Iraq war could cost taxpayers $2.7 trillion

And I do not expect tha tfigure includes the war premium on oil we have already paid and will pay. I expect if you consider all the finiancial implications it will be double that figure.
We could pay for a lot of college tuition, votech and infrastructure improvements with that kinda Cashhhh.
But to paraphrase John McCain, the cost isn't that important right now. What is important is that we have a stable democratic government to act as beacon, that Islamic City on the Hill, where other Moslems can look to and throw off the shackles of islamofacism, just like Iraq did, except for the Islamofacism stuff.

Sound good huh? I should write for the McCain Campaign.
It's obvious from the natural disasters and infrastructure collapses happening in this country today .. infrastructure must become a priority.
I also think that what is obvious is that with all the floods and tornados in the heartland, God is mighty pissed at the midwest. I am going to write reverend Haggee and ask him what sin the midwest is being punished for.
Hagee, I was channel surfing and saw him leading a show titled something like Christians for Jews" or somesuch on one of the religious channels.

Hagee is a Noahide fer sure.
But to paraphrase John McCain, the cost isn't that important right now. What is important is that we have a stable democratic government to act as beacon, that Islamic City on the Hill, where other Moslems can look to and throw off the shackles of islamofacism, just like Iraq did, except for the Islamofacism stuff.

Sound good huh? I should write for the McCain Campaign.


I also think that what is obvious is that with all the floods and tornados in the heartland, God is mighty pissed at the midwest. I am going to write reverend Haggee and ask him what sin the midwest is being punished for.

God is looking for Ark builders .. must work well with animals.
It's obvious from the natural disasters and infrastructure collapses happening in this country today .. infrastructure must become a priority.
The American Society of Civil Engineers has been pressing the issue of infrastructure for 15+ years. But, they were demagogued with "They would make money off this!" So here we are with things falling down.
