In the spirit of the holidays


I have decided to trim my thread ban list except for the most egregious of dipshits who offer nothing.

If you are on this list, you have reached rarified air in stupidity or trollishness. Congratulations..

Many of you will take this as a sign that I am "afraid" of you and one or two will probably even head on over to the War Zone to start a thread about it. That is just pride and cognitive dissonance fucking with you and is a sign of the sheer lack of awareness that has led to you being on this list in the first place.

Merry Christmas!
Toppy's jeer is a reference to Southern Man, but he hurls it at you, not realizing he's talking to someone else... :D

Ahhh got it now

Yeah, Toppy always seems to confuse me with someone else.

He calls me an engineer. I am not an engineer.

I just chalk it up to his dope smoking