I'm Sorry, Made a BIG Mistake.


New member
When I wrote "Let's be Objective", I LEFT OUT the most IMPORTANT part.

Obama, firstly, did NOT denounce Rev. Wright. As a matter of FACT, he said "I will NOT denounce him, he is like family." Well I have to give him props for loyalty, even if he's loyal to a Rabid, Anti-White Racist.

The "objectivity is this: ONE MINUTE after John McCain was "caught", being a member of a RACIST, ANTI-BLACK church where the pastor SHOUTED "NIGGER", AND "THE BLACK MAN IS THE EVIL OF THIS COUNTRY", AND WHERE THE BLACK MAN BREEDS, THERE'S TROUBLE!
they have found their godsend to beat up Obama with.

False outrage that hes a Racist.

Yeah that will work.

Cant run on the economy, the war , world respect or anything positive so they pick to cling to a dead story about Obama is a racist.

Is there no new low for the republicans to sink to?

No worries I know they will find one.
Face it, Liberals. He doesn't have the JUDGEMENT to be President, he thinks Tax and Spend will help the economy, and he's a closet RACIST!!!!
Still wanna be objective? Let's discuss why jewish separatism is supposed to a bipartisan national priority but yet black TALK of separatism must be renouned. You ready jollie? Are you gonna find another reason to start a NEW thread on the same topic?
Face it, Liberals. He doesn't have the JUDGEMENT to be President, he thinks Tax and Spend will help the economy, and he's a closet RACIST!!!!

Your complete lack of fairness will not be mirrored by the people in America.

You would nave never voted for him no matter what.

Yet you voted for Bush probably two times. Your judgment is completely discredited on that alone.
Your complete lack of fairness will not be mirrored by the people in America.

You would nave never voted for him no matter what.

Yet you voted for Bush probably two times. Your judgment is completely discredited on that alone.

Oh no, another liberal tries to discredit a conservative by the Bush vote. I'm sure you held those on the right in such high esteem pre 2000.
Let's be objective. I asked a question FIRST. What would HAPPEN to John McCain,if he was "caught" by the Media, being a member of a RACIST, ANTI-BLACK church where the pastor SHOUTED "NIGGER", AND "THE BLACK MAN IS THE EVIL OF THIS COUNTRY", AND WHERE THE BLACK MAN BREEDS, THERE'S TROUBLE! See, you Liberals have to FINALLY FACE the fact, that Your Democrat Party is a SHAM. It is BUILT on Hypocracy and Falsehoods.
All you have to DO, is answer my question about John McCain, being a "Closet Racist", then "outed", and you can SEE that. I know, you CAN'T face it, you CAN'T say it out loud. But just LOOK, at what happened to Trent Lott. And all HE did was wish an old man Happy Birthday, and he was FIRED from his Majority Leader post. Your Party carries the MOST BLATANT, DISGUSTING set of Double Standards KNOWN TO MAN, for God's sake!

The Democrat Party is the Party of "The Disenfranchised African Americans", right? So then WHY do you call as your "Elder Statesman", a MAN WHO WITNESSED LYNCHINGS, IN THE K.K.K.????!!! A Man who WORE A WHITE SHEET OVER HIS HEAD, WITH EYE HOLES CUT IN IT? This is not a STORY, it is an ADMITTED FACT, BY THE RACIST SEN. ROBERT BYRD, DEMOCRAT. Don't you see a slight PROBLEM with that, Liberal Democrats??
The Democrat Party is the Party of "The Disenfranchised WOMAN", right? So then WHY do you call as ANOTHER "Well-Respected Member,", a MAN who, in a drunken stpor, KILLED A WOMAN AND RAN AWAY?? , tED kENNEDY?
Let's be objective. I asked a question FIRST. What would HAPPEN to John McCain,if he was "caught" by the Media, being a member of a RACIST, ANTI-BLACK church where the pastor SHOUTED "NIGGER", AND "THE BLACK MAN IS THE EVIL OF THIS COUNTRY", AND WHERE THE BLACK MAN BREEDS, THERE'S TROUBLE! See, you Liberals have to FINALLY FACE the fact, that Your Democrat Party is a SHAM. It is BUILT on Hypocracy and Falsehoods.
All you have to DO, is answer my question about John McCain, being a "Closet Racist", then "outed", and you can SEE that. I know, you CAN'T face it, you CAN'T say it out loud. But just LOOK, at what happened to Trent Lott. And all HE did was wish an old man Happy Birthday, and he was FIRED from his Majority Leader post. Your Party carries the MOST BLATANT, DISGUSTING set of Double Standards KNOWN TO MAN, for God's sake!

The Democrat Party is the Party of "The Disenfranchised African Americans", right? So then WHY do you call as your "Elder Statesman", a MAN WHO WITNESSED LYNCHINGS, IN THE K.K.K.????!!! A Man who WORE A WHITE SHEET OVER HIS HEAD, WITH EYE HOLES CUT IN IT? This is not a STORY, it is an ADMITTED FACT, BY THE RACIST SEN. ROBERT BYRD, DEMOCRAT. Don't you see a slight PROBLEM with that, Liberal Democrats??

Actually, it's you neocon zionist shitstains who have the most blatant set of double standards.
I see your Great Intellect has come up with a GREAT answer to my questions about the Democrat Party's, Obama's, and YOUR Ultra-Leftist Hypocrisy, didn't it, Ass Wipe Zombie?
Seeing all you're good for is calling names, I understand, because you CAN'T very well come up with an EXCUSE for the Crooked, Ridiculous Sham you call a Poltical Party. Too Bad. The Democrat Party USED to be great, 50 years ago. The Party of FDR, Truman. Even JFK, cheating on his wife aside, was a man with BALLS, and LOVED his country. Not like TODAY'S Democraps. Always BASHING America, looking for an excuse to take our ENEMY'S side. Bill What-his-name, Playboy Mansion, saying the 9-11 Terrorists were BRAVE and Courageous, but our PRESIDENT, Bush, is a COWARD, for having the military fire missiles. Nice American. Rosie O'Donnel, that fat slob, disgusting excuse for a human, disgrace of my Irish Brothers. She said "Bush had something to do with the Twin Towers coming down, He cause it, BECUASE STEEL JUST DOESN'T MELT LIKE THAT. Not only a TRAITOR SCUM, but an IDIOT, to boot, hahahaha!!
I see your Great Intellect has come up with a GREAT answer to my questions about the Democrat Party's, Obama's, and YOUR Ultra-Leftist Hypocrisy, didn't it, Ass Wipe Zombie?
Seeing all you're good for is calling names, I understand, because you CAN'T very well come up with an EXCUSE for the Crooked, Ridiculous Sham you call a Poltical Party. Too Bad. The Democrat Party USED to be great, 50 years ago. The Party of FDR, Truman. Even JFK, cheating on his wife aside, was a man with BALLS, and LOVED his country. Not like TODAY'S Democraps. Always BASHING America, looking for an excuse to take our ENEMY'S side. Bill What-his-name, Playboy Mansion, saying the 9-11 Terrorists were BRAVE and Courageous, but our PRESIDENT, Bush, is a COWARD, for having the military fire missiles. Nice American. Rosie O'Donnel, that fat slob, disgusting excuse for a human, disgrace of my Irish Brothers. She said "Bush had something to do with the Twin Towers coming down, He cause it, BECUASE STEEL JUST DOESN'T MELT LIKE THAT. Not only a TRAITOR SCUM, but an IDIOT, to boot, hahahaha!!

Your party still is still the brainless advocate of jewish separatism, why is that ok? Game. Set. Match. Go get me a martini and rub my feet.