Inherent political ideology?


New member
For several weeks now I have been wondering if a person’s political ideology has any affect on his opinions and beliefs regarding non-political issues. For example, do conservatives prefer one color while liberals prefer another? Do liberals like one type of music while conservatives like another? Is someone’s political ideology due to nature or nurture?

But in order to devise a test that will use non-political issues to determine someone’s political ideology, I must have a test based on political issues so I can calibrate the non-political test. If most people who are conservative according to the political test answer non-political questions the same way, then there must be something about ideology that transcends politics. I have devised a set of baseline questions that will measure political ideology with political issues. I would appreciate getting everybody’s input.

1. What is your view of property?
A. All property should be privately owned so that the greatest economic good can be derived from it in the shortest amount of time possible without restraint.
B. All property should be publicly owned in that it should be used in the best interest of society as a whole so that no member of society benefits more from it than any other member of society does.
C. All property should be publicly owned so it can be used to insure that the basic needs of every member of society are provided for.
D. Ownership of property should be divided more or less equally between the private sector and the public sector so what needs to be exploited can be exploited and what needs to be preserved can be preserved.
E. Most property should be privately owned so the members of society have a vested interest in maintaining society for the sake of preserving their property for their own benefit and the benefit of their posterity.

2. What obligation do individuals have to society?
A. The individual has no obligation to society, i.e., society does not exist since no individual has a right to expect others to provide for him.
B. The individual has total obligation to society, i.e., individuals should not exist since all individuals are socially and economically equal.
C. Individuals are as responsible for taking care of each other as they are for taking care of themselves and this responsibility must be imposed by law when it is not accepted voluntarily.
D. Individuals have a moral obligation to take care of the less fortunate members of society and this obligation should be enforced by law when necessary.
E. Individuals have a moral obligation to provide the less fortunate members of society with whatever assistance they are capable of without imposing a burden on society themselves, but an individual’s obligation to take care of society should be minimal when the obligation is imposed by law so that individuals will not become dependent on the constant aid of others.

3. What obligation does society have to the individual?
A. Society has no obligation to the individual since society does not exist.
B. Society has an obligation to insure that inequality does not exist between individuals so that individualism does not exist.
C. Individuals have a right to rely on society for their basic sustenance.
D. Individuals have a right to rely on the resources of society when they cannot provide for themselves.
E. Society has a moral obligation to care for individuals that cannot care for themselves but society has no moral and should have no legal obligation to provide charity for individuals that willfully become burdens on society due to laziness, criminal activity, addiction etcetera.

4. When it comes to material gain
A. Each individual should be allowed to maximize his personal material gain without any interference from others as long as the individual respects the right of others to act in the same manner.
B. Material gain for the individual should not be allowed since the struggle for individual material gain leads to inequality within society.
C. Society, through governmental mechanism, should regulate material gain to insure equality between individuals as far as their basic economic needs are concerned.
D. Society, through governmental mechanisms, should heavily regulate material gain on the part of the individual so that the personal gain of one individual cannot deplete resources needed to provide another individual with basic sustenance.
E. Individuals should be free to maximize their individual gain according to free market forces to the extent that government regulation must insure that individuals do not engage in unfair, fraudulent or otherwise dishonest behavior.

5. In your view traditional social institutions and forces such as heterosexual marriage, monogamy, family and religion-
A. Have absolutely no importance and they must not exist because they serve to restrict the personal freedom of the individual by imposing societal norms on him.
B. Have absolutely no importance and must not exist because they allow the rich and powerful to oppress the poor and weak.
C. Have only the importance that individuals choose to give them and should not have any government or societal sanction.
D. Are important to society but government sanction should not be given to one form over another for the sake of insuring equality within society.
E. Have paramount importance for the preservation of society and the forms that history has proven to be the most effective for this purpose should be given government sanction and protection.

6. In your view economic markets-
A. Should not have any regulation apart from the natural laws of supply and demand.
B. Have no need of regulation because the market is simply the equitable exchange of goods and services so that everyone gets what they need and contributes what they can.
C. Should be placed under the regulation of government managers who will determine the type and quantity of goods and services that will be produced and consumed so that everyone’s basic needs are met.
D. Should be regulated by the government to the extent necessary to insure the economic equality between individuals.
D. Should be regulated by the government to the extent necessary to promote economic equality between individuals.
E. Should be regulated by the government only to the extent necessary to prevent monopolies, fraud and other dishonest trade practices while protecting consumers from the effects of asymmetric information.

7. In you view-
A. Human beings will fairly complete with each other to maximize their individual self-interests in that the possibility of economic retaliation or civil lawsuits will insure each individual’s honesty.
B. Human beings will freely cooperate with each other in order to maximize their collective self-interests.
C. Government regulation is necessary to insure that society maintains equality between individual human beings by cooperating with each other in the manner necessary to maintain an equitable society.
D. Government should do whatever is necessary to insulate individual human beings from the factors of life so that no individual has to face life at a disadvantage.
E. Humans, when left to their own devices are self-centered, self-serving, greedy beings and thus must be restrained by societal forces (government, religion, social mores etcetera) so their individual actions cannot harms others or otherwise disrupt society.

