Inevitable Question: If You Still Support Joe Biden, Are You a Marxist,


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Inevitable Question: If You Still Support Joe Biden, Are You a Marxist, or Just Simply Deranged?

How We Got Here... So, how did we get to this tenuous spot in US history? Let’s recollect.

The original idea was that Joe Biden was totally harmless, an upgrade from Trump.
The mainstream media cannot investigate anyone who's a liberal. Therefore, Joe was lulled into a side crime career, which has now combusted.
The convenient fact that even totally incompetent politicians are better than Republicans.
The only goal in the Democratic Party is gaining power. And any ‘holy cause’ fought for is only temporary in service to that goal. Ergo, Feminism morphs into Transgenderism.
According to the Left, long ago it was deemed America must fall for international Leftism, aka, Marxism.
Just how old are you to be ranting about Marxists? Most people only know that word because you kooks can't stop screeching about their supposed existence. Most young voters probably would look at you like you're speaking an alien language when you spout off about Marxists. To me, it's like you're ranting about Bigfoot.
Just how old are you to be ranting about Marxists? Most people only know that word because you kooks can't stop screeching about their supposed existence. Most young voters probably would look at you like you're speaking an alien language when you spout off about Marxists. To me, it's like you're ranting about Bigfoot.

These people are very stupid.
Just how old are you to be ranting about Marxists? Most people only know that word because you kooks can't stop screeching about their supposed existence. Most young voters probably would look at you like you're speaking an alien language when you spout off about Marxists. To me, it's like you're ranting about Bigfoot.

Kind of like you idiots using thd word nazi. Stfu
Inevitable Question: If You Still Support Joe Biden, Are You a Marxist, or Just Simply Deranged?

How We Got Here... So, how did we get to this tenuous spot in US history? Let’s recollect.

The original idea was that Joe Biden was totally harmless, an upgrade from Trump.
The mainstream media cannot investigate anyone who's a liberal. Therefore, Joe was lulled into a side crime career, which has now combusted.
The convenient fact that even totally incompetent politicians are better than Republicans.
The only goal in the Democratic Party is gaining power. And any ‘holy cause’ fought for is only temporary in service to that goal. Ergo, Feminism morphs into Transgenderism.
According to the Left, long ago it was deemed America must fall for international Leftism, aka, Marxism.

Of course the maggots support him. They are told to so they do it. They are really Maoists and they would like to formally institute struggle sessions for those people who want to think for themselves. Look how they treat blacks who don't want to toe the party line. If you're an athlete and won't wear the queer shit you're lambasted on social media until you beg for forgiveness but then they disregard you anyway. And I you're an actor and don't spew the garbage you get the same treatment. They are filthy vermin every last leftist.
Of course the maggots support him. They are told to so they do it. They are really Maoists and they would like to formally institute struggle sessions for those people who want to think for themselves. Look how they treat blacks who don't want to toe the party line. If you're an athlete and won't wear the queer shit you're lambasted on social media until you beg for forgiveness but then they disregard you anyway. And I you're an actor and don't spew the garbage you get the same treatment. They are filthy vermin every last leftist.

What amazes me is how people can say this is American in anyway shape or form.
Are they really that stupid or just scared? I think it is the latter.

No they are stupid but that's the America they want. Who is the group most offended offended? Pussy white leftists. The rest of the world just want to come out their business but the PWLs think it's their job to "fix" the world. Thing is they are the problem.
Just how old are you to be ranting about Marxists? Most people only know that word because you kooks can't stop screeching about their supposed existence. Most young voters probably would look at you like you're speaking an alien language when you spout off about Marxists. To me, it's like you're ranting about Bigfoot.

I believe coldjoint has spent more time in the cold joint than out...and a lot of halfway houses. Sad.
Biden isn't a "Marxist." He's a useful idiot that listens to the radical Left. It's that simple. Joke has likely never had an original thought in his entire life. He's a mediocre intellect and nothing more.
Just how old are you to be ranting about Marxists? Most people only know that word because you kooks can't stop screeching about their supposed existence. Most young voters probably would look at you like you're speaking an alien language when you spout off about Marxists. To me, it's like you're ranting about Bigfoot.

You mean like how the left throws around the word fascist without knowing what it means?

Like that?