I'm Going To Remember This

Indeed, and social conservatives are not going to allow the 'libertarian' wing to brow beat us into submission again. If they want to jump on the Palin Bashing Bandwagon with the Liberals, they better back their ears and get ready for the fight. She's going to be back in 2012, she will probably win the nomination handily, and she will deliver a strong social and fiscal conservative message, and if people like Grind, Dano, and Damo, want to turn their nose up at her, that's fine. My guess is, millions of Americans won't, and we will have our first woman president.

I am fucking sick and tired of people who claim to be conservatives.

Personally, I hope you go with the Palin crowd, it's your best bet. The only thing worse than a "Liberal Elitist" is a conservative one. So for the sake of your party and the country, I hope the Repuglicans align with the anti-abortion, evangelical Christians. Good luck!

Personally, I've got bigger fish to fry, but if you want to store talking points from some random idiot to float your boat, more power to you.
I also get a kick that a reactionary like Dixie keeps claiming to be a conservative. That's like Che Gueverra claiming to be a liberal.
Personally, I hope you go with the Palin crowd, it's your best bet. The only thing worse than a "Liberal Elitist" is a conservative one. So for the sake of your party and the country, I hope the Repuglicans align with the anti-abortion, evangelical Christians. Good luck!

Anti Abortion? Which means if you are not Anti Abortion you are for Abortion? I think you mean Pro-Life ...right? Just as you prefer ...Pro-Choice ...