Introduction of New Member


New member

My name is CanadianKid....

I'm a kickass liberal from the great country of Canada... I come to destroy all conservatives...both the neo, religious, fiscal, and lib varieties....

I drink beer for breakfast, wine for lunch, and chumps for dinner...

I'm a typical limousine liberal with the salty tastes of a sailor... I come here to make some fools famous.... If your offended by my actions it means one of two things A) your dumb and dont understand my higher intellectual thinkings... B) your a brainless lemming of the Republican Party....

I am glad to meet you all and hope to have some fruitful and spiritful discussions...


My name is CanadianKid....

I'm a kickass liberal from the great country of Canada... I come to destroy all conservatives...both the neo, religious, fiscal, and lib varieties....

I drink beer for breakfast, wine for lunch, and chumps for dinner...

I'm a typical limousine liberal with the salty tastes of a sailor... I come here to make some fools famous.... If your offended by my actions it means one of two things A) your dumb and dont understand my higher intellectual thinkings... B) your a brainless lemming of the Republican Party....

I am glad to meet you all and hope to have some fruitful and spiritful discussions...


Don't overdo it, Kid. Your beer is piss, your wine is just juice that passed the expiration date, and we don't need to hear about your sex life or your lover named Chump. Sit down and I'll pour you a few shots of tequila or good whiskey. Then you can tell me all about how you will save the world using other people's money.

I doubt you can offend me. But give it your best shot.