Ireland has taken the side of Hamas terrorism

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Well, at least it’s clear how one gets the Irish, Spanish and Norwegian governments on side: murder and rape as many Jews as you can find.

Whatever your views on Israel, whatever you think of the conflict, be in no doubt about the only substantive message of yesterday’s decision by those three governments to recognise Palestine as a state.

Hamas has already welcomed it. Of course it has, because the terrorist organisation (which is committed to the elimination of Jews) now has direct causal evidence to show to Palestinians that terrorism works. Hamas murdered Jews – I’m sorry, I forgot we are supposed to say “Zionists” – and a few months later, bingo: the Irish, the Spanish and the Norwegians all fall into line.

This is the key – indeed the only - point about yesterday’s coordinated announcements: it has strengthened the terrorists by showing that Western governments will act as a result of terrorism. And that’s all there is to note about it.

Don’t think this will have any beneficial impact for the Palestinians themselves, or even that it is meant to.

Before yesterday, 141 countries recognised a Palestinian state. If you think the addition of three more countries to that list will make any difference at all to reality – that somehow it will magic up the existence of an actual Palestinian state rather than the imagined one that exists only to enable politicians who know next to nothing about the Middle East to virtue signal – then, as they say, I have a bridge to sell you.

Well, at least it’s clear how one gets the Irish, Spanish and Norwegian governments on side: murder and rape as many Jews as you can find.
You still cannot be honest.

Hamas has no military. There is no Hamas terrorism. There is only Al Qassam, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad terrorism, and they all obey Iran.

Hamas is a political party of empty hatred.
The slaughter of Palestinians is greeted with disgust by many nations. It is not antisemitic, but wanting nearly defenseless Palestinians to be treated humanely.
The slaughter of Palestinians is greeted with disgust by many nations. It is not antisemitic, but wanting nearly defenseless Palestinians to be treated humanely.
I disagree.
The Palestinians are an inherently dislikable lot.
They followed Arafat and they follow Hamas jihadists now.
Their terrorists have attacked Israeli civilians for generations.

I in particular don't understand Americans who sympathize with them.
I think it's just hippie virtue signaling, and it's a very bad look.
They should be ashamed of themselves.
The slaughter of Palestinians is greeted with disgust by many nations. It is not antisemitic, but wanting nearly defenseless Palestinians to be treated humanely.
Im disgusted by it too but what should Israel do? Hamas has explicitly said they want Jews gone.