
Interesting. But basically it's a Daily Mail rant about "what's wrong with Britain?" Dunno, haven't been there for a few years.
It heartens me to see people rejecting the "we are all one" globalist insanity all over the world.

The elitists in europe are seeing to it that the UK citizens are overrun by islamists. WHat did their grandfathers die for?
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The country most interested in dismantling our Empire was the USA. Hitler never built a surface navy truly capable of challenging ours and, luckily for us, he left it too late to build enough submarines to starve us out.

He was very narrowly defeated in the Battle of Britain, but how would we have fared if, a year later, he had used the forces he flung at Russia to attack us instead?

But he didn't. His "plan" to invade Britain, the famous Operation Sealion, was only a sketchy afterthought, quickly abandoned.

Can it be true that he wasn't very interested in fighting or invading us? His aides were always baffled by his admiration for the British Empire, about which he would drone for hours.

Of course he was an evil dictator. But so was Joseph Stalin, who would later become our honoured ally, supplied with British weapons, fawned on by our Press and politicians, including Churchill himself.

By Christmas 1940, Stalin had in fact murdered many more people than Hitler and had invaded nearly as many countries.

We almost declared war on him in 1940 and he ordered British communists to subvert our war effort against the Nazis during the Battle of Britain.

And, in alliance with Hitler, he was supplying the Luftwaffe with much of the fuel and resources it needed to bomb London.

Not so simple, is it? Survey the 20th Century and you see Britain repeatedly fighting Germany, at colossal expense.

No one can doubt the valour and sacrifice involved.

But at the end of it all, Germany dominates Europe behind the smokescreen of the EU; our Empire and our rule of the seas have gone, we struggle with all the problems of a great civilisation in decline, and our special friend, the USA, has smilingly supplanted us for ever. But we won the war.

We have been identified as the tool of elitist globalist oppression that we actually are.
Actually I see it as a bit of karma. The earlier Brits colonised the very same countries that have returned the favour using immigration. I feel a bit for the more recent Anglo-Saxon Brits who are feeling terribly put-upon that their nation will have a Caliph when Queen Elizabeth is no longer on the throne but that's a bit of bad luck.
Actually I see it as a bit of karma. The earlier Brits colonised the very same countries that have returned the favour using immigration. I feel a bit for the more recent Anglo-Saxon Brits who are feeling terribly put-upon that their nation will have a Caliph when Queen Elizabeth is no longer on the throne but that's a bit of bad luck.

It's a bit of bullshit. Current british people should not be punished for the sins of their fathers. This is exactly what I mean about identity manipulation and the guilting of the west. This kind of logic is racism as it's core, as it posits that those of the same race are a monolithic whole that should be treated as a single entity even across generations.
It's a bit of bullshit. Current british people should not be punished for the sins of their fathers. This is exactly what I mean about identity manipulation and the guilting of the west. This kind of logic is racism as it's core, as it posits that those of the same race are a monolithic whole that should be treated as a single entity even across generations.

And that changes things how?