Inconvenient facts

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
Archaeologists have never found the garden of Eden.
museums full of evidence demonstrate that evolution is how life and human beings came to be. Everything in Genesis that contradicts it is clearly a fraud written by frauds.
There is no archaeological or historical evidence that the Tower of Babel was real. Linguistic evidence would suggest that the world’s languages were diversified long before this story is alleged to have taken place (additionally, no one has ever found the Tower.) Clearly the authors of Genesis were fraudsters.
There is no historical evidence to suggest that Abraham was real.
There is no historical evidence that Joseph was real, that he ever held a position of prominence in Egypt, or that the Hebrews were in Egypt at this time.
There is no Historical evidence that Moses ever lived or that the Hebrews were ever captives in Egypt. Not a single Egyptian record, or for that matter any record of any of their enemies, demonstrate that anything in Exodus to Leviticus is anything but a myth.
There is no historical evidence that Joshua ever existed. Many of the stories surrounding him, including toppling the walls of Jericho are demonstrably false.
The Book of Judges is also resting on sketchy ground. With many historians concurring that this is part of the “mythic” period of Hebrew history.
The many giants, unicorns, Leviathans, and other monsters mentioned in the Bible have not left any archaeological or historical record to supply evidence that they ever existed.
No record of a jesus out side the christian's bible
Most of the Religious Cults around the world spring from a need to know 'How things began'. Can't blame them for that.
What's odd, what's really baffling, is how many people in the 21st century, brought up in First World countries, still teach their children the Ancient Myths as though they are True.
Most of the Religious Cults around the world spring from a need to know 'How things began'. Can't blame them for that.
What's odd, what's really baffling, is how many people in the 21st century, brought up in First World countries, still teach their children the Ancient Myths as though they are True.


If the above image of evolution is correct, it seems guno is still stuck at stage one.
Since I 'Thanked' his post, it would be wrong of me to now attack (even though this could be considered 'humorous') guno. :(


If the above image of evolution is correct, it seems guno is still stuck at stage one.
Since I 'Thanked' his post, it would be wrong of me to now attack (even though this could be considered 'humorous') guno. :(

You can remove or "unthank" it.
That said, when has guno ever posted anything worth "thanking"? All his posts are hideous.
You can remove or "unthank" it.
That said, when has guno ever posted anything worth "thanking"? All his posts are hideous.

Well, I have to admit, most of guno's threads are 'goyim hating' and 'Christian hating'. Now, I'm going to tell you something, but I want you to keep it a secret. Around 9/11 guno started a thread about 'We're all New Yorkers'. And it didn't get much traction. The reason being ... guno was more like the Hijackers than the people on the ground in New York. The people on the ground were diverse Americans, the people that hijacked the planes were people that hated white people and Christians (exactly like guno). Most every rant from guno is about 'pork-gobblers', 'Christians', 'white people'.

THIS thread ... guno talks reasonably and logically ... I prefer that. I agree with his assessment.
Most of the Religious Cults around the world spring from a need to know 'How things began'. Can't blame them for that.
What's odd, what's really baffling, is how many people in the 21st century, brought up in First World countries, still teach their children the Ancient Myths as though they are True.

There are theistic evolutionists.
neuroscientist says religion is a mental illness

during footage of one of his lectures, compared religion to a shared schizophrenia, argued that the behaviours exhibited by "prophets" in religious texts are diagnosable acts. He's also reasoned that the parables and teachings of these men - such as stories of the construction of the world in seven days, virgin births and burning bushes - are stories constructed by "extremely formative, extremely schizotypals throughout history".

He's argued that religious rituals are a form of exhibiting obsessive-compulsive disorders, and that religious people are on a spectrum of mental illness.

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Well, I have to admit, most of guno's threads are 'goyim hating' and 'Christian hating'. Now, I'm going to tell you something, but I want you to keep it a secret. Around 9/11 guno started a thread about 'We're all New Yorkers'. And it didn't get much traction. The reason being ... guno was more like the Hijackers than the people on the ground in New York. The people on the ground were diverse Americans, the people that hijacked the planes were people that hated white people and Christians (exactly like guno). Most every rant from guno is about 'pork-gobblers', 'Christians', 'white people'.

THIS thread ... guno talks reasonably and logically ... I prefer that. I agree with his assessment.

I doubt if the hijackers gave a twopenny about the skin tone of their enemies. That's an American nuttiness.
All Ancient Architecture was built by a small clique [private guilds] of Building Contractors for Hire replete with construction management teams ---have caravans will travel ---anywhere you find them.

