
Imagine that reports came to light revealing that John McCain had attended events with Timothy McVeigh or Ted Kacynski...imagine that these domestic terrorists had, in fact, donated funds to the Arizona Senator.

Imagine that McCain had actually engineered a pardon for convicted terrorists...

Imagine the tidal wave of selective outrage that would gush from the polluted fount of the liberal media...imagine the frothing, hateful screams issuing in strident voacl lockstep from the tiny, embittered minority that is America's loony Left.

Now, ponder these facts:

Barack Obama served on the board of a Chicago organzation with Bill Ayers, a former member of the 60s-era left-wing radical group the Weather Underground. Ayers was no limousine liberal. He boasts of having carried out bombings of the Pentagon, the US Capitol and the New York City police headquarters. Ayers was quoted in the New York Times on 9/11/01. Here's what he said: "I don't regret setting bombs, I feel we didn't do enough."

Most of the left pretends that Ayers and Obama are virtual strangers - unless they actually defend Ayers' actions.

His Democratic rival, the Hildebeast, got the political benefit of an especially sordid event that took place in August 1999.

Disbarred perjurer and serial rapist BJ Clinton pardoned 16 FALN terrorists in a a cynical ploy to win Hispanic votes for his evil wife's New York Senate bid.

The group was responsible for 130 bombing attacks in New York, Chicago and Washington, D.C., between 1974 to 1983. FALN killed six, and hundreds more were seriously wounded.

Law enforcement officials were stunned when the notoriously corrupt Clintons pardoned the FALN bombers without demanding a sizable monetary contribution.

Neil Gallagher, the FBI's assistant director of national security, said that the people Clinton let go "are criminals, and they are terrorists, and they represent a threat to the United States".

The left is silent.

Why should anyone be surprised. Right now, Democrat windbag "Peanuts" Carter, the worst President ever, is sucking up to terror bosses in the Middle East, giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Imagine that...
Indisputable, who do you plan to vote for in the presidential election, and what is your political affiliation?
I can't believe someone on a political message board is scared to even tell us what his political affiliation is, and who he votes for.

It's kind of embarassing...
Yeah you are probably right Mottley. indescribable has no one and wishes Bush could run again. he is kept warm by his hatred.