Is Ferraro still Hillary surrogate?


Abreast of the situations
If so this is a clear attempt to sabotage Obama for the general.... This is the very scary part of the dem party I hope Obama treats like the crazy aunt when hes president.

(CNN) — Geraldine Ferraro, the outspoken former Democratic vice presidential candidate and a supporter of Hillary Clinton's White House bid, told the New York Times she may not vote for Barack Obama should he be the party's nominee.

Ferraro, a former member of Clinton's finance committee who resigned that post earlier this year after making comments many viewed as racially offensive, also said she thinks the Illinois senator has been "terribly sexist" over the course of the presidential campaign.

The comments appear to underscore the potential difficulty Obama may have courting some women voters in the fall — many of whom have said they feel a solidarity with the New York senator over the barriers Clinton faces in her bid to become the first female president.

Ferraro has not shied away from discussing the impact of race and gender throughout the Democratic presidential campaign. In March, the former congresswoman told a California newspaper the chief reason Obama's candidacy was successful was because he was black.

"If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position," she told The Daily Breeze. "And if he was a woman, he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."

Ferraro also said Clinton had been the victim of a "sexist media."

Obama later called those comments "ridiculous," and Clinton said she disagreed with them.

Ferraro maintained her comments were not racist, but ultimately resigned from the Clinton campaign after they caused an uproar.

"The Obama campaign is attacking me to hurt you. I won't let that happen," she wrote in her resignation letter to Clinton, adding, "I am who I am and I will continue to speak up."
My favorite thing about Ferraro is her claim that you can't criticize the Obama campaign without being called 'racist,' and yet with her, everything is 'sexist' and Obama is 'terribly sexist.'

She has committed legacy suicide; very sad...
Who cares about Ferraro ? I did not even realize she still existed until a couple of months ago.

Yeah, she is like one of those people who you forgot were still alive until they die? Like Ronald Reagan and Charlton Heston and all of those Republican icons we are supposed to prostrate ourselves with grief over when they die? And 82 percent of Americans forget they were still alive, and when they die they realize how much they’re going to miss them, and then we have to have a week-long commemoration of their lives and all wax nostalogic about things aren’t going to be the same now that they’re dead not just alive but nobody knew it?
You can't remember VP candidates for the party you have voted for other than in small local elections for the past 20 years?

Ohh I remember who she WAS, but no longer care who she IS.

I was not impressed with her then either.

Besides I will have to ponder on it, that might have been when I voted for Ross.
Ohh I remember who she WAS, but no longer care who she IS.

I was not impressed with her then either.

Besides I will have to ponder on it, that might have been when I voted for Ross.
No, it wasn't. I remember it and it was before I could vote. Mondale had Ferraro as his VP pick. She's an ICON. The first woman to be a candidate as VP on any party's ticket.