I'm Not One to Say I Told You So, but I Told You So (re: Kamala)


Well-known member
Did you catch the latest DNC-fabricated "poll results"? For no reason whatsoever, ...

Kamala Harris Hits Record Lead Over Trump, New Poll Shows​


Its a record! The inundating enthusiasm for Trump events hasn't dwindled any. Kamalignant won't schedule any competing "rallies" until she can be guaranteed double-digit attendance, and her campaign is still working on that. Yet the DNC is having the Marxist media tell us that Kamoolah has hit a record lead!

Of course she has. Of course she has. I'm thinking the steal is back on. Trump never needed anyone tagging along to hold a rally, but Kamala doesn't dare begin her public touring without her VP and her RINO enterage. Remind me why anyone would voluntarily give up time from his life, time he will never get back, to attend such an event.

Did anyone ever think he'd see the day when a Democrat Presidential candidate, who previously never received a single delegate, who was rushed into the candidacy just to quickly kick the incumbent President to the curb, would be choosing a VP from among less-than-scintillating candidates?

Nonetheless, a record lead. Of course. Absolutely.

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