Iraqis cannot forget what Americans have done here’


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Iraqis cannot forget what Americans have done here’

By Global Research News

Global Research, December 01, 2012

I sat in on a lecture, given in English, to maybe fifty or more young men and women at a college in Ramadi.

Then a young man in the front row only a couple of feet from me said in a quiet voice “We have nothing to say. The last years have been only sad ones.” Again there was silence.

Sami, my host from Najaf and part of the Muslim Peacemaker Team, stood and shared. He told the story of how, after the U.S. bombing assaults on Fallujah, he and others came from the Shia cities of Najaf and Karbala, to carry out a symbolic act of cleaning up rubble and trash in the streets of Fallujah. This gesture, he said, melted hearts and healed some of the brokenness between Sunni and Shia. He
spoke of the delegation of peacemakers from the United States who were just in Najaf for twelve days, of the work to build bridges and seek reconciliation.

An impassioned young woman from the middle of the lecture hall spoke up. It was obviously not easy for her. “It is not,” she said, “about lack of water and electricity [something I had mentioned]. You have destroyed everything. You have destroyed our country. You have destroyed what is inside of us! You have destroyed our ancient civilization. You have taken our smiles from us. You have
taken our dreams!”

Someone asked, “Why did you this? What did we do to you that you would do this to us?”

“Iraqis cannot forget what Americans have done here,” said another. “They destroyed the childhood. You don’t destroy everything and then say ‘We’re sorry.’ “You don’t commit crimes and then say ‘Sorry.’”

“To bomb us and then send teams to do investigations on the effects of the bombs…No, it will not be forgotten. It is not written on our hearts, it is carved in our hearts.”

Petagon got fat budget. Americans harvest hatred.
Yes we are sorry you didn't overthrow the Bastard yourselves, we are sorry for the future freedom you will enjoy we are sorry for the suicide bombers who did most of the bombing after the initial days of the war
Could there be a family anywhere in Iraq who did not have a family member killed by the USA?

But that's necessary price you should pay to overthrow a bastard and for the future freedom. According to patriot66. Of course, the sacrifice can't be his family members. Here is what "future freedom" has given:

Saddam has not killed that many people in years as the "democratic" Iraq has!

8 killed, 24 injured in another day of carnage in Baghdad

Iraqis inspect the damage from mortar rounds that struck the Chikok neighborhood of Baghdad on October 23, 2012.

Official figures show that September was the bloodiest month in Iraq in almost two years, with attacks killing 365 people, the highest monthly death toll since August 2010.
Violence has increased in Iraq since December 2011, when an arrest warrant was issued for fugitive Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi, who has been charged with running a death squad targeting Iraqi officials and Shia Muslims.
Darla who is katsung47? It seems like this random poster that pops in once a month and digs up the threads they were talking on the last time and continues the conversation.
Darla who is katsung47? It seems like this random poster that pops in once a month and digs up the threads they were talking on the last time and continues the conversation.

I thought they were a bot. I could have sworn that water told me that a long time ago. But then he said that he never said that. And that katsung is a real poster. I find it hard to believe it is a real person, but I don't know.
meh their country has been a shithole for a long while now. And yeah guys, you will move on, your city has pretty much been invaded by every civilization in the history of mankind. we are a flash in the pan. You're just mad that now you don't have any more excuses going forward as to why you all live in sand.
meh their country has been a shithole for a long while now. And yeah guys, you will move on, your city has pretty much been invaded by every civilization in the history of mankind. we are a flash in the pan. You're just mad that now you don't have any more excuses going forward as to why you all live in sand.

Yeah, imagine being involved in some form of war for nearly a century! They should have gone the way of their neighbors, like Abu Dhabi!
meh their country has been a shithole for a long while now. And yeah guys, you will move on, your city has pretty much been invaded by every civilization in the history of mankind. we are a flash in the pan. You're just mad that now you don't have any more excuses going forward as to why you all live in sand.

Yeah try and divert this to a thread about the JOOS.
We gave them democracy and got rid of Sadam what more could they want?

You think you are God that gave them gift? Did they ask you for that? What US left for Iraq is the world’s fourth-most-corrupt country and by far the worst in the Middle East, according to an US asset agent.

How the U.S. and the world can help Iraq
By Ayad Allawi, Published: August 31

“More than eight years after Saddam Hussein’s regime was overthrown, basic services are in a woeful state: Most of the country has only a few hours of electricity a day. Blackouts were increasingly common this summer.

“Oil exports, still Iraq’s only source of income, are barely more than they were when Hussein was toppled. The government has squandered the boon of high oil prices and failed to create real and sustainable job growth. Iraq’s economy has become an ever more dysfunctional mix of cronyism and mismanagement, with high unemployment and endemic corruption.
Transparency International ranks Iraq the world’s fourth-most-corrupt country and by far the worst in the Middle East. The promise of improved security has been empty, with sectarianism on the rise.”

False Promises

Allawi also cites the false promises of democracy:

“Despite failing to win the most seats in last year’s elections, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki clung to power through a combination of Iranian support and U.S. compliance. He now shows an alarming disregard for democratic principles and the rule of law.

“Vital independent institutions such as the election commission, the transparency commission and Iraq’s central bank have been ordered to report directly to the office of the prime minister. Meanwhile, Maliki refuses to appoint consensus candidates as defense and interior ministers, as per last year’s power-sharing agreement.

“The government is using blatant dictatorial tactics and intimidation to quell opposition, ignoring the most basic human rights. Human Rights Watch reported in February on secret torture prisons under Maliki’s authority.

“In June, it exposed the government’s use of hired thugs to beat, stab and even sexually assault peaceful demonstrators in Baghdad who were complaining about corruption and poor services. These horrors are reminiscent of autocratic responses to demonstrations by failing regimes elsewhere in the region, and a far cry from the freedom and democracy promised in the new Iraq.

“Is this really what the United States sacrificed more than 4,000 young men and women, and hundreds of billions of dollars, to build? The trend of failure is becoming irreversible.”
So what is going on here? How can the U.S. media hail Petraeus’s “successful surge” and write about “victory at last” in Iraq when it appears that the Bush-Cheney-neocon intervention has created what amounts to a failed state in Iraq?
You think you are God that gave them gift? Did they ask you for that? What US left for Iraq is the world’s fourth-most-corrupt country and by far the worst in the Middle East, according to an US asset agent.
And we wonder why people laugh we when call a mission "iraqi freedom".