Investor Warns of Next Big Bust...


Staff member

Contrarian Investor Sees Economic Crash in China
by David Barboza
Friday, January 8, 2010

provided by
The New York Times
James S. Chanos built one of the largest fortunes on Wall Street by foreseeing the collapse of Enron and other highflying companies whose stories were too good to be true.

Now Mr. Chanos, a wealthy hedge fund investor, is working to bust the myth of the biggest conglomerate of all: China Inc.

As most of the world bets on China to help lift the global economy out of recession, Mr. Chanos is warning that China's hyperstimulated economy is headed for a crash, rather than the sustained boom that most economists predict. Its surging real estate sector, buoyed by a flood of speculative capital, looks like "Dubai times 1,000 -- or worse," he frets. He even suspects that Beijing is cooking its books, faking, among other things, its eye-popping growth rates of more than 8 percent.

"Bubbles are best identified by credit excesses, not valuation excesses," he said in a recent appearance on CNBC. "And there's no bigger credit excess than in China." He is planning a speech later this month at the University of Oxford to drive home his point.

As America's pre-eminent short-seller -- he bets big money that companies' strategies will fail -- Mr. Chanos's narrative runs counter to the prevailing wisdom on China. Most economists and governments expect Chinese growth momentum to continue this year, buoyed by what remains of a $586 billion government stimulus program that began last year, meant to lift exports and consumption among Chinese consumers.

More at link...
Despite his detractors, this guy has an excellent track record; he has a history of being accurate, and his views should not be dismissed out of hand. He makes good sense to me.
I correctly named 'Thorn' ignorant debtor, not American.

Let us have some financial wisdom from the Detroit dweller. Home of bankruptcy and failure.

I am laughing very much now.

I'm not bankrupt or a failure. But not everyone in China can be like me (and recent evidence shows NO ONE in China can be like me).
I'm not bankrupt or a failure. But not everyone in China can be like me (and recent evidence shows NO ONE in China can be like me).

You live in 'hell' as you describe it. By choice? Therefore you are either in poverty or what should be thought?

USA auto industry is in ruins because of the insatiable greed of your workers who boast of unsustainable wages and famous incompetence of your managers who are even now selling your industry to China.

Yet, you believe you are free because you possess firearms.

Very amusing.
You live in 'hell' as you describe it. By choice? Therefore you are either in poverty or what should be thought?

USA auto industry is in ruins because of the insatiable greed of your workers who boast of unsustainable wages and famous incompetence of your managers who are even now selling your industry to China.

Yet, you believe you are free because you possess firearms.

Very amusing.

No, I'm free because I don't get my skull crushed for protesting the government. Not that anyone in your nation could crush my skull, but that's beside the point. And yes, I live here by choice. I like it here.
No, I'm free because I don't get my skull crushed for protesting the government. Not that anyone in your nation could crush my skull, but that's beside the point. And yes, I live here by choice. I like it here.

You live in 'hell' because you like it?

I have nothing to protest. My government provides security, education and work for our citizens.

Your nation does not even give the worker work, or medicine to the sick.
You live in 'hell' because you like it?

I have nothing to protest. My government provides security, education and work for our citizens.

Your nation does not even give the worker work, or medicine to the sick.

Apparently others in your country do. And yes, I like it here. Good beer (something else China has failed at).
You live in 'hell' because you like it?

I have nothing to protest. My government provides security, education and work for our citizens.

Your nation does not even give the worker work, or medicine to the sick.

LOL... yeah great security for all the Chinese sex slaves smuggled from China to the U.S. that are in my city. The Chinese government cares so much about them.
Which refutes nothing. I know you love to try and lead away from glaring contradictions in your arguments, but seriously, everyone knows two things.

1). You're a troll, and not to be taken seriously

2). No one cares about China or what it does.

Not to mention YOU'RE the only one concerned with the disparity between the two nations.

1) Your insults are meaningless.

2) You care, obviously or else why do you afford such amusement with your feeble arguments?

3) Mongrel Obama’s much-vaunted trip to China in November was a failure: his call for an appreciation of the yuan against the dollar was ignored and in return he received a lecture on the need for financial rectitude to ensure China’s continued purchase of US bonds. At the Copenhagen climate summit, the USA was opposed by China who pointedly snubbed mongrel Obama.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the USA GDP was eight times that of China; a decade later the figure is down by half. This year China overtakes Japan to become the world’s second largest economy. In 2009 China passed the US as the world’s largest auto market and producer.

Yet you claim nobody cares about the precipitous decline of your pitiful USA?
1) Your insults are meaningless.

2) You care, obviously or else why do you afford such amusement with your feeble arguments?

3) Mongrel Obama’s much-vaunted trip to China in November was a failure: his call for an appreciation of the yuan against the dollar was ignored and in return he received a lecture on the need for financial rectitude to ensure China’s continued purchase of US bonds. At the Copenhagen climate summit, the USA was opposed by China who pointedly snubbed mongrel Obama.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the USA GDP was eight times that of China; a decade later the figure is down by half. This year China overtakes Japan to become the world’s second largest economy. In 2009 China passed the US as the world’s largest auto market and producer.

Yet you claim nobody cares about the precipitous decline of your pitiful USA?
Reached the 2nd page. Sorry, But I no longer have time for you.