Institutionalized religious intolerance in the US



Yeah its christians who are being persicuted....bullshit.

Maybe the reason the misperception persists that there are no atheists in foxholes is that nonbelievers must either shut up about their views or be hounded out of the military.

Just ask Army Spc. Jeremy Hall, who is making a splash in the news because of the way his atheism was attacked by superiors and fellow soldiers while he was risking his life in service to his country.

Hall, 23, served two combat tours in Iraq, winning the Combat Action Badge. But he's now stationed at Fort Riley, Kan., having been returned stateside early because the Army couldn't ensure his safety.

There is something deeply amiss when we send soldiers on a mission to engender peaceful coexistence between Sunni and Shiite Muslims, yet our military doesn't seem able to offer religious tolerance to its own.

Hall recounts the events that led to his marginalization in a federal lawsuit he filed in March in Kansas. Hall is joined by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a group devoted to assisting members of the military who object to the pervasive and coercive Christian proselytizing in our armed forces.

Hall's atheism became an issue soon after it became known. On Thanksgiving 2006 while stationed outside Tikrit, Hall politely declined to join in a Christian prayer before the holiday meal. The result was a dressing down by a staff sergeant who told him that as an atheist he needed to sit somewhere else.

In another episode, after his gun turret took a bullet that almost found an opening, the first thing a superior wanted to know was whether Hall believed in Jesus now, not whether he was okay.

Then, in July, while still in Iraq, Hall organized a meeting of the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers. According to Hall, after things began, Maj. Freddy Welborn disrupted the meeting with threats saying he might bring charges against Hall for conduct detrimental to good order and discipline, and that Hall was disgracing the Constitution. (Err, I think the major has that backward.) Welborn has denied the allegations, but the New York Times reports that another soldier at the meeting said that Hall's account was accurate.
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There are even christians who have been treated like this because their brand of christianity doesnt fit perfectly with the brand of the officers.
This is nothing new to Mikey Weinstein, founder of MRFF and a former Air Force judge advocate general who also served in the Reagan administration. Weinstein says that he has collected nearly 8,000 complaints, mostly from Christian members of the military tired of being force-fed a narrow brand of evangelical fundamentalism.

Weinstein, who co-wrote the book With God on Our Side: One Man's War Against an Evangelical Coup in America's Military, has documented how the ranks of our military have been infiltrated by members of the Officers' Christian Fellowship and other similar organizations. On its Web site, the OCF makes no secret of its mission which is to "raise up a godly military" by enlisting "ambassadors for Christ in uniform."
Onward Christain Soldiers.

Many Christians have the same goal as some of the muslims do world domination. But the militant christians do not even promise us virgins :cry:
I think the goal is to make them all so cohesive that they will be able to order them to restrain their fellow Americans as ordered.
yeah I have noticed that you did not grow up in a typical USA environment.
You were lucky.
It is interesting. I grew up typical for CO though. And the A-School was where you go to train in the service. But CT's are a cut above the grunts...
The treatment of Specialist Hall (assuming an accurate description) is indeed deplorable.

But since when is ONE person's account an example of "institutionalized" religious intolerance. Are there other instances? Where are the indications that this is a widespread phenomenon, encouraged (or at best silently condoned) by the military infrastructure?

Or is it I am forgetting that condemning an entire group for the actions of a few is OK, as long as the criticism is coming from liberals?
The treatment of Specialist Hall (assuming an accurate description) is indeed deplorable.

But since when is ONE person's account an example of "institutionalized" religious intolerance. Are there other instances? Where are the indications that this is a widespread phenomenon, encouraged (or at best silently condoned) by the military infrastructure?

Or is it I am forgetting that condemning an entire group for the actions of a few is OK, as long as the criticism is coming from liberals?

If you had read the article you would not be asking these questions.
I was no rel pref in the Army. The ONLY prostelityzing (sp) that I EVER ran into was when I first arrived in Germany an E-6 put a fire and brimstone comic in my welcome packet when I joined my platoon. I gave it back and told him respectfully that it was inappropriate. He continued to hand them out until I complained to my company commander and he put a complete end to it. That Sgt treated me kind of different for a few weeks then it was over. I never felt pressured to join any religious ceremony, they had a separate gathering with a chaplain just before segments of my Battalion left for the first gulf war. The Augsburg Military community also had a large Wiccan following that was never interfered with. I was in from 1987 to 1991. End of Reagan through Bush I and there was no pressure to be Christian or participate in Christian worship.