 9/11. Having said that, I fail to see how it is any different from what Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell had to say about the matter, and they are (were in Falwell's case) regular advisers to our current President.

This is rank hypocrisy.
I with Obama and will vote for him 100%. But, the gloves are about to come off. I hope Hillary plays that video and finds a ton more garbage on Obama. He has been treated with kit gloves out of PC motives. Since Hillary is as done, let her toughen him up a little with real sparring. You think the Republican machine is going to go easy on him. NO WAY.
I with Obama and will vote for him 100%. But, the gloves are about to come off. I hope Hillary plays that video and finds a ton more garbage on Obama. He has been treated with kit gloves out of PC motives. Since Hillary is as done, let her toughen him up a little with real sparring. You think the Republican machine is going to go easy on him. NO WAY.

They've been going pretty hard on him the past few weeks, and nothing is sticking. Someone made a good point yesterday that all of the attacks have been at other people around him: his wife, this pastor, Rezko, Farakhan. I think the GOP will try all of those, as well, but good luck to 'em....
that's what I'm saying the more they bring out now that doesn't stick will make him tougher not weaker. What trash is going to be left for the republicans.
let hillary shake everything out of his closet, like her's has been. She's done, he'll be battletested and will crush the fossil McCain.
I'm sure, in the cross-section of people that we have here, that we have people that are religious, go to church every Sunday, and some that are athiests, and every level in between. That doesn't matter, to this conversation.

What I am asking is, whether you have a Church group, a neighborhood barbecue a couple times a month, a Wednesday-nite Poker game , PTA meeting, WHATEVER. If you have a group that you have been ATTENDING for TWENTY YEARS, and you call the Leader "your freind", and "your spiritual advisor", would you KEEP attanding the group if you didn't AGREE wholeheartedly with them, would you have them MARRY you to your wife? And would you MAKE as "your wife", a woman who was in TOTAL AGREEMENT with this spiritual advisor, a wife who even made SPEECHES with the SAME ideals of the advisor?

I don't think ANYONE WITH A BRAIN believes that a person would be involved in this group, with these STATED ideas, for 20 years, MARRY a person with the SAME ideas, BY a Spiritual Leader with the SAME ideas, if YOU didnt have the SAME IDEAS YOURSELF! To say otherwise is idiotic. So WHY then, is it "wrong", or "unfair", to question the Anti-American, White-Hatred, rantings of Barack Obama's "Spiritual Leader" , the Rev. Jeramiah Wright.
At the end of a Good Morning America segment today about Barack Obama's pastor, the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., an Obama campaign representative complained that John McCain's pastor had not been similarly "vetted." If that's true, then ABC or some other media outlet surely should and will do so.

Let's imagine that upon vetting, McCain's pastor is found to have made statements that were the mirror-image of those that Rev. Wright has made. How long would McCain remain a viable candidate? Judge for yourself, based on Rev. Wright's statements as exposed in the GMA segment that was the result of work by ABC's chief investigative correspondent Brian Ross. GMA aired a number of clips from sermons Rev. Wright gave at his Trinity United Church of Christ.

"The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing God Bless America. No, no, no, God damn America, that's in the Bible for killing innocent people," he said in a 2003 sermon which was aired by ABC television.

"God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme."

The pastor's sermons are AVAILABLE FOR SALE AT THE CHURCH, and both ABC and Fox News broadcast the addresses.

In January, Wright spoke from the pulpit in praise of Obama's leadership, comparing his campaign to Jesus's struggles under the Romans, "Barack knows what it means living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people," Wright said. "Hillary would never know that." He went on: "Hillary ain't never been called a nigger. Hillary has never had a people defined as a non-person."
(So I guess the Rev., and Obama, who WROTE HIS BOOK WITH REV. WRIGHT, feels that we are STILL fighting slavery, huh?)

Wright also took issue with the idea that Bill Clinton was a friend to African-Americans. "Hillary is married to Bill, and Bill has been good to us. No he ain't. Bill did us, just like he did Monica Lewinsky. He was riding dirty."

On the Sunday following 9/11, Wright described the attacks as retribution for the bombing of Hiroshima, America's policy in the Middle East, and apartheid in South Africa.

The accusations of racism could prove embarrassing to Obama who has based his candidacy around a message of unity. In his sermons Wright reportedly refers to the US as being under the influence of the Ku Klux Klan, and describes black Republicans as sellouts.

