Independents: Are You Stupid, or is it just Midcan?

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect

I went over to FP to see what Midcan was blogging to himself about, and found this article. It is shocking (well, not really, Midcan wrote it, but the rhetoric seems fairly representative of the Moveon crowd and other wingnut hacks) that someone could so completely be unable to relate to or understand Independents. I may be a partisan Republican (or at least a RINO) of sorts, but I do understand Independent voters fairly well, and have the capacity to empathize with them. This rant is just so full of fail that its mind-boggling.

My favorite line of the blog is this: "We already got ours - now you go and get yours!" This line is intended to be a "reverse of the Golden Rule," which is why its a stupid line, but for those of us in the know, it fairly accurately defines individualism and the American Dream. Yet another reason why Midcan is just such a moron and so damned full of himself.
If by independents you mean people who do not follow any party, but vote based on the issues and the individual, yeah its just Midcan.
He's got to be one of the most stupid posters here. He's always quoting some fucker, supposedly to justify his points, then he can never defend them himself. :palm:
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