Iraq didn't attack us on 9/11

Cawacko you haven’t been around. Did you finally get a real job? Or did you discover youporn?

I discovered youporn about a month ago and life has not been the same since! No, I have a real job they have been cracking down and giving me real work. The nerve of these people!
I discovered youporn about a month ago and life has not been the same since! No, I have a real job they have been cracking down and giving me real work. The nerve of these people!

Ohh, I hate when they do that. You get used to getting paid for, basically, screwing off on the internet all day, and then all of a sudden, things change. It’s un-American, and it hurts our troops!
Ohh, I hate when they do that. You get used to getting paid for, basically, screwing off on the internet all day, and then all of a sudden, things change. It’s un-American, and it hurts our troops!

That's a great point. I don't know if I can continue to work in this type of environment.
No right-wing or moderate American political leader has ever said Iraq attacked us on 9/11. The only people I have ever hear make that argument, are liberals who think that was the message from something they misconstrued from Bush. It is probably the reason the Bush Administration made the case for war on basis of WMD's instead of a connection to Islamic terror, because they feared just this sort of criticism. In retrospect, it is probably the single biggest mistake the Bush Administration made, not connecting Saddam to alQaeda, as our intelligence reports indicate.

Let's be clear, "Iraq" has never attacked the US, the people of Iraq are very cordial toward the people of the US, and always have been. The tyrant dictator who once ruled Iraq, Saddam Hussein, is a different matter. He certainly did wage attacks on the US and on US interests in the middle east. He was connected to the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Centers, and actually provided safe haven (and a pay check) to one of the bombers. Members of his regime, acting on his behalf, met with representatives of alQaeda on eight different occasions, and he sent his deputy prime minister to Afghanistan to meet personally with Osama Bin Laden. He made facilities available in Salman Pak, for the training of terrorists, including members of alQaeda. Three independent reports said that he did indeed have a WMD program, the evidence of facilities and equipment were there, although no stockpiles were ever found. As late as 1996, he had 80,000 liters of chemical weapons, which had not been accounted for, and remain unaccounted for... and we KNOW FOR CERTAIN these existed, because the UN verified and confirmed it.

So, you are absolutely right, Iraq didn't attack us on 9/11, but that was never in question.
" not connecting Saddam to alQaeda, as our intelligence reports indicate. "

Man, you are such a liar. You really suck, Dixie.

And it's in your posts & many others that the link has been subtly made that "they attacked us on 9/11, so we hit back!" Don't even try to deny that, because you know I can find the quotes.

You're a lying little punk, Dixie; totally delusional, and living in your own version of reality.
" not connecting Saddam to alQaeda, as our intelligence reports indicate. "

Man, you are such a liar. You really suck, Dixie.

And it's in your posts & many others that the link has been subtly made that "they attacked us on 9/11, so we hit back!" Don't even try to deny that, because you know I can find the quotes.

You're a lying little punk, Dixie; totally delusional, and living in your own version of reality.

go find the quotes im calling you out. sticking up for dixie this time.
Who cares who you're standing up for? I'm kinda glad you're not with me. I ain't doing shite for your worthless arse, Grind.

im not saying you are right or wrong. But it's not something that sticks out completely in my memory. You said you could find the quotes easily so lets go. Put up or shut up.
The only people I have ever hear make that argument, are liberals who think that was the message from something they misconstrued from Bush.

I pointed this out, I don't know if the pinhead missed it or not. They trotted out a bunch of speeches from Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice, where they are discussing the connection between Saddam and alQaeda, which Liberals interpreted "Saddam attacked us on 9/11" from. No one has EVER made that statement, or inferred that argument. I will add this, we simply do not know if Saddam had anything to do with the attacks on 9/11. We have found no evidence to support that charge, so we can't make it. This doesn't automatically mean that Saddam had absolutely nothing to do with the attacks, just that we have no evidence to prove he did. We do have evidence that he assisted with the first WTC bombing in 1993, that is indisputable.
"This doesn't automatically mean that Saddam had absolutely nothing to do with the attacks, just that we have no evidence to prove he did."

This also means that we can't say you weren't involved with the 9/11 attacks, only that we don't have evidence to prove it. See how dumb it is to say something like that? You are either insinuating something or you aren't.
Lorax has a big mouth and nothing to back his accusations....

Dims and libs lived in a parallel universe that allows them to make up shit at will to re-enforce their fantasies along with their Bush hate and America hate....
The Senate Report on Iraq and Al Qaeda which was released in the fall of 2006, with Senator Roberts (R) of Kansas, created when Republicans were still in control of the Senate says there was no Sadam Al Qaeda connections.
The Senate Report on Iraq and Al Qaeda which was released in the fall of 2006, with Senator Roberts (R) of Kansas, created when Republicans were still in control of the Senate says there was no Sadam Al Qaeda connections.

And the 911 Comission Report made note of the fact that Clark expressed a link between AQ with Iraqis, collaborating together to produce WMD (gas/chemicals) in the "factory" that clinton attacked in Sudan during the Clinton Admin...