
Do diverse ideas scare you? Don't read 'em...

The Hildebeast and her surrogates have been playing to the lowest common denominator of racial division in a desperate effort to make her seem more electable than a Black man - by virtue of her supposed "appeal to white voters", and in the process the ClintonCrats imply that African-Americans are neither hard-working nor intelligent.

Echoing over a century of racist Democratic values, Paul Begala, the Hildebeast's mouthpiece, opined that the Jackass Party cannot win in November with "eggheads and African-Americans", insinuating that a Black man or woman is incapable of intellectualism.

In an interview with USA Today, Clinton said this:

"I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on," she said in an interview with USA TODAY. As evidence, the desperate HillyBilly cited an Associated Press article that purportedly showed a weakening of Obama's "support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans", and how "whites in both states" were supporting the doomed diva of the Dems.
Not to mention that report is flawed.. Obamas actually been gaining in the white vote demographic over all but he hasnt been able to make in roads with the olden whities...