"I'm gonna kill you!"


Politics in American today. And who said the absurd rhetoric had no effect?

"Exclusive: FBI details surge in death threats against lawmakers"

"I voted for you,” the caller said in a voice mail to Democratic Rep. Heath Shuler’s district office. “If you vote for that stimulus package, I’m gonna kill you. Simple as that.”"

This is a perfectly acceptable means of political expression, according to rightwing nutballs like the "Oaf Keepers".

When their ideas were rejected at the polls, those wonderful Christian folks in the Teabagger Militias decided to start flying airplanes into buildings and waving assault rifles around in public while muttering about "defending the constitution".
Its funny, all those years and not a peep out of the left on all the death threats President Bush got. Hell they even had made it a game, how many times you can kill George Bush. We were told back them it was acceptable means of political expression. Seems todays politicans need to man up, people are pissed, and rightfully so, unemployment is at an all time high, Obamacare, bank bailouts, and on and on. Obama was riding around on his unicorn, selling sunshine and rainbows to the people and instead all they have been getting is gloom and doom.
Smarter Than All Y'All ....

The perfect reason to have an ignore feature....life is good.
Thoze dayum libruls used to walk arown all the time with assalt rifles when Bush was Prezydunt. Hail, I seen um.

And lots of um crashed airplanes into IRS bildings too.

There wuz plenny of librul milishahs dedeekated to destroyin Amurica.

You jist never herd nun of it cuz the kops kontrol the TV.

Us Oaf Keepers will git you Sheeples eddykated.
Politics in American today. And who said the absurd rhetoric had no effect?

"Exclusive: FBI details surge in death threats against lawmakers"

"I voted for you,” the caller said in a voice mail to Democratic Rep. Heath Shuler’s district office. “If you vote for that stimulus package, I’m gonna kill you. Simple as that.”"

For years now we've heard often thinly veiled threats of violence from right wing talking heads in the right wing media. We even have examples of how their rhetoric has helped provoke unstable and irrartional people to commit violence. The question I have is at what point are they to be held accountable for their advocacy of violence? Where do we draw the line in the sand at their advocating criminal violence?
For years now we've heard often thinly veiled threats of violence from right wing talking heads in the right wing media. We even have examples of how their rhetoric has helped provoke unstable and irrartional people to commit violence. The question I have is at what point are they to be held accountable for their advocacy of violence? Where do we draw the line in the sand at their advocating criminal violence?
In short, how can the far left use the situation to limit the 1st Amendment to "appropriate speech"?
On this Memorial Day weekend, a proud veteran has a message for Conservatards who think threats of violence = free speech:

"If you seriously believe that you are capable of going up against the United States government, I would urge you to put your affairs in order, because you will be swiftly and efficiently fragged, tagged, and bagged. The idea that a bunch of rag-tag, candy-ass, drunks believe they could stand up against even a platoon, let alone the full force of the US military is hysterically funny. You have no idea how stupid you appear, prancing through the woods in your camo, to individuals who have seen real combat. Deal with it, ass-holes. The C-in-C is an African-American. He was democratically elected (in a landslide). All the rest of your whining is bullshit, and you lack even the rudimentary courage to state your true objection to our President. Fuck it, I haven't worn a green suit for almost 40 years, but I just might re-up for a chance to put one in the ten ring of a few of you jackasses."

Most people fail to realize the part the citizen soldier actually plays. We will not all side with the government, or all with the people, for that matter. The same applies to civilians in the FBI and CIA, etc...

All that is necessary is for the situation to actually weaken to a state where everyone is taking sides.
Most people fail to realize the part the citizen soldier actually plays. We will not all side with the government, or all with the people, for that matter. The same applies to civilians in the FBI and CIA, etc...

All that is necessary is for the situation to actually weaken to a state where everyone is taking sides.

Yeah. Right. Sure.
In short, how can the far left use the situation to limit the 1st Amendment to "appropriate speech"?
Why don't you go into a crowded theater and yell "Fire!" and see how well that line of bull shit sells with the judge.

You're right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins pal.
Why don't you go into a crowded theater and yell "Fire!" and see how well that line of bull shit sells with the judge.

You're right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins pal.
Classic failing argument. You certainly CAN yell fire in a crowded theater. It only becomes illegal if there is in fact, no fire. And only then if you manage to incite a panic/riot.

Not that that argument has anything to do with the point you're trying to bring across, since inciting hate speech (what you're inferring is being said, though thats certainly subjective) does not directly result in the conclusions of violence. Yelling fire, subsequently cuasing a panic, does.
Most people fail to realize the part the citizen soldier actually plays. We will not all side with the government, or all with the people, for that matter. The same applies to civilians in the FBI and CIA, etc...

All that is necessary is for the situation to actually weaken to a state where everyone is taking sides.
To paraphrase Lincoln "It has been the fate of all republics to have been destroyed from within by internal faction."