Interesting map: The marijuana vote in MA


Abreast of the situations
Look at the support. I predict medical marijuana in MA is a question within 2-4years.

They also did a sample for medical marijuana in 5 towns. the results were:

Medical marijuana use
Summary: Should the representative from this district be instructed to vote for legislation allowing seriously ill patients, with the consent of their doctor, to possess and grow small amounts of marijuana for their personal medical use?

...................No Yes
Ayer- 2 of 2- 847- 2,289
Dunstable- 1 of 1- 443- 1,032
Groton- 3 of 3- 1,333- 4,293
Pepperell- 3 of 3- 1,506- 4,353
Townsend- 3 of 3- 1,289- 3,418
Total- 12 of 12- 5,418- 15,385
I honestly truly believe that most of the people that are against marijuana, had they actually tried it, would be like ..."holy fuck... I used to support people going to jail for THIS??"
that vote was a blow out that i dont think anyone expected. every single town except for 3 overwhelmingly for it like 60 and 70 %.

My guess is another group tries to bring it to the next level in 4 years when obama running again. perfect election for this.
that vote was a blow out that i dont think anyone expected. every single town except for 3 overwhelmingly for it like 60 and 70 %.

My guess is another group tries to bring it to the next level in 4 years when obama running again. perfect election for this.
that vote was a blow out that i dont think anyone expected. every single town except for 3 overwhelmingly for it like 60 and 70 %.

My guess is another group tries to bring it to the next level in 4 years when obama running again. perfect election for this.
I honestly truly believe that most of the people that are against marijuana, had they actually tried it, would be like ..."holy fuck... I used to support people going to jail for THIS??"

I agree with you, Grind. I also think it comes back to haunt those who called it a "gateway drug" because kids try it and find out they were lied to.
Look at the support. I predict medical marijuana in MA is a question within 2-4years.

They also did a sample for medical marijuana in 5 towns. the results were:

Medical marijuana use
Summary: Should the representative from this district be instructed to vote for legislation allowing seriously ill patients, with the consent of their doctor, to possess and grow small amounts of marijuana for their personal medical use?

...................No Yes
Ayer- 2 of 2- 847- 2,289
Dunstable- 1 of 1- 443- 1,032
Groton- 3 of 3- 1,333- 4,293
Pepperell- 3 of 3- 1,506- 4,353
Townsend- 3 of 3- 1,289- 3,418
Total- 12 of 12- 5,418- 15,385

I'm betting a majority of those yes votes also voted for Obama.

Guess what folks .. a new sheriff is coming to town and his name is Eric Holder .. and Sheriff Holder thinks ALL mj convictions should be felonies and he want longer, stiffer, harser penalties for mj use .. including medical mj use .. which he deosn't believe in.

Oh .. you thought because Obama used to say he believed mj should be decriminalized .. and you believed that bullshit .. that he was on your side

Well, many of his supporters, including those disappointed about Holder, that Obama was saying what he had to say to get elected .. and you were right

.. but the jokes on you
I'm betting a majority of those yes votes also voted for Obama.

Guess what folks .. a new sheriff is coming to town and his name is Eric Holder .. and Sheriff Holder thinks ALL mj convictions should be felonies and he want longer, stiffer, harser penalties for mj use .. including medical mj use .. which he deosn't believe in.

Oh .. you thought because Obama used to say he believed mj should be decriminalized .. and you believed that bullshit .. that he was on your side

Well, many of his supporters, including those disappointed about Holder, that Obama was saying what he had to say to get elected .. and you were right

.. but the jokes on you

That is certainly disheartening to hear and now becomes my first strike against obama.
I'm betting a majority of those yes votes also voted for Obama.

Guess what folks .. a new sheriff is coming to town and his name is Eric Holder .. and Sheriff Holder thinks ALL mj convictions should be felonies and he want longer, stiffer, harser penalties for mj use .. including medical mj use .. which he deosn't believe in.

