Iran: Protesters 'Crushed'...


Staff member

EDITOR'S NOTE: Iranian authorities have barred journalists for international news organizations from reporting on the streets and ordered them to stay in their offices. This report is based on the accounts of witnesses reached in Iran and official statements carried on Iranian media.


A flood of security forces using tear gas and clubs quickly overwhelmed a small group of rock-throwing protesters near Iran's parliament Wednesday, and the country's supreme leader said the outcome of the disputed presidential election will stand—the latest signs of the government's growing confidence in quelling unrest on the streets.

As the election showdown has shifted, demonstrators are finding themselves increasingly scattered and struggling under a blanket crackdown that the wife of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi compared to martial law. In Wednesday's clashes, thousands of police crushed hundreds of Mousavi supporters.

The statement by supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei that the June 12 election of hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would not be reversed was accompanied by a vow that the nation's rulers would never yield to demands from the streets.

Since last week's protests, the government has unleashed days of escalating force, including the full weight of the powerful Revolutionary Guard and its feared civilian militias on the opposition.

More at link...
Mainly speaking. If you want your freedom be prepared to shed your blood for it. Do not expect anyone else to do it for you. That approach is wrong on several levels.

Something not earned is of little value.
If only Obama had spoken more forcefully about this, then the Iranians would have NEVER crushed the protesters
If only Obama had spoken more forcefully about this, then the Iranians would have NEVER crushed the protesters

So a flock of parrots think :D

Of course we have never forcefully shut down protestors in the good ol US of A have we?
Killed families of striking workers with troops?
Or anything as dastardly as assination of leaders or propping up opressive dictators?
We are after all the moral leaders of the world :usflag:
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a huge majority of people in this world have reduced themselves to angry sheep, so fuck em.

if you want freedom, shed blood for it.

Mainly speaking. If you want your freedom be prepared to shed your blood for it. Do not expect anyone else to do it for you. That approach is wrong on several levels.

Something not earned is of little value.

[ame=""]YouTube - RIP NEDA- graphic story! Iran protest! girl shot by militia[/ame]

I don't know if you guys were busy hitting the crack pipe when this happened, but the video shows a 16-year-old girl drowning in her own blood after being shot through the heart by a sniper. How you can sit your indifferent ass there, and make such ridiculous statements as "be prepared to shed your blood for freedom" is beyond me. Just what the fuck do you think they are shedding in the streets of Iran?

I have never in my life, witnessed such callous and cold-hearted behavior, and as an American, I am ashamed we have to claim scum like you.
If only Obama had spoken more forcefully about this, then the Iranians would have NEVER crushed the protesters

No, what we were consistently told by you pinhead morons, was how we needed to remain silent, to keep something like this from happening. This is exactly the excuse you gave for Obama's timid and weak response to the protesters. And here we see the results of following that path! The same path will undoubtedly be taken regarding their nukes... we will be told we must molly-coddle them, make concessions, trust them in good faith... then they will promptly turn around develop a nuke anyway!

Liberal Foreign Policy should come with a jar of Vaseline, best I can tell so far.
At this point, I don't think there is much doubt that Dixie can spin any result -for virtually any topic - in favor of whatever argument he was making. Reality has absolutely no bearing whatsoever.
How you can sit your indifferent ass there, and make such ridiculous statements as "be prepared to shed your blood for freedom" is beyond me. Just what the fuck do you think they are shedding in the streets of Iran?

I have never in my life, witnessed such callous and cold-hearted behavior, and as an American, I am ashamed we have to claim scum like you.

let's get it straight here. The Iranians are out protesting and having their blood shed while doing it. All fine and well, I guess, but what they need to be doing is shedding the states blood for their freedom.
No, what we were consistently told by you pinhead morons, was how we needed to remain silent, to keep something like this from happening. This is exactly the excuse you gave for Obama's timid and weak response to the protesters. And here we see the results of following that path! The same path will undoubtedly be taken regarding their nukes... we will be told we must molly-coddle them, make concessions, trust them in good faith... then they will promptly turn around develop a nuke anyway!

Liberal Foreign Policy should come with a jar of Vaseline, best I can tell so far.

Why is it right wing pea brains like you always need to paint the President's well though out and intelligent response using extreme hyperbole, ridiculous portrayals like "we must molly-coddle them" and childish polarized statements?

You have absolutely NO understanding that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad WANT Obama to spew your bellicose rhetoric, it will enable them to minimize the protesters to dispensable enemies that are just agents of America...
Why is it right wing pea brains like you always need to paint the President's well though out and intelligent response using extreme hyperbole, ridiculous portrayals like "we must molly-coddle them" and childish polarized statements?

You have absolutely NO understanding that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad WANT Obama to spew your bellicose rhetoric, it will enable them to minimize the protesters to dispensable enemies that are just agents of America...

After he spent most of the early part of the week mischaracterizing Obama's words with creative "paraphrases," Dixie admitted that he hadn't really heard Obama speak on the subject.

He has a whole list of adjectives & misinformation he pulls from any time anyone on the left says anything. It keeps him from actually having to listen.