I'm sure Topspin hasnt noticed....


New member
But there has been a fundamental break between oil prices per barrel and gasoline prices....

It has never happened before where one is high and the other is low.....

But now something has broken up the connection between them.... I know a bunch of analysts were talking about it on TV....

Anyways its pretty interesting....



still on daddy's allowance,
do you even pay a car note and rent yet
how are those graphs not the same
still on daddy's allowance,
do you even pay a car note and rent yet
how are those graphs not the same

Can you tell time?

Time is on the X-axis....Maybe if you read it deeper you will see that they are not aligning with each other....

Like for example currently oil prices are about $103/barrel.... yet Gasoline prices are at $3.70/gallon....
Take for Example February 2008...

Oil prices at that time was $100/barrel.... and gas prices was $3/gallon

Compare that to now...... $100/barrel and gas prices at $3.7/gallon...

There has been a 22% shift in gas prices when the oil prices have stayed th same....

I am not even going to argue with an uneducated fake MBA dude who cant even read a graph properly....

You have got to be the biggest con man on here...


dude didn't you go to Ohio state

your fucking retarded if you think there a constant divisor
Why gasoline prices are rising while oil isn't
With crude prices down 25 percent from last summer, prices at the pump should be lower. Right?

Oil Prices Vs. Gas Prices - a Disconnect? A Conspiracy?
Overall though, the general trend seems to be that Gas prices generally follow Oil prices in the grand scheme of things. It seems, however, that there is something of a disconnect on a micro-level, where the small fluctuations of the price of each don't seem to follow each other. Hmmm. I guess I am a little suspicious of this, but I can't put my finger on why.


This graph shows it... Oil and Gas prices have decoupled from each other.... And this is only in May 2008.... Right now the decoupling is huge....

graphs generally follow each other, which means there's not constant factor ya moron.
And we charge as much as fools like you will pay.
Anyways I'm done arguing with the biggest idiot ever produced from a Lousiania university....

If I wanted to argue with a Conservative Dummy, Id argue with George Will...

right allowance boy.
If you'd pay $10 gal that's what you'd be charged.
Only a moron puts up a chart and says theirs a conspiracy to charge more. BHAHAHAH
lag on the lower price to market.. rising prices factored in at the pump's by the retailers quicker.

No big conspiracy here. just your local gas station trying to make a few more bucks.
first time in history the price ran up this high this fast,
on the way down people feel they are getting a break so it doesn't fall as fast.
Um.... this is first time in history....

I do know i drive by 7 gas stations on way to work and every single one of them is at a different price right now with over a 38cent difference from the high to the lowest.

I was always under impression oil price change is 4-6weeks to market.