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Got these from Reason

From Tim Virkkalla

The New Republic once again brought up Ron Paul’s strange career as figurehead for a series of newsletters, complete with racially insensitive statements and provocative rhetoric.

As a writer and editor working in the libertarian movement at the time of these “Ron Paul” newsletters, I have vague recollection of “common knowledge”: it was known who wrote these newsletters, and why. It was money for Ron. It was money for the writers. And it was a way of keeping Ron’s name in the minds of right wingers with money . . . future donors.

It was designed to be entertaining writing. Provocative. It flirted with racism, like Mencken’s did, and Mencken was indeed the model of the style. But these “Ron Paul” writings went further than Mencken’s usually did (at least for publication) along the lines of annoying the racially sensitive; and they sometimes did veer into outright racism.

I was embarrassed by the implied racial hatred, rather disgusted by the general level of hate regardlesss of race. I was also a bit shocked by the writing because the style was so obviously not Ron’s, and so obviously the product of the actual writers, with whom I had tangential relations — is my editor’s* writer my writer?

And yet some bits of this writing, held up for inspection by TNR — for example, the bit about Salman Rushdie — seem interesting and worth discussing, not worth quickly relegating to the trash file. The author of the Rushdie/Zundel “comparison” was primarilly attacking the hypocrisy of the mainstream “liberals” regarding free speech. To characterize this as a simple comparison (and thus to suggest a “moral equation”) is to miss a very big point. I figure that if I read more of this stuff, I’d find more missed points. The provocation is obvious. But there’s intellectual content behind the provocation, and the content is worth considering without the bad connotations elicited by the rhetoric.

Most of us “old-time” libertarians have known about this sad period of Ron Paul’s career from the get-go. We know that it was a lapse on his part. But we who opposed it (and not all of us did) put much of the blame on the writers involved, not on Paul, who was, after all, juggling family, medicine, politics, and continued study of actual economics. That Paul didn’t realize what he was doing to his own moral stance is amazing. His style is one of earnest moralizing. That fits his character. The ugliness of this career move speaks a sad story.

It also indicates the most thing about Ron Paul as presidential timber: he let himself be so easily used and influenced.

But then, so has nearly every president in American history, our current president most of all.

Oh, so who wrote Ron Paul’s newsletter? I have only hearsay and memory to go on. But really, most of us in the libertarian “industry” just “knew” who. I have four names in mind, I think all contributed at one point or another. But maybe it was only a subset of those names, maybe it was just one or two. One of the names is pretty damn obvious. And one of the names is not obvious at all; the style was abandoned for better things, later on.

Like Rodney King, one might prefer we all just get along, move along, and forget about this sorry story. But it is worth exploring. Racism is still a live issue in America. And, apparently, in libertarianism.


* Were R.W. Bradford still alive, I am sure he would be happy to verify what he had heard from the writers themselves. The authorship of the Ron Paul newsletters was, truly, an open secret. Or at least open to those of us at Liberty.
And from Wnedy McElroy

Will you fall on a sword of your own making?The identity of the author of the 'objectionable' material from past issues of Ron Paul's Newsletter -- material that is currently being used by major media to skewer Paul [see blog post below] -- is an open secret within the circles in which I run. The news accounts refer to him merely as an "aide." We call him by his first name.

I am addressing an appeal to this man. Damage is being done to the libertarian movement (see Radley Balko's analysis) and to Ron Paul. Frankly, I don't give a flying fuck about the latter...but I know you do. Will you now do the decent thing for libertarianism and come forward to acknowledge responsibility for the material being used against your mentor?

A reader of this blog comments, People are calling for Paul to name the author but the problem is that the name most mentioned over the years as the ghost-writer for those horrid newsletters is equally as prominent to Paul and remains a close confidant of the Paul campaign. He [Paul] can blame a former aide if he wishes, and he does, but if the former aide is a good friend and top advisor today then his severing himself from the writer doesn't work. He can't talk about it being a former aide if, in essence, the author is now a top adviser to Paul and good chum.

I disagree on one point. The author can talk about it. He should talk about it. I will not 'out' the person in question on this blog although people are urging me to do so. One of them writes, After the way he's treated the rest of us [ex-friends who criticize Paul], it might be worth taking him down a peg or two. I won't...but neither will I pretend that I do not know the background of the matter. I appeal to the author to do the decent thing. Don't let Ron Paul take the fall for your words and actions. Don't further sully the libertarian movement by your silence. I know that -- in writing this -- I am severing all connection between us in the future and, frankly, I am sorry to do so. be it. Through our years of association, one thing I have never considered you to be is a coward.Please prove my assessment correct; please take responsibility.
I am guessing it was Rockwell. I thought it might be Dondero, but then this does not make sense...

I am addressing an appeal to this man. Damage is being done to the libertarian movement (see Radley Balko's analysis) and to Ron Paul. Frankly, I don't give a flying fuck about the latter...but I know you do.
and at worst, he's Grand Master Dragon Paul. :)

pretty much. to sum up

a) He's good at not getting stuff done in congress
b) White nationalists love him
c) He's either a WN himself or he can't even manage a team of 4 ghost writers that are writing things in his name.

Witness the Ron "Grand Dragon" Paul revolution.
He was busy with his practice, life and politics.

But this is still bad, because he maintains connection with one of the writers.

After reading Virkkala again it seems it may have been two writers or more. The one that would be obvious sounds like Dondero. The one that is not because he has abandoned the style sound like Rockwell.

I always had the suspicion Rockwell was a bit racist. That is if it was Rockwell. But my educated guess is it was.
He was busy with his practice, life and politics.

