Intruder Killed While Breaking into Colorado Prosecutors Home


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There are thousands of these gun self defenses throughout this Country, butt the anti-gun mainstream media tries to play them down, by either not reporting them at all, playing them down by burying them on the back pages, or just not talking about them as anything important. Thank God there are pro-gun people out there reporting these self defenses with guns and that there are websites like this one where we can at least let The People know about them.
Glad he's dead.
Folks, this is the responce of a possible criminal, either in mind or who has actually been convicted of a crime and served time, which is it? No normal law abiding person would make such a remark about someone being murdered by probably a Left Wing anti-police radical jackass. I am not a "Brilliant Writer", butt I know a jackass when I see one, because on the old Board there were many jackass Lib Demos, one being the so-called "Brilliant Writer". Everyone knew and still knows that I mentally own "The Fool", and that same Fool routinely went Bonkers on me, to the point of lunacy. You are not going to imitate the Fool, are you, and lose control just because I got the best of you here?
Folks, this is the responce of a possible criminal, either in mind or who has actually been convicted of a crime and served time, which is it? No normal law abiding person would make such a remark about someone being murdered by probably a Left Wing anti-police radical jackass. I am not a "Brilliant Writer", butt I know a jackass when I see one, because on the old Board there were many jackass Lib Demos, one being the so-called "Brilliant Writer". Everyone knew and still knows that I mentally own "The Fool", and that same Fool routinely went Bonkers on me, to the point of lunacy. You are not going to imitate the Fool, are you, and lose control just because I got the best of you here?

So ten years later it still bothers you that I called someone else a brilliant writer?

BTW who is the chubby democrat? That better not be me SJ!
So ten years later it still bothers you that I called someone else a brilliant writer?

BTW who is the chubby democrat? That better not be me SJ!

What's with this "Brilliant Writer" crap? The troll said that about me in another post. I pointed out to him I am a "Brilliant Writer", lol.

I love how he thinks the intruder was "probably a Left Wing anti-police radical jackass".

I'm willing to bet this is connected to the other murders. der...
What's with this "Brilliant Writer" crap? The troll said that about me in another post. I pointed out to him I am a "Brilliant Writer", lol.

I love how he thinks the intruder was "probably a Left Wing anti-police radical jackass".

I'm willing to bet this is connected to the other murders. der...


Ten years ago, because I believe it was actually in 2003, I mentioned that I thought a poster on our old board was a brilliant writer.

Apparently this has stuck in SJ's craw.

For a decade. I don't know...

Ten years ago, because I believe it was actually in 2003, I mentioned that I thought a poster on our old board was a brilliant writer.

Apparently this has stuck in SJ's craw.

For a decade. I don't know...

Well, I am a brilliant writer. :)
Well, I am a brilliant writer. :)
Butt, I never knew that you were gay at the time, butt that explains everything. You had a nice girlfriend, butt that was not good enough for the "Brilliant Writer", you needed moore. Did you go bonkers on me because you figured out that I was the real Macho Man on that old Board?
Butt, I never knew that you were gay at the time, butt that explains everything. You had a nice girlfriend, butt that was not good enough for the "Brilliant Writer", you needed moore. Did you go bonkers on me because you figured out that I was the real Macho Man on that old Board?

I'm sorry. You must have me confused with another genius who slapped you down. But I really am a brilliant writer.

Ten years ago, because I believe it was actually in 2003, I mentioned that I thought a poster on our old board was a brilliant writer.

Apparently this has stuck in SJ's craw.

For a decade. I don't know...
What bothered me actually was that I never saw any brilliance in this "person's" writing, but of course I might have been bias, but not racially. Whatever I stated in the past was the truth as I saw it, which may have been flawed at times, and no, you were not the Hippocrat. As far as 2003, I took a long break from posting, because I spent too much time online playing/learning Texas Holdem, and now I consider myself a pretty good player, who frequently goes to the Pechanga Casino in Temecula to play cash(low) games. The weight reference has nothing to do with you, I just like to joke around with it, to keep from getting bored. You have a very good memory, mine is just so so.
What bothered me actually was that I never saw any brilliance in this "person's" writing, but of course I might have been bias, but not racially. Whatever I stated in the past was the truth as I saw it, which may have been flawed at times, and no, you were not the Hippocrat. As far as 2003, I took a long break from posting, because I spent too much time online playing/learning Texas Holdem, and now I consider myself a pretty good player, who frequently goes to the Pechanga Casino in Temecula to play cash(low) games. The weight reference has nothing to do with you, I just like to joke around with it, to keep from getting bored. You have a very good memory, mine is just so so.

I was just kidding about that, I knew you didn't mean me.
I'm sorry. You must have me confused with another genius who slapped you down. But I really am a brilliant writer.

I'm a pretty awesome writer. I just wrote a poem for my girlfriend. Five stanzas, eight syllables per line, with an ABBAB rhyme scheme. The fifth stanza is modeled after the first in that it has the same lines repeated for A. The A lines aren't really rhyme schemes, they are just the subject of the stanza. The poem is titled after the line which appears in lines A for the first and last stanzas. I've never used this format, but it was a lot of fun. Much easier than trying to write a sonnet!
I'm a pretty awesome writer. I just wrote a poem for my girlfriend. Five stanzas, eight syllables per line, with an ABBAB rhyme scheme. The fifth stanza is modeled after the first in that it has the same lines repeated for A. The A lines aren't really rhyme schemes, they are just the subject of the stanza. The poem is titled after the line which appears in lines A for the first and last stanzas. I've never used this format, but it was a lot of fun. Much easier than trying to write a sonnet!


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..... and then you took your medication for delusional disorder. ;)

Try reading some of my articles.

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Try reading some of my articles.

I would, but the third stanza has some silly stuff I worked into it that are best left for her eyes only. Plus, my stubborn attempts to stick to the innuendo left me kind of meh about the final line of the stanza. The rest is really good. I titled it "The Woman with the Biggest Heart," because it's a true statement about her.