Similarly, the same for ship builders, and for long passages at a time, the same for metal smiting.

Remember the same was done for reading & writing to.

Ever wonder how long the American Indians lived in North America ---and they never got around to building aqueducts and stone bridges?

It takes generations of university level cooperative successive R&D just to get any knowledge ---what to speak of quarrying and shaping and planning and paying funds and sundry support infrastructure to build any of of world ancient mystery construction sites.

You cannot carbon date stone ... and once you burn down a Alexandria Library or two ... calendar years can easily be re-set.
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I doubt if the hijackers gave a twopenny about the skin tone of their enemies. That's an American nuttiness.

The 'Hijackers' (and their religious zealot friends) seem to target the West. I don't see them killing 3,000 Chinese or Africans. I could be biased, though.

BTW, when religious extremists kill Britons, are they usually black, brown, red, yellow, white?
All Ancient Architecture was built by a small clique [private guilds] of Building Contractors for Hire replete with construction management teams ---have caravans will travel ---anywhere you find them.

Similarly, the same for ship builders, and for long passages at a time, the same for metal smiting.

Remember the same was done for reading & writing to.

Ever wonder how long the American Indians lived in North America ---and they never got around to building aqueducts and stone bridges?

It takes generations of university level cooperative successive R&D just to get any knowledge ---what to speak of quarrying and shaping and planning and paying funds and sundry support infrastructure to build any of of world ancient mystery construction sites.

You cannot carbon date stone ... and once you burn down a Alexandria Library or two ... calendar years can easily be re-set.


They built bridges of wood which was easier to transport, the American Natives did not have domestic draft animals with which to haul heavy loads.
Archaeologists have never found the garden of Eden.
museums full of evidence demonstrate that evolution is how life and human beings came to be. Everything in Genesis that contradicts it is clearly a fraud written by frauds.
There is no archaeological or historical evidence that the Tower of Babel was real. Linguistic evidence would suggest that the world’s languages were diversified long before this story is alleged to have taken place (additionally, no one has ever found the Tower.) Clearly the authors of Genesis were fraudsters.
There is no historical evidence to suggest that Abraham was real.
There is no historical evidence that Joseph was real, that he ever held a position of prominence in Egypt, or that the Hebrews were in Egypt at this time.
There is no Historical evidence that Moses ever lived or that the Hebrews were ever captives in Egypt. Not a single Egyptian record, or for that matter any record of any of their enemies, demonstrate that anything in Exodus to Leviticus is anything but a myth.
There is no historical evidence that Joshua ever existed. Many of the stories surrounding him, including toppling the walls of Jericho are demonstrably false.
The Book of Judges is also resting on sketchy ground. With many historians concurring that this is part of the “mythic” period of Hebrew history.
The many giants, unicorns, Leviathans, and other monsters mentioned in the Bible have not left any archaeological or historical record to supply evidence that they ever existed.
No record of a jesus out side the christian's bible
guno's post is perfectly cogent and logical.

His problem is that he attacks all white gentiles as though they were Banjofuck or Bullshit Blob.

There have been far too many of us fully devoted to the progressive liberal cause, so he should really knock that shit off.
Well, I have to admit, most of guno's threads are 'goyim hating' and 'Christian hating'. Now, I'm going to tell you something, but I want you to keep it a secret. Around 9/11 guno started a thread about 'We're all New Yorkers'. And it didn't get much traction. The reason being ... guno was more like the Hijackers than the people on the ground in New York. The people on the ground were diverse Americans, the people that hijacked the planes were people that hated white people and Christians (exactly like guno). Most every rant from guno is about 'pork-gobblers', 'Christians', 'white people'.

THIS thread ... guno talks reasonably and logically ... I prefer that. I agree with his assessment.

guno has never talked reasonably or logically. I disagree with his assessment...of anything.

They built bridges of wood which was easier to transport, the American Natives did not have domestic draft animals with which to haul heavy loads.

"Wrong" = monosyllabic.

I'd did not mean to say they were members of Democratic party.

One native said, "I don't need no friggin draft animal! I need a machete!"

I'd did not mean to say they were stupid and impractical.

China banned certain inventions from even being known by the public.

How do you think the third world "advanced"? A foreign entity entered the scene and brought new technologies.

Many modern day world architectural buildings were by foreigners ie:

The Imperial Hotel was the best-known of Frank Lloyd Wright's buildings in Japan.
The structure famously survived the Great Kantō earthquake on September 1, 1923 (7.9 on the Moment magnitude scale)

Did Arabia invent air-conditioning?