But this is still bad, because he maintains connection with one of the writers.

After reading Virkkala again it seems it may have been two writers or more. The one that would be obvious sounds like Dondero. The one that is not because he has abandoned the style sound like Rockwell.

I always had the suspicion Rockwell was a bit racist. That is if it was Rockwell. But my educated guess is it was.

:rolleyes: interesting.
and at worst, he's Grand Master Dragon Paul. :)

Yeah, absolutely nothing to support that at all. You now have multiple credible sources that do not benefit and in fact might suffer, from their comments coming forward and stating Paul did not write these articles. Texas Monthly, NYT and all other credible sources say it does not fit.

Your one neocon Giuliani supporter, who has been bashing Paul for awhile really can't show he wrote them and did not produce one new thing to establish that he did.

You have nothing to back that Paul is a racist. That he might be too willing to associate with them though is pretty bad in my mind.
RStringfield said:
Your one neocon Giuliani supporter, who has been bashing Paul for awhile really can't show he wrote them and did not produce one new thing to establish that he did.

Yeah Cypress, how is working out for you? Are you going to your local Guiliani meet up tonight?
God you people are fucking clueless and completely immune to anything outside your own narrowminded viewpoint.

Kirchick, the writer of the TNR article, is Giuliani supporter. He has bashed Paul before with slimy journalism on gays in the military. I presented this all before. You guys have no valid source that Paul wrote the article. You depend on sources that say they don't think he did (e.g., Texas Monthly) or Kirchner who can't say one way or the other.
God you people are fucking clueless and completely immune to anything outside your own narrowminded viewpoint.

Kirchick, the writer of the TNR article, is Giuliani supporter. He has bashed Paul before with slimy journalism on gays in the military. I presented this all before. You guys have no valid source that Paul wrote the article. You depend on sources that say they don't think he did (e.g., Texas Monthly) or Kirchner who can't say one way or the other.

Actually I'm taking your information at face at the moment. Rockwell's site is basically an homage to Ron Paul. Much like your existance on this board these days. Now, if you suspect that rockwell is a racist and he obviously is very close to this man personally is it slightly possible that they share a common belief.......just a race relations as well.

And for the record, this thread doesn't contain any proof that he didn't write and/or support the letters either. Its nothing more than a big fat shrug from his people which in and of itself is telling in my book.

I have to say, the more you post about him, the more I'm convinced he's a closet white supremacist.
Yes, and I'm getting ready to buy my cousin's lovely vacation home in Vancouver!

Sounds fab. You should definitely wear your "I LOVE GUILIANI" t-shirts to work and out everywhere you go. Let's just he can edge in, out do RP enough to win the whole thing.
Actually I'm taking your information at face at the moment. Rockwell's site is basically an homage to Ron Paul. Much like your existance on this board these days. Now, if you suspect that rockwell is a racist and he obviously is very close to this man personally is it slightly possible that they share a common belief.......just a race relations as well.

No, it does not bear out against anything else Paul has ever written, said or his policies. It's an ugly indictment that he might have been too willing to find common cause with them.

And for the record, this thread doesn't contain any proof that he didn't write and/or support the letters either. Its nothing more than a big fat shrug from his people which in and of itself is telling in my book.

Reason is not Paul's people. They have remained guarded about him. McElroy clearly states that she does not give a flying fuck about him.

I have to say, the more you post about him, the more I'm convinced he's a closet white supremacist.

And the more you post about him the more I am convinced you really don't care about the truth, you are just engaging in smear. There is bad enough here to bash him, yet you guys go for what you have nothing to support and which is clearly contraindicated by all the facts.
It's hardly a secret .. everyone knows that Lew Rockwell contributed to his newsletterS (plural) .. but who the writer ws hardly matters.

Paul called the writings his "tongue-in-cheek academic writings and stood by the words for FIVE YEARS. Some of the most vile and racist writings under the name of a US Congressperson in many years and he did nothing about them. Yet the Paultards think he bares no responsibility.

But don't just stop at the writings ...

He participates with vile subhuman racist groups.

He invites absolute lunatics like Chris Simcox, a felon whose 14 year old daughter accused of trying to sexually molest her to his events as "Guest of Honor."

He doesn't think the Civil Rights Act should have been signed and he would stand against it.

He dishonors Rosa Parks and civil rights groups, even those as tame as the NAACP .. but he will NOT distance himself no dishonor subhuman racists.

The ONLY person in Congress with a 100% rating from the Birchers.

I could go on about his apparent racism and/or complete stupidity, but the point has now become moot by his rejection.
It's hardly a secret .. everyone knows that Lew Rockwell contributed to his newsletterS (plural) .. but who the writer ws hardly matters.

Paul called the writings his "tongue-in-cheek academic writings and stood by the words for FIVE YEARS. Some of the most vile and racist writings under the name of a US Congressperson in many years and he did nothing about them. Yet the Paultards think he bares no responsibility.

Any source for the quote.

Who said he bears no responsiblity? Another dishonest strawman.
Mmmm I'm gonna say that I don't think Rstring is too far off guessing Rockwell.

Unforunate if true, but maybe not entirely unforseen there.
Any source for the quote.

Who said he bears no responsiblity? Another dishonest strawman.

I've posted the quote here many times and it's readily available on the net .. you do know how to use google I assume.

I'm not interested in trying to convince you of anything .. so search for it or not .. doesn't matter.
Mmmm I'm gonna say that I don't think Rstring is too far off guessing Rockwell.

Unforunate if true, but maybe not entirely unforseen there.

Would you continue to have a close relationship with someone like that if you were a political figure? Or just yourself?