Iran's Revolutionary Guard among Hizbollah combat dead


Junior Member

Iranians among Hizbollah combat dead

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard have been found among Hizbollah guerrillas slain by Israeli forces in southern Lebanon, Israel's Channel 10 television reported on Wednesday citing diplomatic sources.

It said the Iranians were identified by documents found on their bodies, but gave no further details on how many were discovered or when. Neither the Israeli military nor Hizbollah representatives in Beirut had immediate comment on the report.

Iran, like fellow Hizbollah patron Syria, insists its support for the Shi'ite guerrilla group is purely moral.

Israel says many of the rockets being fired against its civilian and military targets are Iranian made, and that Hizbollah fighters taking on its forces trained in Iran. Washington also accuses Tehran of actively funding Hizbollah.

Iran's Revolutionary Guards are traditionally very close to fellow Shi'ite Muslims in Hizbollah and were deployed in south Lebanon in the 1980s.
Not in any way supporting the hezbola types, but I understand that if one of our allies is in trouble we will go their aid right ? So why should IRAN, Syria, etc be any different. This was to be expected. Anyone who did not expect this to happen either did not understand the situation or wanted the situation to escalate.
Hezbo is not the goverment of Lebanon just trying to take it over. Syria and Iran should not be there.