Is Cellular Democracy the answer to money in politics?

I was researching different government structures for my science fiction universe and I came across an idea too good to pass up.

Cellular Democracy

Cellular Democracy is a type of government where the entire country (or world) is divided up into Community Zones. Each Community Zone would have 300-1000 people in it. For the sake of this description, lets just say 300. The constituents of each Community Zone would elect a representative, the Community Executive. Then Community Zones would be grouped together into City Zones. The Community Executives would vote for a City Executive (or Mayor). Then the City and County Executives of a State Zone would elect a State Executive (or Governor). The Governors would then elect a President. If this was to become a world-wide government, the Country Executives would elect a Planet Executive.

Immediately two things come to mind when I think of this structure. First, it would remove money from politics since any candidate on any level of government, would only have 300 voters to campaign for. It's easy for a candidate without any money to campaign for 300 voters, he or she can simply knock on each of their doors and have dinner with them. The second thing is, that this structure would make it easier and cheaper to reach out to the entire country. For example, the President could educate the Governors on an issue, then the Governors would educate the City and County Executives and the City and County Executives would educate the Community Executives who would then educate the citizens. Using a series of of more intimate relationships, the government would not need to spend money on educating the public and they can also go into more detail instead of a commercial with a quick sound bite. I personally think this structure would eliminate the money in politics and create more intimate relationships between constituents and representatives. There is also the added benefit that, for example, the Governors are more experienced in running a state and know what a state needs so they are better qualified to elect a President. Citizens know what a community needs and so on.

What do you think about Cellular Democracy as a solution?

Here are some links:

An article about Cellular Democracy on

The Wikipedia page for Cellular Democracy

The petition for Cellular Democracy on