Inflation at 2.5%

Inflation Extends Cooling Streak to Hit 2.5% in August​

Inflation eased in August to new three-year lows, teeing up the Federal Reserve to begin gradually reducing interest rates at a meeting next week.

How great! Did you forget the brandon/Heels Up years of double digit inflation? Your 2.5% is just an add on.

Any way you manipulate the numbers, we are well over 30% higher in most categories and 40% in energy costs.
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How great! Did you forget the brandon/Heels Up years of double digit inflation? Your 2.5% is just an add on.

Any way you manipulate the numbers, we are well over 30% higher in most categories and 40% in energy costs.
Wistfully pining for the glory days of two years ago when inflation peaked at 8% ?

What happened to the unprecedented and apocalyptic economic depression your tangerine Messiah promised would happen if Biden won in 2020?
Wistfully pining for the glory days of two years ago when inflation peaked at 8% ?

What happened to the unprecedented and apocalyptic economic depression your tangerine Messiah promised would happen if Biden won in 2020?
Do not be stupid. You and I both know that Trump had inflation under control. The China Virus was an outlier and had that not been gifted to us by China, Brandon would have never entered the White House. Brandon's energy policies drove up the cost of everything we touch and you idiots cannot grasp that fact.
Do not be stupid. You and I both know that Trump had inflation under control. The China Virus was an outlier and had that not been gifted to us by China, Brandon would have never entered the White House. Brandon's energy policies drove up the cost of everything we touch and you idiots cannot grasp that fact.

Pretty much every economist during COVID told us that inflation was inevitable because of pent-up demand.
Do not be stupid. You and I both know that Trump had inflation under control. The China Virus was an outlier and had that not been gifted to us by China, Brandon would have never entered the White House. Brandon's energy policies drove up the cost of everything we touch and you idiots cannot grasp that fact.
Trump inherited the decent and growing economy Obama left him, and Trump never passed any major legislative initiatives to change anything except for a tax cut for rich people.

Inflation got that bad because Trump totally botched the response to a pandemic, causing disruption to supply chains and distribution.
Do not be stupid. You and I both know that Trump had inflation under control. The China Virus was an outlier and had that not been gifted to us by China, Brandon would have never entered the White House. Brandon's energy policies drove up the cost of everything we touch and you idiots cannot grasp that fact.
Trump created the conditions that caused runaway inflation then dumped it in Biden's lap.

Now all his idiot Trumper cultist goofballs blame Biden after he cleaned up Trump's mess.

This is the kind of thing that spawned the term "ignorant masses".

The gullible, easily fooled, low intellect half of society which those like you are a part of.
Trump created the conditions that caused runaway inflation then dumped it in Biden's lap.
Trump did not dump anything in Brandons lap, he lost the election
Now all his idiot Trumper cultist goofballs blame Biden after he cleaned up Trump's mess.
Brandon made the mess starting with executive orders that Trump put in place.
This is the kind of thing that spawned the term "ignorant masses".
You mean lemming like sheep riddled with TDS?
The gullible, easily fooled, low intellect half of society which those like you are a part of.
See my above response.
Trump inherited the decent and growing economy Obama left him, and Trump never passed any major legislative initiatives to change anything except for a tax cut for rich people.

Inflation got that bad because Trump totally botched the response to a pandemic, causing disruption to supply chains and distribution.
When Trump cut taxes for everyone, he eliminated many deductions that offset the lower tax rates and revenue into the government coffers INCREASED.
In spite of the democrat controlled house he did manage to build a border wall and trim the number of illegals entering this country.
He kept us and the world out of wars.
My energy costs were 40% less than I am currently paying.
Trump was the one who lowered the Insulin and EpiPen costs, Biden put a temporary block on that.
All in all, Trump was his own man, he fought the deep state every minute of his presidency.
I will take an outsider any day of the week. Our government needs an enema.
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How great! Did you forget the brandon/Heels Up years of double digit inflation? Your 2.5% is just an add on.

Any way you manipulate the numbers, we are well over 30% higher in most categories and 40% in energy costs.
Well , when you're independently wealthy And far superior to everyone else in every way, you tend to forget about the little people;)
Trump did not dump anything in Brandons lap, he lost the election
Then Biden had to come in and clean up the shit that Trump left behind.