8. A nation state-
A. Merely exists as a means of justifying the existence of government.
B. Exists to create tension and conflict among the world’s peoples so that the powers that be in each nation can have an excuse for seizing the resources of other nations in the name of patriotism.
C. Is a by-product of history in that nation states serve to preserve the identity of people that share a common language, culture and heritage by fostering conflict between different nation states.
D. Preserves people who share a common racial, ethnic or historical identity, but in order to carryout this function nation states must be in conflict with each other so nation states should not have the freedom to act on their own volition so that international conflict can be reduced.
E. Has paramount importance as a unifying and assimilating mechanism for people who share or choose to share a common language, culture and heritage which are not necessarily dependent on biological factors such as race or ethnicity, and in order to maintain these functions a nation state must maintain its sovereignty and its freedom of action and must not be constrained by other nation states or international entities.

9. Government-
A. Exists merely as a source of oppression to restrain people’s liberty to conduct their lives as they see fit in order to maintain their own self-interests.
B. Is unnecessary and serves only to empower people and institutions that wish to profit by oppressing others for the sake of personal gain.
C. Must have supreme power in order marshal society’s resources so they can be used to insure equality between society’s members.
D. Serves as the mechanism for regulating society’s resources so that they can be used to promote equality between society’s members.
E. Is necessary for the preservation of a stable, functioning and self-perpetuating society in that it is an unbiased referee for settling societal disputes while it maintains public order and performs whatever other tasks that must be done when the private sector either cannot or will not perform them.

10. Force (physical, economic, emotional etcetera):
A. Can always be used by individuals to preserve, protect and defend human life and property against aggression of any kind.
B. Should never be necessary in an ideal setting, but when necessary it should always be applied by society, not individuals.
C. Should be applied by the state whenever necessary to maintain an equitable and just society, but should never be used by individuals either against other individuals or to disrupt the operation of the state.
D. May be used by individuals to achieve justice whenever society fails to provide them with justice, but it should not be used otherwise by individuals and it should be used only sparingly by society lest its application lead to injustice.
E. Is always legitimate when used by society (or individuals when society cannot take action in a timely manner) to preserve, protect and defend human life and property from criminal aggression, but under no circumstances should force be used to disrupt the operation of a legitimate government that can be altered by the normal course of constitutional means.

Add up the total number of answers you have for each letter A-E. Divide each sum by 10 and then multiply by 100 to obtain your ideological quotient for each ideology A-E. A score of (X/10)(100) = your ideological quotient for the ideology represented by X, i.e., what percent of the ideology represented by X you are.

I don’t want people to know what ideology each letter represents before they take the test so they won’t be able to choose answers based on what they think or want their ideology to be. Once you take the test send me a pm and I will let you know what the ideologies are.
Is there any way you could possibly be a little more concise? I appreciate your efforts but don't feel up to taking a board examination. Also, you're questioning seems to be biased from an "All or nothing" stand point. There's not much middle ground here in your questions, which is the problem I have with ideology in general.
Is there any way you could possibly be a little more concise?

No. The hallmark of anything political or religious on the net is a lack of precision. I have not found a single political placement test on the net that accurately identifies me the way I identify myself, and in the course of discussing politics over the past 10-15 years on the net I have been called a conservative, a liberal, a libertarian lite as well as a socialist and a Nazi/Fascist. Nobody on the net seems to know what these terms mean and this lack of knowledge and understanding is the root cause of the lack of precision in the net’s political placement tests. The internet will never be a useful political tool as long as the people that use it don’t have the same point of reference. Political labels get hurled on the net like insults when few people have any idea what the labels actually mean. People tend to label anything they don’t like and then end up with no clue as to how they should label themselves.

The answers to the questions here are based on my understanding of history and politics (a lifetime of personal study and 40 credit hours in college to go with my biology degree)- apart from what I have found on the net.

I appreciate your efforts but don't feel up to taking a board examination. Also, you're questioning seems to be biased from an "All or nothing" stand point. There's not much middle ground here in your questions, which is the problem I have with ideology in general.

These questions are digital, not analog. I am trying to be as precise as possible for the sake of clarity. I don't want to muddy the water any more than the internet has already muddied it. But I do want the test to be as accurate as possible so feel free to offer any suggestions for taking “middle ground” into account.
I didn't read past the first question as there is so much bias and BS in almost every sentence I had to raise my feet. Here's a slight improvement on the first question and a link to the same issue. I find few even understand what ideology is.

1. What is your view of property?
A. All property should be privately owned.
B. All property should be publicly owned.
C. All property should be publicly owned so it can be used to insure that the basic needs of every member of society.
D. Ownership of property should be divided between the private sector and the public sector.
I didn't read past the first question as there is so much bias and BS in almost every sentence I had to raise my feet.

If I am wrong, then provide evidence (with documentation) to support your assertion.

Otherwise, don't waste my time.