Is An American life worth more than an Iraqi life?


New member
Seems like it with all the crybaby fake patriotism crowds on here....

Come on all you Lieberman Democrats... with your useless bake sales and fundraising parties.....We need more ammo for the soldiers to blow up things!!!!


I belive a life is a life.

Interesting how the news never covers the detales of how many Iraqui lives have been slaughtered.
I belive a life is a life.

Interesting how the news never covers the detales of how many Iraqui lives have been slaughtered.

The Conservative Media always plays up the death of 1 American soldier...and just leave it as a footnote on the same day that 1000 Iraqis died....

Thats why Desh gets her twat in a wad over 1 american death but she doesnt give a shit that 1000 Iraqis died the same day...

Our military had orders not to count Iraqi dead for quite a while there.

This is all intentional.

We did the same thing in Panama.
I consider the soldiers heros until proven otherwise. They are not allowed to, nor should they, question legal orders. My problem is with those who sent them to Iraq.