And after the J6'rs we're finished, the word "shit" can be taken literally.
Brandon made the mess starting with executive orders that Trump put in place.
President Biden was not the one who fumbled the ball on COVID which is what caused the supply chain issues, which in turn led to higher inflation along with pent up demand and profiteering corporations exploiting the issue to line their coffers.
You mean lemming like sheep riddled with TDS?
No, I mean idiots who put a brazenly dishonest liar, cheat and con-artist grifter into the WH.
See my above response.
Why would I waste even more of my time reading your crap a second time?

It was a waste of time the first time.
Did you forget the brandon/Heels Up years of double digit inflation?
The reason we forgot it is that it never happened. The highest inflation we have had in the last few decades is 9.1% in June of 2022. That is not double digits, that is one digit.

Biden/Harris have brought the 9.1% inflation down to 2.5%. It is in the neighborhood of what we want inflation to be. We want it to be 2%, so we are basically there. This is the greatest achievement in fighting inflation ever, especially considering there was not a recession to go along with it.
In spite of the democrat controlled house he did manage to build a border wall and trim the number of illegals entering this country.
The Democrats didn't control the House until January 2019. Trump had two years of Republicans controlling the entire federal government to get Mexico to pay for the wall, to pass an infrastructure bill, repeal Obamacare and come up with his own healthcare plan.

When Trump left office, there were three million fewer jobs that when he took over from Obama, and the economy was on the ropes. He started out lying about the pandemic, and then when he grudgingly admitted it was real totally botched the response.
The Democrats didn't control the House until January 2019. Trump had two years of Republicans controlling the entire federal government to get Mexico to pay for the wall, to pass an infrastructure bill, repeal Obamacare and come up with his own healthcare plan.
You ignore my point that both republicans and democrats hate outsiders. Trump was the most hated president by congress probably in modern history. For that, I applaud him.
This country does not have a workable health care plan. Medicare and ObamaCare are a joke that has driven small providers out of business.
How much was the wall going to cost?
How much are we paying for 10,000,000 illegals to live in this country?
When Trump left office, there were three million fewer jobs that when he took over from Obama, and the economy was on the ropes.
Why do you people always forget the China created worldwide pandemic?

He started out lying about the pandemic, and then when he grudgingly admitted it was real totally botched the response.
I can't say Trump lied about the pandemic, I will say there was not enough information for anyone to make an accurate response. You are a democrat, Trump got you a vaccine in record time. How many jabs have you been the benefit of at taxpayer expense?
Do not be stupid. You and I both know that Trump had inflation under control. The China Virus was an outlier and had that not been gifted to us by China, Brandon would have never entered the White House. Brandon's energy policies drove up the cost of everything we touch and you idiots cannot grasp that fact.
Energy costs were going up before Trump left office.
I see you are another MAGA that won't say a word about how Trump let the US oil drilling and producing industry go down the drain.
The US oil drillers and producers went to Trump when the Saudis first started their oil price war with Russia asking him to try and do something about it before it was too late for them to compete , Trump did NOTHING and AFTER over 100 US oil drilling and producing companies went Bankrupt and most out of business for GOOD he finally went to the Saudis and told them to cut their production and RAISE the price of oil or he was going to STOP all US Military aid to them and they did.
by that time we had lost 106 US oil drilling and producing companies and our oil out put went down and was as low as 9.7 MBPD and the companies that went bankrupt either sold off their drilling rigs or scraped them.
US oil production was in the mid 11 to low 12 MBPD on an average under Trump.
It was 9.7 MBPD in Feb 2021 and with having to find what was left of any old drilling rigs and building new ones it took a couple of years and has now been at production record levels of over 13 MBPD for over a year now.
it is a FACT the US oil industry took a BIG hit under Trump and has been coming back under Biden even with all the restrictions you MAGAS say Biden has put on their industry.
as I said MOST of the damage the US oil industry has uncured in the last 6 years was done under Trump NOT Biden.
and another thing when the Saudis were having that oil price war the price of oil went so low the futures were in the negative.
And during this time US refineries bought Billions and Billions of barrels of oil and stored it in ever tank, tanker, RR car they could find , and they finally started running out of cheap oil around the first of Dec 2020 and the price of gas started going up then.
so don't go putting ALL the Blame on Biden, Trump had his hands in it too, and Yes Biden did put restrictions on the oil industry but again a lot of the damage was already done .
Have a nice day