Intrade Mcain 52.4 Obama 46.7


Verified User
that's the biggest lead I've seen for Mcain.
Ok dems off the Sarah backlash creation and back to where Obama dominates, THE ISSUES!!!!:clink:
that's the biggest lead I've seen for Mcain.
Ok dems off the Sarah backlash creation and back to where Obama dominates, THE ISSUES!!!!:clink:
John McCain, who didn't have a running mate for 5 1/2 years, he couldn't even vote, would never select a running mate simply to distract from the popularity of The One...
that's the biggest lead I've seen for Mcain.
Ok dems off the Sarah backlash creation and back to where Obama dominates, THE ISSUES!!!!:clink:

Hey Topman

I suspect you might be trying to fight fire with fire against watermark (the young commie boy) when he pulled some lib poll out of the mud to show obamie the commie is winning.

Not needed man--your better than to play their game. That is why McCain is winning, because he, and espically Palin (all Palin IMO) is not playing their game. The polls in the vast majority shows that they have no game. (you just found one)

Don't play their game (if you are)--and it is easy to out think them, because--it really is a stupid game conditioned people play. It is easy to beat them, beause they don't have a good base under their conditioning. A huge talent like Palin is currently showing the American people that--and that is why the momentum has shifted greatly two months before the election. The only reaosn why watermark found that bogus poll, is to help him see that he really has any game at all. It made him feel better, and he trys to manulipate people with poor information.
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John McCain, who didn't have a running mate for 5 1/2 years, he couldn't even vote, would never select a running mate simply to distract from the popularity of The One...

obamie the commie could not qualify to serve in the CIA, FBI, or secrrete service, because he is not AMERICAN enough. But you want him to be their boss.
Hey Topman

I suspect you might be trying to fight fire with fire against watermark (the young commie boy) when he pulled some lib poll out of the mud to show obamie the commie is winning.

Not needed man--your better than to play their game. That is why McCain is winning, because he, and espically Palin is not playing their game. The polls in the vast majority shows that they have no game. (you just found one)

Don't play their game (if you are)--and it is easy to out think them, because--it really is a stupid game conditioned people play. It is easy to beat them, beause they don't have a good base under their conditioning. A huge talent like Palin is currently showing the American people that--and that is why the momentum has shifted greatly two months before the election. The only reaosn why watermark found that bogus poll, is to help him see that he really has any game at all. It made him feel better, and he trys to manulipate people with poor information.

Hey Top, listen to the political advice of Maj! After all, he is 44 years old and has been paying attention to the game for two whole years now.

He even voted in two primaries! (of course, he didn't vote in the previous 24 years he was eligible)

Yep, he is the man to listen to for astute political advice.
Hey Top, listen to the political advice of Maj! After all, he is 44 years old and has been paying attention to the game for two whole years now.

He even voted in two primaries! (of course, he didn't vote in the previous 24 years he was eligible)

Yep, he is the man to listen to for astute political advice.

You---like your libe Palin bashers failed to mention---I am more knowledgable thn you--and much more wise. It only took me two years--to become a more responsible voter than you. What does that say about your dumb ass? YOUR VOTING FOR A FUCKING COMMIE FOR GODS SAKE!!!
You---like your libe Palin bashers failed to mention---I am more knowledgable thn you--and much more wise. It only took me two years--to become a more responsible voter than you. What does that say about your dumb ass? YOUR VOTING FOR A FUCKING COMMIE FOR GODS SAKE!!!

Y0ou worthless little worm.

You think you are more knowledgeable? I seriously doubt that.

But I at least took the time to vote in every election since I turned 18.

I at least was part of the fight to keep things right. I have never voted Dem in my entire adult life. But thanks to you and people like you, those people who voted for the bad presidents got their way.

Thanks to you and people like you we have thousands of families mourning the loss of their children in a war that we never should have been in.

Thanks to you and people like you our economy is in the worst shape it has been in for decades.

Thanks to you and people like you there have been far too many companies that had no one watching them, and they screwed hard working citizens out of billins of dollars.

YOu claim to be more intelligent and more knowledgeable? YOu are a waste of space on this planet. You have spit on the sacrifices of hundreds of thousands of our soldiers.

Try it somewhere else, you insignificant, no-voting, internet bully wannabe.
Good----am I seeing some progress with you? I thought you were a commie obamie fan.

You see, Damo votes as he believes. And he is serious about his responsibility.