Obama has been a member of the congregation of Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ in the south side of Chicago for nearly 20 years.
Alright. Let me explain something. I grew up different from many white ethnic kids in the 60's and 70's. Even though our town was 95% white, like most Connecticut suburbs back in those days, when working people could afford a house, my childhood, and viewpoint, was forever altered by Curtis Johnson, and his family.
I was one of the few teenage guitar players, and he was the ONLY drummer around. We started a band, and became best freinds for many years. His Mom wasn't a rich Black woman, FAR from it. She had a pretty good State job, she was twice divorced, so she moved her family to our town, the only Black family in our neighborhood of mostly Italian and Irish-Americans. I WISH I had a dollar, for every fight and bruise I had, for sticking up for my freind, outnumbered as we were. But as we got older, not only did I force the kids to ACCEPT Curtis, they grew to like him. I miss the band, the girls, and the fun.
So you see, I KNOW "racism" when I SEE or HEAR it. And I am SICK AND TIRED of African-Americans, especially YOUNG ones, who have lived BETTER than many Whites in this country, pulling out the "Race Card", and trying to play it every other day. EVERY FAILURE that THEY CAUSE in their life, is because of "Racism", "Slavery", and "White Supemacy". Its SICKENING, DISGUSTING, and an INSULT, to the REAL victims of racism and the warriors of the Civil Rights Movement, both Black AND White. I'm TIRED of it, and so is MOST of America. There's a few moronic jackasses on THIS site, who have called me a "racist", talked about "dues in the K.K.K., btu when I tell them how THEIR DEMOCRAT PARTY has as its "Elder Statesman" a man who has BEEN at LYNCHINGS, was a "Kleagle" (Big Shot) in the Ku Klux Klan, they are AFRAID TO RESPOND TO ME, they go run and hide, like the cowards they ARE.

Michelle Obama has Racist, and Anti-American Ideas. Rev. Jeremiah Wright has racist and Anti-American ideas. They hate Whites, and they seem to Hate America, and what it stands for. And Barack Obama is the Husband and
co-writer, the Spiritual Disciple of these two people. WHY is it wrong to see the DANGER in that? Do we NOT want to know EXACTLY what kind of man he IS, BEFORE he becomes The Most Powerful Man in the World?
Or should we do what Liberal/Socialist Democrats WANT us to do, IGNORE EVERYTHING ABOUT THE MAN, just vote for him, he will fix everything that's wrong with the country.

Ok, so let's IGNORE all the signs, all the influences that Obama, at LEAST PARTLY, harbors Anti-American resentment, Anti-White hatred because of slavery, thinks we DESERVED 9-11, because of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and because we are so mean, to the beautiful, peaceful MiddleEast Islamist Terrorists who thinks ALL Jews and Americans should be DEAD. Let's ALSO IGNORE the $875 BILLION he wants, in NEW spending, which economists say CAN'T be acquired without High Tax Increses, even if he Immediately Surrenders in Iraq, and brings all troops home,(which will signal to the psycho Terrorists, "It's time to bomb New York again, we got a SOFT one in Washington!) and kills job creation by cranking up Corporate and "Rich people" taxes. So we should IGNORE his influences, IGNORE his choice in freinds and associates(Tony"Crook" Rezco, and William "Weather Underground Bomber" Ayers"), IGNORE his Spending and Taxing Plans. Maybe we should just listen to his SPEECHES, and "Hope", for a lot of "Change".

I attend my family reunions and I don't agree with all my relatives and friends!

There was a lot of truth in what the reverend stated, but I do not think the pulpit should be used for politics.

To preach social injustices, which are sometimes political, yes, but there is a fine line.
i go to catholic church, went to catholic high school. and got married in church.. and i don't believe in everything they are selling.

Neither do 90% of the church goers who consistently break the rules of the church.

dont be a hypocrite.

Excellent points.
Anyone who has seen Obama throughout this campaign can tell that this is not what he's about, and that this guy does not speak for him.

The flap about this is childish; while I think Obama should make a statement & distance himself, I also am not stupid enough to hear this guy speak and conclude "well, this is what we're electing."

Are you?
Joilie is NOT stupid enough to believe that Obama and the Right Reverend Wright have the same views on the world or the country they live in, any more than John McCain embraces Pastor Hagee's view of Catholics even though he accepted Hagee's endorsement. And no one has suggested that McCain reject Hagee's endorsement like they have Obama and Farrakhan. Hagee is a HUGE anti catholic who calls the Catholic church The Great Whore, the apostate church, the anti-Christ and a false cult system. Catholic League president Bill Donahue has characterized Hagee the biggest anti-Catholic bigot in the evangelical community. And McCain ACTIVELY sought this endorsement while Obama did not seek nor did he embrace Farrakhan's endorsement.

Jolie IS stupid enough to believe that if he, like other right wing talking heads, continues to say this we will be STUPID ENOUGH TO BELIEVE HIM.