

New member
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forums

I am from Southampton, UK and am a UKIP supporter, my family is from Northern Ireland on my mothers side and are Anglican which means I am also an Ulster Loyalist and a British Unionist in general who also supports the DUP and Orange Order. When it comes to US politics I am definitely a supporter of the Tea Party and Republican party and I want Donald Trump to be the Republican nominee as he seems like the best choice out of all the candidates (I would support Rand too if he didn't drop out although I'd be happy if Cruz or perhaps Carson won). Internationally I also support other political parties such as the Front National in France, the Liberal party in Australia, Fine Gael in Ireland and United Russia in Russia.

On the political compass I got: Economic Left/Right: 8.63 ,Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 3.49