Interesting Comments By Bill Clinton on Jobs

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
This is an interesting interview. The man sure still has it. I can concur some of what he's saying about hiring.

In my area of work, at my company, we have had openings to hire people this entire year but have had extreme difficulties finding not only people with the skill sets to do the job but even people who have the background that can even be trained to do the job. It's depressing the shortage of people with science and/or technology backgrounds. Liberal Arts, Social Science and I hate to say it even business majors are a dime a dozen but finding people with science/technology backgrounds is hard!

That's made for a rough year because the rest of us have had to double up on our work load. Of the 6 positions we've needed to fill we've only filled one of those with a qualified person. We filled 3 more with people who had the science background and have been training them. One didn't make it. That leaves us with 3 positions open and were since business has picked up this year were still doing about double the work load.
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This is an interesting interview. The man sure still has it. I can concur some of what he's saying about hiring.

In my area of work, at my company, we have had openings to hire people this entire year but have had extreme difficulties finding not only people with the skill sets to do the job but even people who have the background that can even be trained to do the job. It's depressing the shortage of people with science and/or technology backgrounds. Liberal Arts, Social Science and I hate to say it even business majors are a dime a dozen but finding people with science/technology backgrounds is hard!

That's made for a rough year because the rest of us have had to double up on our work load. Of the 6 positions we've needed to fill we've only filled one of those with a qualified person. We filled 3 more with people who had the science background and have been training them. One didn't make it. That leaves us with 3 positions open and were since business has picked up this year were still doing about double the work load.

You should stop being so cheap and you should stop letting your hr people keep qualified white males out of the running for your made up bullshit reasons.

You're a lying fraud and you know it.

you blind yourselves to americans so you can rally the government to import indentured servants.
This is an interesting interview. The man sure still has it. I can concur some of what he's saying about hiring.

In my area of work, at my company, we have had openings to hire people this entire year but have had extreme difficulties finding not only people with the skill sets to do the job but even people who have the background that can even be trained to do the job. It's depressing the shortage of people with science and/or technology backgrounds. Liberal Arts, Social Science and I hate to say it even business majors are a dime a dozen but finding people with science/technology backgrounds is hard!

That's made for a rough year because the rest of us have had to double up on our work load. Of the 6 positions we've needed to fill we've only filled one of those with a qualified person. We filled 3 more with people who had the science background and have been training them. One didn't make it. That leaves us with 3 positions open and were since business has picked up this year were still doing about double the work load.

What were the fool's comments, btw? No linky? or quotey?
You should stop being so cheap and you should stop letting your hr people keep qualified white males out of the running for your made up bullshit reasons.

You're a lying fraud and you know it.

you blind yourselves to americans so you can rally the government to import indentured servants.

I agree (to an extent, what's the white male stuff all about?). There's a big difference between "we cannot find qualified people" and "we cannot find qualified people at the price we are willing to pay them."
This is an interesting interview. The man sure still has it. I can concur some of what he's saying about hiring.

In my area of work, at my company, we have had openings to hire people this entire year but have had extreme difficulties finding not only people with the skill sets to do the job but even people who have the background that can even be trained to do the job. It's depressing the shortage of people with science and/or technology backgrounds. Liberal Arts, Social Science and I hate to say it even business majors are a dime a dozen but finding people with science/technology backgrounds is hard!

That's made for a rough year because the rest of us have had to double up on our work load. Of the 6 positions we've needed to fill we've only filled one of those with a qualified person. We filled 3 more with people who had the science background and have been training them. One didn't make it. That leaves us with 3 positions open and were since business has picked up this year were still doing about double the work load.

Depends what area of the Country ... down here in South Florida we have an abundance of people with Science/Tech backgrounds looking for work. They are taking half, sometimes a 3rd of what they previously earned back in 2006.
People in Florida cant afford to stay on Unemployment for too long... they have it capped at 275.00 needles to say its an Employers Job Market...
Yeah, Asshate, considering the shortage of applicants, I'm sure Mott's company turned down like 25 qualified white-male applicants in hope that minorities and women will soon be submitting resumes...
I agree (to an extent, what's the white male stuff all about?). There's a big difference between "we cannot find qualified people" and "we cannot find qualified people at the price we are willing to pay them."
Were offering in the top quartile salary by industry standards for this type of occupation so the salary were offering isn't an issue. We've had plenty of applicants.
Oh shit. that was stupid of me!

