LMAO... ok...

out of curiosity, how did you know I was creating a thread?
If you are in the "Whois" area it will show you those who aren't "invisible" and where they are on the board, including "Creating Private Message" or "Creating New Thread".
If you are in the "Whois" area it will show you those who aren't "invisible" and where they are on the board, including "Creating Private Message" or "Creating New Thread".

That's right, that's why I'm in invisible mode. More evidence that I am smarter than if any more were needed.
There's all sort of shit on this board that I have no clue about. Deleted posts. Private Messages. Profiles. Friends. Groups. Whois. What is all this shit?
There's all sort of shit on this board that I have no clue about. Deleted posts. Private Messages. Profiles. Friends. Groups. Whois. What is all this shit?

I don't know anything about groups - but Tiana belongs to all of them and can fill you in. You can delete any post you make by hitting "edit", if you are sorry you made the post. I don't get the whole friends thing - and I only have friends because a bunch of people sent me invites to be their friend and I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. That's all I know.
I don't know anything about groups - but Tiana belongs to all of them and can fill you in. You can delete any post you make by hitting "edit", if you are sorry you made the post. I don't get the whole friends thing - and I only have friends because a bunch of people sent me invites to be their friend and I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. That's all I know.

Now that is not entirely accurate. YOU were the one that initially sent me a "friends" request.

It's just like a republican to revise history. Who was it who, just yesterday, not only sent me a friend invite but started PM'ing me begging for forgiveness, and to be allowed back on the list?

I did not revise history ya liar. I said quite clearly that you INITIALLY made the request... which you did. I accepted so as not to be accused of having a MENS only friends list.... can't have ya calling me a sexist pig again. :)

But after that initial request from you, we subsequently saw a certain troublemaker entice you into defriending me. At which time I did indeed request to be added back as you hurt my female quota that I was trying to maintain for Affirmative Action.