Incompetent Big Government Is On Exhibit Again


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Republicans correctly complain that America has a President that refuses to call Islamic terrorism, “Islamic terrorism.” His only answer for Islamic terrorist murders in America is more gun laws to further restrict the law-abiding from purchasing their right to defend themselves.

Barrack Obama is an incompetent clueless wasted figurehead clueless on “the rights of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” His Constitutional scholarship is a joke!

On the other hand we have the RINO Republican controlled Congress crying daily for our incompetent President to declare war on Islamic terrorism. The RINOs should read the Constitution, “The Congress shall have the power to declare war.”

So where’s Speaker Ryan and Senate leader McConnell? Where’s their attention for their Republican colleagues cry for a declaration of war? Where’s the joint Congressional debate for and opposed to that declaration?

The answer is “NOWHERE!” They don’t govern. They don’t read the Constitution. They puke their oath of office out, never intending to execute any loyalty to it because they are clueless of its mandate.