Iranian VP: Israel is our friend... but they still don't exist....


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Iran VP: Iranians Are 'Friends' With Israelis

TEHRAN, Iran — Iranian media are quoting the country's vice president as saying Iranians are "friends of all people in the world — even Israelis."

It is a rare comment from a government official in Iran, whose president regularly calls for Israel's destruction.

Several newspapers and the official Web site of Iran's tourism agency on Monday attributed the comment to Vice President Esfandiar Rahim Mashai, who is in charge of Iranian tourism and historical sites.

It is believed to be the first time an official Iranian government Web site has carried an expression of sympathy by an Iranian vice president toward Israelis.

Mashai stressed, however, that his comments did not constitute recognition of Israel's legitimacy.

In late July, Mashai made similar comments, saying: "Iran wants no war with any country, and today Iran is friend of the United States and even Israel.... Our achievements belong to the whole world and should be used for expanding love and peace."
So, does this imply that the Iranian government, or at least the Vice President, has imaginery friends much like five year olds do?

Kind of reminds me of an old State Department joke.

An American diplomat is casually chatting with some of his Arab counterparts when he sees the Israeli Ambassador walking their way.

The American cheerfully says, "Gentlemen, the Israeli ambassador."

One of the Arabs sternly replies, "We do not recognize the Zionist occupiers of Palestine."

Waving the Ambassador over, the American says, "Then by all means, allow me to make the introductions!"

The next day, the American was transferred to a desk job in Lesotho. Apparently humor is not a prerequisite for diplomatic prowess.
Waving the Ambassador over, the American says, "Then by all means, allow me to make the introductions!"

I think the American needs a raise. I'd consider that bit of humor to be brilliant statesmanship.
Iran VP: Iranians Are 'Friends' With Israelis

TEHRAN, Iran — Iranian media are quoting the country's vice president as saying Iranians are "friends of all people in the world — even Israelis."

It is a rare comment from a government official in Iran, whose president regularly calls for Israel's destruction.

Several newspapers and the official Web site of Iran's tourism agency on Monday attributed the comment to Vice President Esfandiar Rahim Mashai, who is in charge of Iranian tourism and historical sites.

It is believed to be the first time an official Iranian government Web site has carried an expression of sympathy by an Iranian vice president toward Israelis.

Mashai stressed, however, that his comments did not constitute recognition of Israel's legitimacy.

In late July, Mashai made similar comments, saying: "Iran wants no war with any country, and today Iran is friend of the United States and even Israel.... Our achievements belong to the whole world and should be used for expanding love and peace."

Oh well, we can't have anyone crazy-talking like this. Let's immediately jump all over it and remember what someone else said before this. What if a sentiment like this actually took hold?
Oh well, we can't have anyone crazy-talking like this. Let's immediately jump all over it and remember what someone else said before this. What if a sentiment like this actually took hold?

Actually, from what I gather, the average Iranian is rather far removed from the regime's fire and brimstone/black and white world view. America is generally admired for its political and cultural openess and the Palestinian cause is far from the rallying cry it is among the Revolutionary Guards Corps and the Quds Force.

Now if they could just do something about those pesky Ayatollahs and Mr. Ahmedinejad.