I'm refering to the first two vids.

President Bill is advocating a National Jobs Training program. The one big problem I have with that Interview is the little stretigic inserts with Obama and Clinton. Yahoo is bought and paid for by the Democrats...anyone with half a brain knows that.

However.... never underestimate the Clintons... its going to get real interesting after the avalanche in Nov.
Depends what area of the Country ... down here in South Florida we have an abundance of people with Science/Tech backgrounds looking for work. They are taking half, sometimes a 3rd of what they previously earned back in 2006.
People in Florida cant afford to stay on Unemployment for too long... they have it capped at 275.00 needles to say its an Employers Job Market...
The situation Clinton is describing is more accurate up here in the rust belt. I know people of the old industrial skill sets, fabricators, mill wrights, machinist, tool and die, electricians, those folks are in a world of hurt. The new jobs are not those type of heavy industry jobs. There more in the area of computer networks, telecom, biotech, logistics, supply plan, health care, etc. That's where the money is these days.
President Bill is advocating a National Jobs Training program. The one big problem I have with that Interview is the little stretigic inserts with Obama and Clinton. Yahoo is bought and paid for by the Democrats...anyone with half a brain knows that.

However.... never underestimate the Clintons... its going to get real interesting after the avalanche in Nov.
I fully expect Hilliary to be the Democratic nominee in 2016 if she's up to it from a health standpoint. Bill didn't look to well in that vid, did he?

These vids also demonstrate what frustrates me about most politicians these days. That is their inability to relate to middle Americans. Bill is certainly right about this being the cause for the rise of the Tea Party. I also think if Obama had half of Bills ability to relate to middle American he'd win in 2012 by a land slide and that the Dems presently wouldn't be in such hot water.
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The situation Clinton is describing is more accurate up here in the rust belt. I know people of the old industrial skill sets, fabricators, mill wrights, machinist, tool and die, electricians, those folks are in a world of hurt. The new jobs are not those type of heavy industry jobs. There more in the area of computer networks, telecom, biotech, logistics, supply plan, health care, etc. That's where the money is these days.

All of that was true before the recession. The recession based unemployment is not structural in nature but is demand based.

Now, I'm not saying retraining is bad. It's good. But it wouldn't get unemployment anywhere close to pre-recession levels.
what a crock. there are plenty of people with rich experience in these fields that would love to do the work. They get glossed over because they didn't go to college.
This is an interesting interview. The man sure still has it. I can concur some of what he's saying about hiring.

In my area of work, at my company, we have had openings to hire people this entire year but have had extreme difficulties finding not only people with the skill sets to do the job but even people who have the background that can even be trained to do the job. It's depressing the shortage of people with science and/or technology backgrounds. Liberal Arts, Social Science and I hate to say it even business majors are a dime a dozen but finding people with science/technology backgrounds is hard!

That's made for a rough year because the rest of us have had to double up on our work load. Of the 6 positions we've needed to fill we've only filled one of those with a qualified person. We filled 3 more with people who had the science background and have been training them. One didn't make it. That leaves us with 3 positions open and were since business has picked up this year were still doing about double the work load.

Clinton mentioned the man in charge of training programs in Georgia is putting unemployed people in companies to be trained so when their unemployment ends they’ll be able to do a job. Great idea!
Chemistry or environmental education preferably with hazmat industry experience
Okay. I ask about tech background and your answer is "Chemistry"? No wonder you can't find anybody with a tech background, you seem to have a disparate definition of technology.
Man, I thank god every day I took the time to get HAZMAT certified in the Corps. Without that, I wouldn't have a pot to piss in.

Speaking of which, I'll go out on a limb here and say that part of the rise in unemployment has been caused by an increase in people getting out of the service. The military rarely gives you the ability to find another job, and because most people who get out are in the college age bracket, they still need to compete with college grads, but rarely have an educational equivalent.