Oh .. you thought because Obama used to say he believed mj should be decriminalized .. and you believed that bullshit .. that he was on your side

Well, many of his supporters, including those disappointed about Holder, that Obama was saying what he had to say to get elected .. and you were right

.. but the jokes on you

lol not on me, I voted yes for decriminalization and not for obama.
I'm betting a majority of those yes votes also voted for Obama.

Guess what folks .. a new sheriff is coming to town and his name is Eric Holder .. and Sheriff Holder thinks ALL mj convictions should be felonies and he want longer, stiffer, harser penalties for mj use .. including medical mj use .. which he deosn't believe in.

Oh .. you thought because Obama used to say he believed mj should be decriminalized .. and you believed that bullshit .. that he was on your side

Well, many of his supporters, including those disappointed about Holder, that Obama was saying what he had to say to get elected .. and you were right

.. but the jokes on you

Can you point me to Holder's record on the issue?

This is pretty disturbing for me, and would undermine my primary reason for voting Obama if it ends up being more of the same on drug policy.
I'm betting a majority of those yes votes also voted for Obama.

Guess what folks .. a new sheriff is coming to town and his name is Eric Holder .. and Sheriff Holder thinks ALL mj convictions should be felonies and he want longer, stiffer, harser penalties for mj use .. including medical mj use .. which he deosn't believe in.

Oh .. you thought because Obama used to say he believed mj should be decriminalized .. and you believed that bullshit .. that he was on your side

Well, many of his supporters, including those disappointed about Holder, that Obama was saying what he had to say to get elected .. and you were right

.. but the jokes on you

Hyperbolic crap.

Before he became Deputy Attorney General under Janet Reno in 1997, Holder was United States Attorney for the District of Columbia. In that office, he complained to the Washington Post that laws against marijuana in the nation's capital were too lenient.

The Washington Times reported on his charges that D.C.'s repeal of mandatory minimum sentences was "misguided" and his plans to make marijuana distribution a felony. He proposed "setting minimum sentences of 18 months for first-time convicted drug dealers, 36 months for the second time and 72 months for every conviction thereafter."

Holder is just as hostile to firearms possession as he is to the use of marijuana. As Deputy Attorney General, he put forward Clinton administration proposals for imposing draconian restrictions on private individuals who want to sell a gun or two from their personal collections at gun shows and flea markets. "Under our proposal, Brady background checks would be required for all guns that are sold at gun shows, even if the gun is sold by a vendor who is not licensed."

Even after he left government, Holder signed on to former Attorney General Janet Reno's amicus brief (PDF) in the case of D.C. v. Heller, opposing the position that the Supreme Court finally adopted: that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects an individual right to keep and bear arms. The brief Holder signed explicitly asserted, "The Second Amendment does not protect firearms possession or use that Is unrelated to participation In a well-regulated militia."
Judging by the article, BAC's info is spot on.

What a piece of work Holder would be as AG.

Not really. The article is silent on Holder's position on marijuana use altogether. Rather, the article focuses on Holder's position on the distribution of marijuana, which at the time was a misdemeanor in D.C. regardless of the quantity involved, and proposed to make the distribution of marijuana a felony. Further, the article is silent on the issue of medical marijuana altogether. It doesn't even mention it.

There's a big difference between use, possession and distribution of marijuana. Related to this particular thread, the Mass law decriminalizes the possession of marijuana but distribution remains a criminal offense.

I'm all for criticism of Holder, but I prefer honest criticism.
Wow talk about shitting on my two pet issues.

Sorry I missed your post ..

Eric Holder: Extreme Drug Warrior

The Washington Post on Holder’s (failed) drug policies in 1996:

U.S. Attorney Eric H. Holder Jr. said in an interview that he is considering not only prosecuting more marijuana cases but also asking the D.C. Council to enact stiffer penalties for the sale and use of marijuana.

The Trouble With Eric Holder