Interesting this...


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In an article about Obama gaining in 5 states on CNN they said this which I find interesting and a agree with:

"Obama has gained ground among moderates in all five states," said CNN polling director Keating Holland. "That may have something to do with the first presidential debate. Some commentators knocked Obama for agreeing with McCain as often as he did, but moderates tend to like it when candidates appear willing to see the other side's point of view."

But you know those moderates hardly ever swing an election one way of the other. THose fence sitters, those milktoast mollycoddlers.
I found that during the post-debate analysis, the talking heads assessed Obama's performance in terms of campaign strategy rather than content, whereas I think that potential voters watching the debate would tend to pay more attention to content and manner. I found myself somewhat puzzled by the pundits' comments and turned it off fairly soon.
Saying that McCain was right about something did not mean he agreed with McCain on how to deal with an issue. You can say, "My opponent is right about issue 1. However, he says we should do A, F and L to take care of this problem. I disagree. A,F and L will cause problems i,ii and iii. Instead I suggest that we do B,C and D to take care of the problem and therebye avoid i,ii, and iii." They still agree at the top about what issue 1 is but have different ways to treat, deal or cure the issue.
That's the way I saw it too; I didn't consider his saying that he agreed with McCain on some fundamental point as any sort of weakness. To disagree on some points would have been foolhardy in any event. I found Obama's performance to be gracious, intelligent and statesmanlike; also I had the impression that he was not willing to be baited into attack mode. On the other hand, though McCain did perform better than I'd expected, I also found him to be ill at ease, not as in touch with the issues as he should have been, and in some instances, rather mean spirited and petty. There was one point, and I can't quite recall the issue now, when I thought McCain was on the verge of losing it and we'd see a flash of that legendary temper. But he reined it in in time -- too bad <G>
I did not watch the debate but knew McCain lost when the republican pundits hangouts at the local country store called it as a tie the next day.
Obama did just what he needed to do in that debate.

Non confrontational and respectful.

McCain was disrespectful to Obama and paid the price.

McCain did far better than I expected him to do.

Obama still won though.
Obama did just what he needed to do in that debate.

Non confrontational and respectful.

McCain was disrespectful to Obama and paid the price.

McCain did far better than I expected him to do.

Obama still won though.

I remember obama calling McCain "John". I don't call that respectfull. Most people don't from what I see. I don't know where your looking.

If I were McCain, I would have said. "I didn't know we were on a first name basis. That is OK with me--we are more friends than enemys. I have a good name that rings well with the American public---don't you think--Barrack? For my best friends though--we always use our middle names. Now---what is your point about taxing coporations again Hussain?"

Ahhhh---I messed it up. Saracuda can do it much better than I can.
I remember obama calling McCain "John". I don't call that respectfull. Most people don't from what I see. I don't know where your looking.

If I were McCain, I would have said. "I didn't know we were on a first name basis. That is OK with me--we are more friends than enemys. I have a good name that rings well with the American public---don't you think--Barrack? For my best friends though--we always use our middle names. Now---what is your point about taxing coporations again Hussain?"

Ahhhh---I messed it up. Saracuda can do it much better than I can.

It would've been awesome if he would've said something that assholish because he'd be at 30% in the polls today. Too bad, he's only going to lose with 40% because he chose to do it halfway sensible.