Is Ethiopia A Military Threat?


Verified User
If it is I fail to see it.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

QUESTION: Does the First Amendment mean that it is constitutional to protect an organized religion after it is established?

ANSWER: Not if the Constitution means freedom FROM religion.

The First Amendment guaranties FREEDOM FROM RELIGION as well as freedom of religion. If the Founders did not intend FREEDOM FROM RELIGION the government would have the constitutional authority to force every American to support an organized religion, or a cult, or a political cause as Democrats have been doing since the end of WWII.

If you interpret this article correctly you will see that the International (noun) Community means the U.S. Military will protect and defend religion via United Nations ‘peacekeepers’:

Abune Mathias

The leader of the largest religious sect in Ethiopia denounced the genocide in Tigray and called for a more aggressive response from the international community.

In a video smuggled out of the war-torn region, Abune Mathias, the head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, condemned the Ethiopian regime for "the highest brutality and cruelty." The remarks from the high-profile religious leader come as the civil conflict enters its seventh month.

"I am not clear why they want to declare genocide on the people of Tigray," Mathias said, according to a translation from the Associated Press. "It is not the fault of the Tigray people. The whole world should know it."

In the face of criticism from activists, the Biden administration signaled that it is paying increased attention to the region as it recently announced the appointment of Jeffrey Feltman to the newly created position of special envoy for the Horn of Africa. "In terms of an immediate focus, without question, there has to be attention paid to Tigray," Feltman said. At the beginning of May, Feltman embarked on a 10-day trip to Africa to visit four countries, including Ethiopia and neighboring Eritrea.

The State Department did not respond to a request for comment.

Note that President Trump violated the First Amendment along with his oath of office:

The Biden administration's decision to deemphasize religious freedom abroad has raised concerns about its ability to respond to genocides of religious minorities. In March 2020, the Trump administration issued an executive order that directed federal agencies to take steps to "prioritize international religious freedom in the planning and implementation of United States foreign policy." A little more than a year later, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that he would "repudiate" the Trump administration's focus on religious freedom in favor of other issues, such as LGBT rights and access to abortion.

Several reports from the region of Tigray, located in northern Ethiopia, have relayed human rights abuses and mass refugee displacement. Footage recorded within the region show pro-government forces shelling and looting churches. Eyewitnesses also reported the massacre of hundreds of people who took refuge inside an Orthodox church. According to a 2007 census, Ethiopian Orthodox believers make up more than 40 percent of the country's population.

Eritrea acknowledged the presence of its troops in the country after months of denying it was involved in the conflict on behalf of Ethiopian prime minister Abiy Ahmed's regime. The country announced its intention to withdraw, but lawmakers on the House Foreign Affairs Committee issued a bipartisan statement Monday criticizing Eritrea for not honoring its commitment to withdraw and urged the Biden administration to step up to punish Ethiopia's government.

"The appointment of special envoy for the Horn of Africa, Jeffrey Feltman, underscores our commitment to finding a solution to this conflict and working with our partners to address other important issues in the Horn," Reps. Michael McCaul (R., Texas) and Gregory Meeks (D., N.Y.) said. "As he travels throughout the region to engage key stakeholders on these pressing matters, we urge the administration to urgently use all available tools, including sanctions and other restrictive measures, to hold all perpetrators accountable and bring an end to this conflict."

Ethiopian Orthodox Church Urges Action in Human Rights Crisis
Graham Piro
May 10, 2021 6:00 pm

NOTE: Whatever China Joe Biden does in Ethiopia he will do it to protect his religions —— Roman Catholicism and Socialism.

Just to be clear. There is no objection to killing Muslims trying to kill you, while Constitution-loving Americans would cut their own throats if they fight to replace one religion with another. Americans must defeat Islam as a matter of self-defense, but they must not do it for Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Socialism, democracy, the United Nations, and certainly not for the New World Order. Fighting for their country is the only thing Americans should fight for.

p.s. Expect media mouths to say that Commanders in Chief Biden/Harris protect the country whenever they order the U.S. Military to serve the United Nations.
The First Amendment guaranties FREEDOM FROM RELIGION as well as freedom of religion. If the Founders did not intend FREEDOM FROM RELIGION the government would have the constitutional authority to force every American to support an organized religion, or a cult, or a political cause as Democrats have been doing since the end of WWII.

This, too, is freedom of religion —— but not FROM:

Hundreds of workers from India were allegedly lured to New Jersey and forced to work for just a few dollars a day to help build a massive Hindu temple, according to a lawsuit on Tuesday.

Indian workers held captive and forced to build New Jersey temple, lawsuit claims
By Tamar Lapin
May 11, 2021 | 11:42pm

Muslims have been abusing the First Amendment for decades:

Ever since 9-11-2001 I have been saying that Islam should be legally defined as a political movement which it is, while Socialism/Communism should be defined as a religion which it is. In that way both are denied First Amendment protection. In short: Socialism violates the First Amendment because it is a religion implementing the tax collector’s morality, while Islam is NOT entitled to First Amendment protection because it is a political movement.

On the bright side Hindus and Muslims killed each other in India. That was the reason for Partition in 1947.

Happily, this country will not partition to stop Muslims and Hindus from killing each other. Once they get to killing each other here the rest of us should sit back and enjoy the show.

Finally, Kamala Harris’ mother came from India; so Muslims better watch their asses if the San Francisco tramp comes down on the side of Hindus.