Is democracy dying in the world?


New member
I'm serious in putting the question. I'm not referring to our various domestic political fights left v right and all the rest of it and I'm not really even thinking about the old paradigm. I was doing a bit of idle reflection and without going through Google exhaustively it struck me that liberal democracy is in a pretty parlous state in the world.

A quick and lazy audit told me that it's gone in Russia, China of course has never had it. Africa is in a terrible state. Asia is very dodgy. Doesn't leave much does it?

But I also wonder if people give a rat's arse. Provided you get food, shelter, care, social services that we all need for a decent life, then is it really a problem? Can we do without liberal democracy if our everyday needs are met? And would most of us care?
As long as we have our bread and circus's most people will be fine with democracys demise untill it is far too late.
I'm serious in putting the question. I'm not referring to our various domestic political fights left v right and all the rest of it and I'm not really even thinking about the old paradigm. I was doing a bit of idle reflection and without going through Google exhaustively it struck me that liberal democracy is in a pretty parlous state in the world.

A quick and lazy audit told me that it's gone in Russia, China of course has never had it. Africa is in a terrible state. Asia is very dodgy. Doesn't leave much does it?

But I also wonder if people give a rat's arse. Provided you get food, shelter, care, social services that we all need for a decent life, then is it really a problem? Can we do without liberal democracy if our everyday needs are met? And would most of us care?

There are more democracies than at any time in the past, it's just that not many of them have turned into liberal democracies.

It's not the system of government either. Singapore and the UK have the SAME system of government, to chillingly different efffects. One road lead to single-party corporate fascism, the other lead to a vibrant multi-party liberal democracy.

It's just the attitude of the people. A system of government can be designed to resist the will of the people, but it can't overcome it. Even if you took away America's constitution, there'd still be freedom of speech and religion. But if you put our same constitution into law in Saudi Arabia, it would be widly ignored and interpreted out of existence.
The problems is there are elites who don't want our needs met. They want all the resources of earth for themselves and THEIR future children, so they are intent on controlling all resources by locking them to a currency they control. Then they just invent excuses to have a RECESSION or a WAR to cull the herd every so often. It's some sinister shit and it's all true.
I have read that there are certain stages in democracy and at the moment can't recall the number (7?). The first, of course, is revolution. It appears that we are in one of the later stages, complacency, and this sounds quite a death knell for the process. In this stage too many people take what they see as a safe and comfortable way of living for granted but don't seem to truly understand it or value it enough to do what may be necessary to preserve it. That sounds like about where the nation is now.
its good to see liberals waking up to the fact that the corporatists are always at war with democracy.