Intersting video about F/F crisis


Tin, use the URL link that is in the little box next to the youtube video rather than the one at the top of the page.
hit the link at the top of the video player and it'll go to youtube

Thanks man. I have heard all of that already, but it is really good stuff.

The liberials can't believe it--their gods ripping us all off with obama in on it (which should come up well and in detail in the next debates). It has to be computer cropping and audible dubbing going on there from the radical right---right? No way would the Dem party take advantage of such a well thought out social program---so ---what else is new?
They are playing a lot of it on Fox news now also. :)

If obama had his way (because he would not show up) Paulson would have passed the orgional 3 page bill, and ripped off the public with no restrictions.

Damn---the truth must hurt if you are a commie. here comes the projection.
That film does go a little to far right at the end with giving McCain credit for stopping the bad bill. the people stopped the bill. They got a lot of no calls--lkke 9 out of 10, and a lot of them. The people stopped the Aministy bill,--and now they stopped this.

Just remember---under socialism--there is no stopping them---without war.
Hey where the hell is watermark? Desh? Cypress and Lorax? You morons will ignore this because it totally blows your arguments out of the water.

Wow. Big surprise. The democrats are fucking us. Is this a vindication of republicans or something? You're all idiots if you don't realize they're ALL FUCKING US. That is all.