Invitation System...


Staff member
I have added an invitation system that allows you to invite your friends to Let's get some new blood in here folks. There are two ways to access it, just go to your User CP, or it is on the Quick Links drop down menu.

You can also refer people to the site using the referral link option in your User CP.

It will provide a link to the index page with your referral id after it, anybody who uses it to come to the site and registers will be credited to yourself as the referrer.

You can use that same ending ?referrerid=XXX (Where XXX is your user id number) after any thread, etc. The best way to find your referral id is by clicking that link.

A good way to use this, if you are posting on a blog or talking about the site on teh interwebs you can link to whatever you were talking about while referring people to the site at the same time...

Here is an example:

You can also hyperlink it like this:

Merry Thanksgiving!
Its natural, we are all feeling a little less politicy after this election.

In a month or two there will be tons to discuss.
Here I is. Where is the Republicans? I brought a whole 5 gallon bucket of whip ass.
Boy you are so dump you will need to read the instrustions on the can.
I don't need a can, I am the wellspring, the source, of what they put in the cans you have to keep "whipping" off yo' ass!

(This guy is fun, at least for a post or two...)
Boy so dumb he don't know how to use whipass.

I'll bet you don't know how to use elbow grease either?
LOL. It'll make you lose a clearance too, if you are in the military.

The doggone army threw me out for shooding that loud guy that was always yellin at us. Heck it was only his leg.
He needed he had a filthy mouth, needed it washed out with lye soap.
i too have invented a system. it's called email. you can use it to second "electronic mail" and communicate to many people at once. spread the news.