Is Bill Keller a false prophet?


I dare you to stop us GL
Surely, this can't be true because if it were then Keller would be a hypocrite for calling Bad.Saddam Hussien Osama one. Let's just look at the facts and ignore the fear mongering that the far-left uses to damage Keller's reputation. Let's go back to 2004!!!!!

"First of all, I will NOT apologize for anything that I said Monday."

Hmmm, what did he say?

"I am sad to say today that President Bush has failed in that special role God called him to play in leading this nation back to the God of the Bible. FOR THAT REASON, HE WILL NOT BE RE-ELECTED."

Well, it's not like he said God told him that.

"I will NEVER apologize for telling you what God has told me to say no matter how many people may be upset with me."

Well, that doesn't make him a false prophet!

"If I am wrong, I should be considered a false prophet."

How do we really know that President Bush was re-elected? Maybe God is tricking us? Maybe he switched Kerry's soul with Bush's. It could happen!!! Look, Bill thought Bush would lose. He didn't know God would change his mind at the last minute and screw him over. Besides Keller wasn't the only one who put his good name on the line with the prophecy talk.

"I am also very well aware that Pat Robertson has predicted President Bush will win in a landslide. The fact is, on November 9th, either Pat Robertson or Bill Keller will be wrong. I have clearly stated in the past that the penalty for a false prophet is to be stoned to death. I support that standard and am willing, I wonder if Pat is."

Go easy there Bill. I don't think stoning you to death is the answer. But I have to hand it to the man. He talks the talk and he walks the walk. If you want to stone the man to death, then it's ok with him! The man has balls unlike Pat Robertson. The man is a weasel and what Keller says next proves that!!!

"Like most who say they hear from God and have been wrong, Pat has always found an excuse why he was wrong and just keeps on going. The fact is, God is NEVER WRONG. One of us is a false prophet! I will make NO EXCUSES."

Did you hear that folks? NO EXCUSES WHATSOEVER! And just to prove it even further, I'll show you my conversation with him.



Is Bill Keller a false prophet?


Bill Keller-

does a false prophet lead a 1/4 souls to faith in Jesus??

Know that I am praying for you, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller



Apparently so. You at least admit that Keller is a false prophet right?


Bill Keller-

a false prophet leads people AWAY from God and His Truth..not TO God and his Truth..sorry..go back to your daddy satan and let him know you failed..again

Know that I am praying for you, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller



But Keller admitted that he was a false prophet for saying Bush would lose the 04 election.


Bill Keller-

enjoy hell Joey...a false prophet leads people AWAY from Christ..not TO Christ as Dr. Keller does

Know that I am praying for you, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller


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