Iran Defeats USA

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Iran's attack defeats west - In the end the west is desperately happy to have oil prices start crawling back towards affordability, and China is just as glad - so let's face it - nobody with power can touch Iran unless they want their economy destroyed by Iran first.

Three weeks of terrifying "economic sanctions" by Iran on the west, using the power of spin, PR and global media fanaticism, have left most enemies of Iran reeling, still bleeding and in pain from the financial repercussions of oil prices climbing steadily towards infinity.

Even now the price isn't coming down in any real sense, it's just deflating a bit at its new high level. Even China, in full economic bloom, suffered from the oil price hike.

Three weeks of terrifying "economic sanctions" by Iran on the west, using the power of spin, PR and global media fanaticism, have left most enemies of Iran reeling, still bleeding and in pain from the financial repercussions of oil prices climbing steadily towards infinity.

Even now the price isn't coming down in any real sense, it's just deflating a bit at its new high level. Even China, in full economic bloom, suffered from the oil price hike.

Someone should cue Mr. Barack Bluster that attacking Iran is a very bad idea.
if they interrupt the Strait of Hormuz oil will go to $250 overnight and clime from there. even a build up to war will make speculators drive the price up in anticipation.

If the US is hell bent on attacking IRAN they better fucking stockpile a bunch of oil so they can release it to US consumers under a fixed lower rate.

Three weeks of terrifying "economic sanctions" by Iran on the west, using the power of spin, PR and global media fanaticism, have left most enemies of Iran reeling, still bleeding and in pain from the financial repercussions of oil prices climbing steadily towards infinity.

Even now the price isn't coming down in any real sense, it's just deflating a bit at its new high level. Even China, in full economic bloom, suffered from the oil price hike.

Good post.

This is exactly why we need to do everything we can to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources. Invest heavily in alt energy development and infrastructure. Solar and wind to replace electric production derived from nat gas. Nat gas to replace as much oil as possible by using cars like Honda's Civic GX nat gas vehicle. Biofuel production to reduce oil demand. (the US airforce is almost 100% on algae based biofuel now)

The left won't like this point, but we also need to tap every available source of oil and nat gas whether land based, off shore or deep sea.

Finally, we need to have the Fed work to strengthen the dollar. By itself, the dollar returning to 2001 strength will drop oil prices by 40%.