You are not making progress. Those who think Obama is the best choice are not listening to your redneck rantings.

Those of us who don't think Obama is the best choice are embarrassed by you.
I tend to listen to college grads more and the real educated advanced degrees with some higher level of economic achievement have the most relevance to me.
I tend to listen to college grads more and the real educated advanced degrees with some higher level of economic achievement have the most relevance to me.

Not a bad idea. Especially if its within the range of what the college grad majored or minored in.
Ok dems off the Sarah backlash creation and back to where Obama dominates, THE ISSUES!!!!:clink:

This is where you are wrong Top. I think the polls reflect the reason

The issues is excatly what obama is not wanting to debate--espically against the rep team this year--and they know it.

Biden is already backing out--or trying to.

They have no game for Palin when talking with the people (we see that obama talks at people), and McCain will keep us safer (I for one--will be scared for my life with the commie in office), while saving us money in the process (unless he gets stupid with green wackos--which Palin will keep him in check I thope).

dems good at issues? Only when they can confuse the public sir--Palin won't let that happen. Biden kows it. the commie knows it--and the media knows it.

Say by by to the growth of socialism ion this country for a while---but good try commies.

I will bet anybody here up to $50.00 "US currency" (cause I know some of you aren't American) that MCCain takes this whole thing--and it is because of Palin IMO.

I know who can touch real Americans hearts, and who they trust--it ain't obamie the commie and old dog washington biden. If any of you overly confident, condesending, highly educated and conditioned, homo, libs (any combination of one or all) want to place a bet--shoot me a PM, and we will set it up.

For the first time in your life, I am offering you a oppertunity to show you have a grain of integrity. Do you have enough integrity to stick up for what you believe in with confidence, and put up a small, or may be large wager.

It is easy to just flap you lips, or be a keyboard politician-but how confident are you? How much do you really believe you are correct? I am willing to do more than BS on a computer--I am confident I am correct. I am ready to make some money off of you dupes! Do you think you are more wise than me--who has never even voted in a general election yet? Instead of using leglislation to take my money, I am offering you a direct rout to take my dumb ass money folks! How can you pass that up? lol

I am sure we can figure out a way to make the payment (either way it goes) so you liberials aren't to scared of a personal transaction.

Any takers? ---or are you all lip service like obama?

Shoot me a PM, and we will set individual terms to make this happen, for those who truly believe in obamie the commie.

Dems are good at issues that they want to push on you. That is not going to win this election folks.
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This is where you are wrong Top. I think the polls reflect the reason

The issues is excatly what obama is not wanting to debate--espically against the rep team this year--and they know it.

Biden is already backing out--or trying to.

They have no game for Palin when talking with the people (we see that obama talks at people), and McCain will keep us safer (I for one--will be scared for my life with the commie in office), while saving us money in the process (unless he gets stupid with green wackos--which Palin will keep him in check I thope).

dems good at issues? Only when they can confuse the public sir--Palin won't let that happen. Biden kows it. the commie knows it--and the media knows it.

Say by by to the growth of socialism ion this country for a while---but good try commies.

I will bet anybody here up to $50.00 "US currency" (cause I know some of you aren't American) that MCCain takes this whole thing--and it is because of Palin IMO.

I know who can touch real Americans hearts, and who they trust--it ain't obamie the commie and old dog washington biden. If any of you overly confident, condesending, highly educated and conditioned, homo, libs (any combination of one or all) want to place a bet--shoot me a PM, and we will set it up.

For the first time in your life, I am offering you a oppertunity to show you have a grain of integrity. Do you have enough integrity to stick up for what you believe in with confidence, and put up a small, or may be large wager.

It is easy to just flap you lips, or be a keyboard politician-but how confident are you? How much do you really believe you are correct? I am willing to do more than BS on a computer--I am confident I am correct. I am ready to make some money off of you dupes! Do you think you are more wise than me--who has never even voted in a general election yet? Instead of using leglislation to take my money, I am offering you a direct rout to take my dumb ass money folks! How can you pass that up? lol

I am sure we can figure out a way to make the payment (either way it goes) so you liberials aren't to scared of a personal transaction.

Any takers? ---or are you all lip service like obama?

Shoot me a PM, and we will set individual terms to make this happen, for those who truly believe in obamie the commie.

Dems are good at issues that they want to push on you. That is not going to win this election folks.

betting on your first election? How noble of you.